View Full Version : Polsat HD copy protection?

01-06-2011, 04:59 PM
I tried to record a Sly show off Polsat Sport HD from my Spiderbox into a DVD recorder. After about 25 mins the DVD recorder went to 'pause' and stopped recording with the message 'copy protection'. So I then recorded the rest from Spider to its external hard drive. I then tried burning to DVD by playing the recording back through the Spider. Same problem, as expected, went to pause after 2 mins. What puzzles me is that when I tried to copy via scart I got the same problem. I thought that scarts got round the problem albeit with a slightly lower grade picture. Puzzled!

01-06-2011, 05:25 PM
no macrovision is also through scart but scart would work from vhs video to vhs video even with macro. i think dvd is more sensetive than vhs i use video stabaliser to clean up the picture and filter out macro can be bought built into scart lead cheaply