View Full Version : JaZUp 2.3 by Hectore et Pr2

01-06-2011, 11:20 PM
Hectore and Pr2 are proud to provide you JaZUp 2.3.

This new version is adapted to the new Rescue Mode procedure introduced with Enigma2 v1.0

Remember that JaZUp remains the safest way to upgrade/downgrade your Azbox HD.

Please unselect the option Ext4 Partition in JaZUp 2.3 interface before flashing latest E2 image, since RTi kernel is no longer supporting ext4 format!

We provide you with 2 Megaupload download link, one is a full version that include the patch.bin to go from official firmware to rescue mode via an USB stick using the normal Azbox upgrade process. Always think to run JaZUp on your Azbox official firmware to clean up all potential problems. (See included PDF do***entation). It also include the patch.e2 to return from Enigma 2 to offical firmware upgrade screen (see included PDF do***entation).

The other one is the lite version, it is exactely the same package but without the Back_to_Official and Official_to_E2 for people that don't need it.

So you don't need to download both pack, choose the one that best fits your needs.

Full Pack on Megaupload 14MB (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G8H4YAKE)
Lite pack on Megaupload 1,55 MB (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L0YVGJ1C)


Hectore and Pr2

change log:

- Adapt JaZUp for new Rescue Mode procedure
- Fix italian language
- Include Official_to_E2 (patch.bin) to use on an USB stick from official to E2. Once your Azbox is in Rescue Mode proceed with JaZUp to flash your E2 image.
- Include Back_to_Official (patch.e2) to use via JaZUp to go from E2 to Official. Once back in upgrade screen proceed with an USB stick containing an official firmware patch.bin file.

- New GIT compiled kernel detection and full support
- Added support for ext4 only on GIT based compiled kernel
---****> please READ the attached Manual since ext4 has an impact for you <<<---
- Current 1.1.12 RTi released version is not recognised has ext4 compatible since the kernel is "old style": this is not a bug.

- Allows users having used FW4USB to return to official firmware in DOM without bricking their Azbox (error: connect as...).
- More languages added: Catalan, Polish, Greek and Chinese - now support 11 languages.

- Support for the new patch.e2 file format
- Multilingual user interface and messages
- patch.e2 files are now loaded from your PC, no more USB needed.
So if you are familiar with JaZUp 1.x the way of working has changed, please read the attached PDF.
- when installing to USB only the target USB stick is needed
- When creating backup of official firmware data, file is now downloaded and you can set the name of your backup file
- No more support for patch.bin file format
- Disable Hardware Acceleration even in Rescue Mode
- Uninstall Priority Manager from official firmware to avoid conflict when upgrading
- fix E2 partitions problems on official DOM (256MB) if needed
- Automatic rename dummy patch.bin into _patch.bin to allow Azbox full reboot after upgrade

Full Pack on Megaupload 14 MB (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G8H4YAKE)
Lite pack on Megaupload 1,55 MB (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L0YVGJ1C)

02-06-2011, 02:49 AM
RTi team wants to enclose from JaZUp tool, as we ONLY recommend that users should use AZUp when flashing AzBox HD devices with Enigma 2, or going back to Official Firmware. When we testing new Enigma 2 image, we always test by AZUp before we release image and AZUp in public, just to be sure that all will go OK, and that You will not burn your receiver by accident.

If You are flashing by other tools we cannot help as we dont know messages, especially error messages which other tools are producing if something go bad. So if You kill Your receiver with other tools, please contact author's of that application for support.

Reverse engineering is not giving always best results!

RTi Team

02-06-2011, 03:13 AM
Pr2, I would like to ask why You lie ? Is there any special need for that ?
Any special reason to spit on RTi ? Is this "Thank You" for all what RTi give You all information how to build tool ?
First of all, as we can see here YOU are considering that everybody is using 4GB DOM ?!
Even in case of bigger DOM You input lies here trying to promote JAZUp
As ofcourse You know that AZUp is detecting sizes of DOM and by them creating sizes of partitions!
Ofcourse AZUp have option : "Format Extended partition" , so why you lie ?

