View Full Version : What image are you using? What are your thoughts on E2 for this box?

31-05-2011, 12:58 PM
Now we have a dedicated area, it will be good to know how many of us are actually running E2, and how?

USB stick, internal HDD? Flash or HDD?

Which images are you running, and what are you using E2 for...

Im using the latest AAF SPRING image, which i think is pretty decent, i havet got CROSS EPG running properly yet tho.

30-06-2011, 09:00 AM
I installed E2 spring full usb edition (image 31) on my Ice yesterday. I am using oscam 4066 with cyfra+ (mediaguard) card. Skin: newenigmahd. I had to install it twice as after downloading a different version of oscam E2 crashed and Ice would not it would not boot with E2. The HDMI issue is still there with L1.54 previously loaded (for ManikM), therefore I am using component cable to connect to tv and optical to run the sound via my Onkyo home theatre system. I cannot comment on timers/recording yet as my hdd is not initiated yet. I have to try to do it manually via network as I don't want to have all my recordings wiped off the hard drive. I can play the recordings from the dedicated s/w but I cannot use timeshift or record.
What I have noticed so far is that E2 still crashes from time to time and after that if I don't let it run file check, it displays a message SWAP-RAM on the VLD and then I get a lot of pixelation on hd channels. I think this is due to the size of RAM memory.

01-07-2011, 09:16 AM
I finally got a decent PQ with E2 but I cannot record or use timeshift! E2 recognises hdd and I can play my old recordings from .94. Tried to initiate the hdd via E2 but I get an error message that it cannot be done as E2 cannot mount hdd. Any ideas how I could resolve this. I created hdd/movie folder but it did not help. Not sure what happened here. It was never a problem with my previous installations...

01-07-2011, 03:29 PM
u need to run the aaf wiz4rd mate !!!

in one of the options...or power off dirty, whilst in the image, and then let it do file check and go through the motions

01-07-2011, 03:30 PM

07-07-2011, 03:43 PM
I did file check and nothing. I could play old recordings but could not record... Got fed up and got rid of E2...