View Full Version : CrossEPG \ Cool TV guide

31-05-2011, 01:01 PM
Has anyone got this configured and working well?

Mine downloads the info, but doesnt seem to display it anywhere.

02-06-2011, 10:31 AM
Has anyone got this configured and working well?

Mine downloads the info, but doesnt seem to display it anywhere.
With the Spring Edition-the CrossEPG was displayed when I pressed the EPG button on the remote control. Well, I could not tell what epg it was, but there was epg there for freesat channels. MY cyfra EPG loads automatically, even in dedicated f/w.

30-06-2011, 10:26 PM
Has anyone got this configured and working well?

Mine downloads the info, but doesnt seem to display it anywhere.

works well ..... well as far as I can be bothered to look!

Download plugin. The go to the main settings menu.....there should be a new crossepg menu item.

configure the settings...I set it to download at 4am everyday - seems to work fine.
Also hit the download now option....leave it for a minute or so (I have slow internet) the box sort of locks up, just be patient - it'll come back ok after the minute.

I haven't switched on any of the xml or other settings on the same page.
The only thing I did was tell it to save the data to the HD.

the channels light up on the ok button then with what's on now
also pressing the epg shows an epg.

I'm using one of the e2 channel bouquet downloads.

Only thing is - my box (nothing to do with the epg) thinks it's 1hour ahead of now.......not figured how to tell it the right tmz yet! lol (oops crap - I'm going of topic again - lol!)

hope that helps - if not, I can go over in more detail - rather than just my memory......in case that wasn't obvious!


30-06-2011, 10:34 PM
cheers for the info mate.

i ended up JUST using cool tv guide without any EPG plugin, and it still showed (by default) 7 days worth of TV EPG data.

i was quite impressed, no CROSSEPG needed.

01-07-2011, 08:31 AM
dont know if its any help but ian has reported the freesat epg working here