This tool (JAZUP) is unoficial and this tool is big risk and hazard, because without informations from RTi team you can make good tool and exposing users to danger :(
And also wihout informations from RTi you make bad isntall of E2 and you do harm RTi project becasu if user install E2 via JazUp - E2 work bad !!!

If You think that You know better than RTi team, it will be our pleasure that You take development so we can rest little bit!

Instead that RTi do work on new Enigma 2 Image we need to keep eyes open and waste our time to prevent bullsh*ts ike You input!

At least end users need to know that!

02-06-2011, 07:01 AM
Hi all,
I just want to say that I use only Linux (on a home computer and laptop), so I never had the opportunity to use AzUp. All upgrades (including return to the original firmware) on my Azbox Premium were done with JaZUp and I've never had any problem.
My great thanks to the RTI team for hard work and responsiveness.
I am also grateful to all independent developers, and especially Hectore et Pr2, without whose assistance would not use enigma 2.

02-06-2011, 08:07 AM
@RTi members,

When we testing new Enigma 2 image, we always test by AZUp before we release image and AZUp in public, just to be sure that all will go OK, and that You will not burn your receiver by accident.

You should deeply review your testing process then...

Pr2, I would like to ask why You lie ? Is there any special need for that ?

We didn't lie, we just install with Azup and show the result to warm users to help you improve Azup.

Any special reason to spit on RTi ?

We didn't spit on RTi we just provide an alternate tools.

Is this "Thank You" for all what RTi give You all information how to build tool ?

Be honest you didn't provide me any information to wrote JaZUp.
How many hours do I spend with you late at night to troubleshoot your timers, since your are not capable to synchronise your command. You take a stop watch and check how many times operation take. I was never credited for the time I spend on to help YOU.
I am also the one that suggest to mount the extended DOM in /media/cf, so please be honest.

First of all, as we can see here YOU are considering that everybody is using 4GB DOM ?!

False JaZUp is smart enough to adapt itself to the DOM size.

Even in case of bigger DOM You input lies here trying to promote JAZUp
As ofcourse You know that AZUp is detecting sizes of DOM and by them creating sizes of partitions!
Ofcourse AZUp have option : "Format Extended partition" , so why you lie ?

Please review your Visual Basic code then... still buggy...

This tool (JAZUP) is Unoficial and this tool is big risk and hazard, because without informations from RTi team you can make good tool and exposing users to danger :(
And also wihout informations from RTi you make bad isntall of E2 and you do harm RTi project becasu if user install E2 via JazUp - E2 work bad !!!

It becomes unofficial since you do censorship to prevent user to access it from your forum.
How many Azbox do you brick with the use of Azup, many, why do I need to wrote a full tutorial to recover an Azbox with a Yamon cable (based on input find on Satpimps)?
Answer: because of your timer approach when you launch command when the previous one was not done, etc...

E2 work bad when installed with JaZUp come on, let me laugh out and loud. That's what you try to convince people but it is not true. Give me concrete example of bugs due to JaZUp?
The problems that end-users have are pure E2 bugs.

Which tool was the first one to disable hardware acceleration and other 3rd party tools? Answer JaZUp... yes you follow us and now you also include that kind of test.

Sorry but we never heard of bricked Azbox due to JaZUp you for sure cannot say the opposite with Azup.

If You think that You know better than RTi team, it will be our pleasure that You take development so we can rest little bit!

We propose to work together on JaZUp and you refuse (fortunatelly for us when we saw the quality of what you produce).

Instead that RTi do work on new Enigma 2 Image we need to keep eyes open and waste our time to prevent bullsh*ts ike You input!
At least end users need to know that!

Yes indeed end users need to know that RTi tries, at each release, to change something to prevent JaZUp to work. For example we didn't get any support and we ask nothing about it when you decide to use a patch.e2 file format for your firmware.
I think that every end-user will be happy if you would focus on the real problem on RTi E2 firmware (still so buggy) rather than always trying to block JaZUp by changing stuff in the flashing process.

What is your problem with JaZUp? Simply work better than Azup...

Why do we made the partitions problem public, just to warm user and to give you, RTi, the feedback on the bug that you have in your "deeply tested" Azup 2.0.7


02-06-2011, 10:51 AM

We look the wondeful "do-it-yourself" code of telesat and we understand a lot of things. :)

When you made a professional software you have some tests of quality. Nothing is tested in AZup!
When i test the quality of a programme, i test first the input/ouput zone text !

