View Full Version : anyone got white sly card working?

31-05-2011, 05:17 PM
anyone got white sly card working?

if so, how and what are you using? internal reader or a plugin?

01-06-2011, 09:37 PM
I can use mine via a dm500s server elsewhere in the house. OR do you specifically mean inside the box?

01-06-2011, 10:06 PM
I can use mine via a dm500s server elsewhere in the house. OR do you specifically mean inside the box?

same here , got a freesat card in a spider or dm and can serve it to the icecrypt

not tried the card yet in the icecrypt in any image as I have no need to do so

Midnight R
02-06-2011, 08:15 AM
I used to use mine in the Icecrypt by entering the boxkey, worked fine.

Don't bother now as I use another STB with better results...

02-06-2011, 10:15 AM
Could not get it to work. Neither with E2, nor with .94. Took it out to speed up the booting process. The card reader recognises it, but that's about it.

28-06-2011, 11:28 PM
Damn it! Managed to 'upgrade' to another version....but the backup hadn't worked properly, so I'm affectivly looking at a clean (ish) e2 install.

I've reloaded my bouquets back on ok, can can't remember eactly what I did to get the emu working.......or which one of many I tried before it worked!

Can someone point me, by PM if necessary to the right emu to use, and where to shove my ip login etc.

please and thanks......i've retried a number to frustration!

29-06-2011, 10:42 AM
Damn it! Managed to 'upgrade' to another version....but the backup hadn't worked properly, so I'm affectivly looking at a clean (ish) e2 install.

I've reloaded my bouquets back on ok, can can't remember eactly what I did to get the emu working.......or which one of many I tried before it worked!

Can someone point me, by PM if necessary to the right emu to use, and where to shove my ip login etc.

please and thanks......i've retried a number to frustration!
When I was using E2 oscam version 4066 was recognising my white card, but I could not get it to clear Channel5HD. I think when you download the oscam emu, then look in var/keys for all the config files. I have never used c/s so I am not sure what needs to go in where, sorry.

29-06-2011, 04:22 PM
the card might need reactivating - might not have worked in a SLY Box, u need to leave it for up to 48 hrs to reactivate...then try it in your ICE

30-06-2011, 08:41 AM
the card might need reactivating - might not have worked in a SLY Box, u need to leave it for up to 48 hrs to reactivate...then try it in your ICE
If it's only for C5HD then it's not really worth a bother... I don't have easy access to a sly box.

30-06-2011, 09:54 AM
If it's only for C5HD then it's not really worth a bother... I don't have easy access to a sly box.

it will also update in a spiderbox too , and you could serve out from a spiderbox to the ice using newcamd

it will decode c5HD , 5usa , 5+ , and pick tv

and if using oscam you could have logged into the webif and checked the expiry dates of the entitlements , same as you can with cccam or newcamd

30-06-2011, 10:12 AM
No access to Spider either... It updated initially in Ice when I first got it, but now, I kept leaving it in the reader on Sky3, Sky News for a few days and nothing...

30-06-2011, 10:17 AM
you can pick up sly boxes here in the uk for very little money , and any would do the job , I was pointing out alternatives , like cccam or oscam should allow you to update it in the ice , or possibly other boxes like dreamboxes or similar , but as you only get maybe 6 or so channels it may not be any good for you in the long run as you may want more than those few channels

the point here is that it can be done , if you have patience and access to the boxes or the images and emus , but do you actually want those channels ? that is the question , clearly manikm does

30-06-2011, 12:24 PM
It's not clearing anything other than free channels.
The card is still in my dm500 - and ok on other receivers inthe house.....so the card should still be activcated and working.....I think!

Just can't get an emu to work proper though.

Trying vizcam at the moment, switched on in the config, ip address / port number like this 192.168.x.x,12000

but still nothing.......getting really fed up now......might see about going back to std fw. ....e1

I have the crossepg working well. Is there an decent epg working on e1 now?

do not hi jack threads and ask e1 dm500 questions in an icecrypt E2 forum

if you actually want dm500 help , use the correct forum in future

the original question posed was actually this

anyone got white sly card working?

if so, how and what are you using? internal reader or a plugin?

30-06-2011, 05:56 PM
My bad, I've drifted off from your original question.
But TBH the question has nothing to do with my DM500 as such.
I think you may have misunderstood my response. My original comment was that my E2 S4000 IS working with the sly white card....via an EMU to my dm500. However I'd bolloxed the box, and now it wasn't working.....which seemed sort or relative to post back on the thread. and was trying to work out wot I'd messed up. (admittidly I was drifting off topic, and should create my own thread).....however I think your response is unwarranted. If I'd got the response from ManikM then fair enough....as it's his thread.

Feeling unloved, and unappreciated


It's not as though this section of the forum is swamped with posts! With largely the same few contributers (yourself included, which is appreciated).

I'm off for a lie down with a nice cold beer :o15:

30-06-2011, 07:56 PM
i hope you didnt spill it mate, or do u put it on the floor with a long straw?


30-06-2011, 10:12 PM
i hope you didnt spill it mate, or do u put it on the floor with a long straw?


Exactly what I was thinking - LOL ... errr.... 5 long straws...worked better than my box! :smilielol5:

fred fickle
08-09-2011, 12:08 PM
White card works fine in card slot Tm6900 but not in Diablo 205.

08-09-2011, 12:25 PM
post that in the tm and diablo threads then!


09-09-2011, 01:48 PM

On previous AAF Spring Image OSCAM or Vizcam work with a Sky Card. Mine has autoupdated for 6 months without problem and works brilliantly. I have two S4000s both run AAF E2 builds and have OSCAM, one as cardreader/server and one as CS slave.

However, the latest image has a bug in the cardreader library that means NDS cards don't work properly. You can get round this with German cards using GBox but nothing currently works for UK ones. The same library on the S6000 works fine apparently???

09-09-2011, 02:12 PM
darrellr, thansk mate!

so it looks like, the summer image isnt any better than the spring one, i presumed it had bugs with CrossEPG - and the NA problem with DREAMSET is welll annoying and makes me not want to use it, and put it down to a buggy spring image.

have u tried crossepg on USB to see if u get the same prob as me re NA channels...

15-03-2012, 06:42 PM
does the ****e sly card clock speed have to be set in cc cam cfg,,,,,

15-03-2012, 06:42 PM
sorry about my spellin of the word white,,,,,lol