Look !

This test is failed. Azup don't pass this test ! Everybody can test that !

Telesat do you have a computer science degree ? If yes, please back to school computer.
You introduce more bug in E2, i don't understand why the_ripper support azup/telesat who sabotages his work...

Also mister Telesat things that everyone have a pc with Windows. Hey dude ! Do you want a secret ? That's false !
You have linux/Unix users, Mac Users and other one with a azbox and you ignore this community.

Before critique our work, you must scan before your door!
With your state of mind who does not accept valuable outside helps and remarks and that tries at each new releases to prevent JaZUp from working.
I think that in these conditions azbox is dead.

Azbox community, you can tell thanks to Telesat that put trap in code to put JaZUp out of service instead of fixing its bugs, unless azup be a trap!

Telesat, would you still spanked?


02-06-2011, 01:24 PM
I see , good work in Photoshop and you continue using lies , but my idea is not to argue with you.

I have clearly said :

This tool (JAZUP) is Unoficial and this tool is big risk and hazard, because without informations from RTi team you can make good tool and exposing users to danger :(
And also wihout informations from RTi you make bad isntall of E2 and you do harm RTi project becasu if user install E2 via JazUp - E2 work bad !!!

If You think that You know better than RTi team, it will be our pleasure that You take development so we can rest little bit!

Instead that RTi do work on new Enigma 2 Image we need to keep eyes open and waste our time to prevent bullsh*ts ike You input!

At least end users need to know that!

02-06-2011, 01:24 PM
I see , good work in Photoshop and you continue using lies , but my idea is not to argue with you.
I have clearly said :

This tool (JAZUP) is Unoficial and this tool is big risk and hazard, because without informations from RTi team you can make good tool and exposing users to danger :(
And also wihout informations from RTi you make bad isntall of E2 and you do harm RTi project becasu if user install E2 via JazUp - E2 work bad !!!

If You think that You know better than RTi team, it will be our pleasure that You take development so we can rest little bit!

Instead that RTi do work on new Enigma 2 Image we need to keep eyes open and waste our time to prevent bullsh*ts ike You input!

At least end users need to know that!

02-06-2011, 02:10 PM

So what You want to say pr2/Hectore, is that You stolen proprietary code which was maded by telesat! Nice reverse engineering, and for sure jazup will stay just unofficial tool which kill AzBox receivers....

However from next release of Enigma 2 we have decided to protect AzBox owners against BAD flashing software.

There will be no alternative to AZUp as it will be onlz tool with which is possible to flash AzBox with Enigma 2.

What is more dangerous ?

To have SW with GUI bug, or to have SW with nice GUI which is dangerous and not functional like jazup is!

We will not participate in this thread anymore.

02-06-2011, 03:12 PM
@RTI team please don't add useless code into enigma2 just to protect AzUp program. ( I can garantee you guys it will take only a couple off days to fool enigma2 installation and JazUp will work )

As a fact I know Pr2 and Hectore offered ( before releasing JazUp ) to help you guys out with AzUp and he did, and the result ; Pr2 was trown out by you guys,

I still remember the discussion between telesat and Pr2 ( scart ) and the child-like reaction from telesat

Just be happy that there's a program for non-windows users.

Only warnings that JazUp would be dangerous?? well a lot off users can tell otherwise.

This time I support Pr2 and Hectore, I don't like the attitude off you guys (telesat and mickeysa ) seems that telesat is jealous

02-06-2011, 03:34 PM

I will confirm what telesat said

This tool (JAZUP) is Unoficial and this tool is big risk and hazard, because without informations from RTi team you can make good tool and exposing users to danger :(
And also wihout informations from RTi you make bad isntall of E2 and you do harm RTi project becasu if user install E2 via JazUp - E2 work bad !!!

and before we release new stuff I am testing with him installation and is it all okey regarding new stuff added in AzUp that JAZUP doesnt have for new stuff and it will break the box if users try to flash with this tool

02-06-2011, 03:53 PM

Seems that JaZUp is really a problem for you all RTi Team. :-)

Stop wasting your time spreading false informations, JaZUp is working fine and has never bricked any Azbox! And you know it.

Remember your FW2USB stuff, who create a proper uninstall for the **** you made in /DISK1 script? JaZUp was released with a fix for this!

And we didn't stole any code and we didn't perform any reverse engineering on your Visual Basic application we don't need to do this to create JaZUp.

But feel free to block JaZUp and to prevent user from using it is really not a problem Hectore and I don't care about this since we use another STB Brand now (a working one!), I am just really happy that you mention publicly to everybody that indeed your goal is just to prevent end-user to use JaZUp.

Come on guys be open minded! Focus on E2 development I think that you still have so many things to do.


P.S.: By the way, what Hectore does is not Photoshop every user can start your Application and do it by themselves. You are really great developers!

02-06-2011, 04:35 PM

Seems that JaZUp is really a problem for you all RTi Team. :-)

Stop wasting your time spreading false informations, JaZUp is working fine and has never bricked any Azbox! And you know it.

Remember your FW2USB stuff, who create a proper uninstall for the **** you made in /DISK1 script? JaZUp was released with a fix for this!

And we didn't stole any code and we didn't perform any reverse engineering on your Visual Basic application we don't need to do this to create JaZUp.

But feel free to block JaZUp and to prevent user from using it is really not a problem Hectore and I don't care about this since we use another STB Brand now (a working one!), I am just really happy that you mention publicly to everybody that indeed your goal is just to prevent end-user to use JaZUp.

Come on guys be open minded! Focus on E2 development I think that you still have so many things to do.


P.S.: By the way, what Hectore does is not Photoshop every user can start your Application and do it by themselves. You are really great developers!

perso Jazup is sure and he do well

Thanks Pr2 and Hectore for your good work.

02-06-2011, 05:24 PM
Question: Why it isn't possible to introduce Hectore and PR2 by RTI-team. I think all users would have benefit, especially users with Linux and Mac.

The RTI team should remember that it can only be an advantage if not only windows users can flash E2.

02-06-2011, 05:50 PM
how many times I must to write :

This tool (JAZUP) is Unoficial and this tool is big risk and hazard, because without informations from RTi team you can't make good tool and exposing users to danger :(
And also wihout informations from RTi you make bad isntall of E2 and you do harm RTi project becasu if user install E2 via JazUp - E2 work bad !!!

You want to quarrels - why ?
You lie - why ?

RTi team is told what is true, all people from RTi is told same , why you can't understand ?
JazUp is made big problem to users, why you make this ?

We will not comment anymore this topic, as we said what we had, now is on end users to believe in this or not, or translated to burn their receivers or not!

02-06-2011, 05:56 PM
I had no problems with JAZUp. However, with AZUp....

02-06-2011, 06:11 PM
here we go again, money talk and ppl walk
as long as both software works and they do the work we end users need to do then what is the problem. maybe Opensat do not like this, maybe the RTI team is feeling the heat from another team and their pie is geting short day by day.

I for one have not used my Azbox since long time, but as being a user for MacBook Pro, Linux and windows7 i welcome any software that runs on all platforms.

There is no point in blocking a software , as we know from history there will be no problem to overcome this, so what is the mening of try to use value time to block some software to be runed ? Be together and help the community if you like, other wise take it easy and do not scream

02-06-2011, 06:53 PM

JaZUp is using exactly the same way as you did to flash the kernel (dd) and to copy the firmware files (tar), exactly the same commands with same parameters. You are, today, unable to detect which software install E2, so don't lie to people, installation are 100% the same.
JaZUp is just smarter in doing all the security check and we don't use stupid timer to guess when the command should be finished.
JaZUp also detect the DOM size so you can use it on any DOM size (official 256 MB and greater DOM too).

So please stop lying on your side, all the users that use JaZUp knows that it is working fine, and that bugs are in Enigma2 and are not due to JaZUp.

Focus on Enigma2 and stop trying to block JaZUp.

Why don't you develop your own flashing tool in Java, like we did, to be multi-OS compatible... of course developing in Java is something else than developing in Visual Basic...

It is true that we are good in troubleshooting but when we point out bugs on your development you didn't accept them so...

@All users,

Please enjoy the very last time that you can use JaZUp before RTi definitively block our tool. The time RTi (Opensat) spent on blocking our tools, it is time that they don't spend to develop a proper version E2 for your Azbox.

If they would have agree to work with us when we propose our help, they should be able to focus only on E2 development and Hectore and I would have take the flashing tool part. It's not the way they choosed, but we decide to continue to support the Azbox community with JaZUp.

It is may be the good time to sell your Azbox HD on a famous auction site and purchase a fully functionnal STB in E2 from a serious manufacturer, they are very good one on the market now at competitive price.
Don't be fooled twice by Opensat.


02-06-2011, 07:52 PM
@ telesat, The Ripper, and all developers Télé****

I reached a level where I'll probably make a petition to all users, then a complaint with the court order that OPENSAT reimburse all customers.

For 2 1 / 2 years I have azbox does not work as promised on the packaging.

Timeshift: KO at 90%
Registration: KO 50%
Teletext: KO 100%
dts: KO 100%
Slideshow: KO 80%
zapping: slow
Internet: very slow
Network speed: very slow

And E2 v1.0, I laugh, even worse and unstable.
I've had my receiver and E2 as badly finalized.
So when you criticize JAzup I burst out laughing. 2years since you are unable to correct the major bugs 4 or 5 of your receiver.

Tired of azbox Opensat with its development and that not one euro valle

Especially to all future purchasers of azbox, fled the receiver development team is a bunch of clowns ..

sorry, I'm not good at English but I think the message across.

@ agadave, a user very unhappy with Opensat

02-06-2011, 08:04 PM
Hello Friendly-Face,

One question. Why help assholes, so if they don't want?
Jazup help their business and that they didn't understand.

We were writing jazup free and we have not won anything in history.

As the_ripper is engaged in Opensat. Him, he makes money. For how long?

We are sorry to have to show that we are better and that Opensat hired a band of broken arms. Of that, I am really sad for the end users.

RTI team are primitive people, they make clear show in this discussion.


02-06-2011, 08:31 PM
Thx for calling me primitive,

As programmer , I am just telling to people when we change something regarding rescue or something else that can affect flashing not to use JAZUP because it can break box till you or who ever is coding this release new version. Thats why people should use only official flashing tool, because we tested before image is released.

02-06-2011, 08:35 PM
thanks ripper a cool head is much welcomed, thanks for your work.

02-06-2011, 08:38 PM

So when you criticize JAzup I burst out laughing. 2years since you are unable to correct the major bugs 4 or 5 of your receiver.

Sorry you must me confuse for someone else, I for shure didnt worked past 2 or more years on DVB API kernel drivers for Sigma chip ...

02-06-2011, 09:51 PM

Sorry you must me confuse for someone else, I for shure didnt worked past 2 or more years on DVB API kernel drivers for Sigma chip ...


I do not speak about The Ripper in particular but about the azbox and opensat to the total one.

Opensat worked 2 years on the official firm without true good performance.

Today E2 V1.0 official is worse than the last official firm.
Green screen and gears as soon as the media center is used.
More DTS (in RC12 DTS as rotted as on the firma off).

Stop leaving the firmwares can for Juste to calm the anger of the users.

Be honnète, the current location of the azbox premium, prem+ and elite is catastrophic.

By take the users for idiots that is turned over against oneself (I have spoken again for the opensat unit for 2 years).


02-06-2011, 09:53 PM
I think the big thank should have gone to the guy that came up with the incubus cam and then to that turkish fella that have developed cccam for the azbox, without them azbox hd would have been long dead..and all that talk now wouldn't have happened. respect to you all guys especially the_ripper and pr2 that were with us from the beginning. constructive criticism is what will move that project forward..over and out!

02-06-2011, 09:55 PM
Well, Ripper, you did bring CCcam to AZ...

And Mbox to a very cool level. It was a shame that stopped.

I hope you succeed with AZ drivers and E2.

However, if one cares about users why not open up to those catering at least for those that AZUp is not catering for [Linux, Mac, bigger DOMs]? It's utterly unreasonable and I suspect, on the basis of this evidence here - foul play based on vanity and pettiness, sadly...

03-06-2011, 09:31 AM
Thx for calling me primitive,

As programmer , I am just telling to people when we change something regarding rescue or something else that can affect flashing not to use JAZUP because it can break box till you or who ever is coding this release new version. Thats why people should use only official flashing tool, because we tested before image is released.

Nothing for the compliment ... Small children often have behavioral primitives.

Azup, the official flashing tool like you tell is very bad. This is why many people use our software. And i never heard that our soft break a azbox. Not like azup! If you make our test with azup, you have to tear your hair or you don't test your work coz you have a big blow with which you'll suffocate with glues your shirts. Man! Back down to earth. Azup destroy your work and all the hours you spent to convert E2 on azbox. In my opinion telesat has more influence than you in the team that you, it's why you are stubborn like that. It's a pity for you coz i thing that you're better than telesat. Who is the boss in your team !

If you team want to keep the monopoly, said frankly as the other team customizes E2 based on your job to stop their efforts as you do not like that.

Now people can see how you are... hermetic,imbued and conceited. You only see your interest and not that of the community.

Chess and Math.


03-06-2011, 11:49 AM
Would some smart ^H^H^H^Hguys from Opensat tell me how to put this box into the rescue mode with official tools with that latest fw. Its quite tricky even I can't do it. Also it would be great to put into fw zip some clear instructions for turning back to official fw for users that are too lazy to google several hours for that f**ng info

03-06-2011, 10:23 PM
Here are two quotes from telesat which confuse me:

I have clearly said :

This tool (JAZUP) is Unoficial and this tool is big risk and hazard, because without informations from RTi team you can make good tool and exposing users to danger :(
And also wihout informations from RTi you make bad isntall of E2 and you do harm RTi project becasu if user install E2 via JazUp - E2 work bad !!!

And quote 2:
"Pr2, I would like to ask why You lie ? Is there any special need for that ?
Any special reason to spit on RTi ? Is this "Thank You" for all what RTi give You all information how to build tool ? "

Now: which one is correct? Are JazUp developers getting all information needed as in quote 2 or aren't they as in in quote 1? If not, why not? Just because they use a diferent programming language ?

When I look at the flow of rage in this thread - leading up to the "promise" to install traps - I am shocked. There must be something else behind this...

Whatever, a great project like this does not deserve to be worn out in such a
degrading manner.


03-06-2011, 11:06 PM
Hmmm something goes terrible wrong here these are the release notes from V1.1 off JazUp


Hector and I worked together to provide you with a reliable tool to upgrade to E2 and return to official firmware of your Azbox HD.
This tool is multi-platform and has been tested on Windows, Mac OSX and Ubuntu.

It is therefore an alternative to the Azup Telesat, which we thank

04-06-2011, 01:48 PM

OK if you want this clarification no problem.

When we discovered that Azup was dangerous in the way it is done (sending linux commands and assuming that they are done with a stop-watch approach (timers)) so it never check any linux command return code.
How do we discoverd this? Because, I do troubleshooting for Telesat's Azup to find the right timer to format extended DOM! If you look at former Azup screen layout the timer indication is not just for fun, it is what used internally to guess that a command is finished! (task for which I was never credited by RTi ).
We also find stupid that a Linux STB needs a Windows only software to flash it and that people gets problem to run it on Linux (Wine) and OS-X.
So Hectore and I decide to create a Java version (so multi-OS compatible), at the time we start it I was still part of the RTi team. We didn't get any help to perform it, I just send the command I found to flash the kernel and copy the firmware files and get confirmation that it was the right commands.
Before we release JaZUp 1.0 we give it in private to Telesat and MickeySa, and the tools was published officially on RTi forum. If you look on the forum, you will see that in Tools description JaZUp is credited and on the old website JaZUp was also available for download. So at the very beginning JaZUp was tolerated by RTi.

So we also offered our help, to have only one official flashing tools multi-OS (Java based), this proposal was refused by Telesat. He states that he will create his own Java based version (we are still waiting for it...), and that they are rules to respect when coding, I reply yes, you should test the return value of a function you call. This is basic programming rules. So we discussion was aborted.

Since Hectore and I are polite people, we decide to say thanks to Telesat in our release note, just to keep opened the proposal to work together.

Then we discovered that at each release they change the way we perform some security check to prevent JaZUp to work. If you look at JaZUp release note, you will see that we only include minor bug fixes and most of the changes are linked with RTi change in kernel to prevent JaZUp to work. RTi never informed us of the change they do before releasing any version and since I was excluded from RTi Team I have no access to beta-test version, so it is only when image are publicly released that I can find what has changed and upgrade JaZUp accordingly.

So yes there is always a few days between a new E2 image and a new version of JaZUp. Normally RTi has no reason to do all thoses JaZUp blocking changes, the kernel flashing method always remains the same (dd) and the firmware copy too (tar) from the very beginning.

For all that follow the E2 project from the very beginning, I was part of the RTi Team, I was admin in the first version of the official RTi forum. I create all the topics, and place some tutorials, and start helping people, etc... but RTi continues to give more informations on Satpimps than on these first forum version.
Then RTi changes of forum provider and forum layout, I was still part of the team, then we have this hot discussion with Telesat about the SCART support on the forum (thread is still there just check yourself), following Telesat pression within RTi Team I was rejected from RTi Team.

But this doesn't prevent Hectore and I from continuing supporting JaZUp, for the safe of all Azbox users.
And since we get absolutely no information about the changes performed (for exemple switch to the patch.e2 file format) that was also a try to prevent JaZUp from working and since we continue to support JaZUp and so include the patch.e2 support in it, this upset again Telesat.

We drop the RTi Team and Telesat credit in JaZUp, which were just there to be polite and show them that we didn't close the door on our side and that we still want to collaborate with them. Unfortunately they decide it the other way...

What make us very happy (Hectore and I) is that now RTi clearly admit publicly that they performed change to prevent JaZUp from working and that they will continue in this approach. So you all know now how RTi Team is minded.

So indeed there is a high probability that JaZUp 2.3 is the very last version of JaZUp, and you all know why!

P.S.: you don't need any external tools to flash an E2 image, it is just linux standard command that are used to perform the operations.

04-06-2011, 05:50 PM

thank you for clarifying things. As a consequence, I am even more bewildered, and I can understand your frustration. I share the hope of others here in this forum, though, that there will be reconciliation some time...

04-06-2011, 05:55 PM

I use "jazup" long and is a tool that works very well with azbox, I've never had a problem with "jazup. I do not agree with the RTI team of 'jazup. I used to start "azup" and when I discovered "jazup" I really see the difference is a simple and efficient and secure.
So I find it really unfortunate that the team from "the ripper" want to prevent future use of "jazup" the work of Hector and pr2 is very positive, they want to help the user azbox.

I did the tests show that hector you about the photo of 'azup "he told the truth, anyone can do the tests.

sorry for my English.


04-06-2011, 07:33 PM
how many times I must to write :

This tool (JAZUP) is Unoficial and this tool is big risk and hazard, because without informations from RTi team you can't make good tool and exposing users to danger :(
And also wihout informations from RTi you make bad isntall of E2 and you do harm RTi project becasu if user install E2 via JazUp - E2 work bad !!!

You want to quarrels - why ?
You lie - why ?

RTi team is told what is true, all people from RTi is told same , why you can't understand ?
JazUp is made big problem to users, why you make this ?

We will not comment anymore this topic, as we said what we had, now is on end users to believe in this or not, or translated to burn their receivers or not!

I say only one:
RTI Core E2 is also a unoficial firmware and we use at all.
Thanks for The Ripper, telesat and also Hectore, PR2 and all others who help with this project.

04-06-2011, 07:43 PM
RTI team, looking like egg on face. Please guys, bite your tongue, try and work together so you can make the hardware as good as it can be. We will all benefit if you can work together.

04-06-2011, 08:03 PM
Hi all,
I just want to say that I use only Linux (on a home computer and laptop), so I never had the opportunity to use AzUp. All upgrades (including return to the original firmware) on my Azbox Premium were done with JaZUp and I've never had any problem.
My great thanks to the RTI team for hard work and responsiveness.
I am also grateful to all independent developers, and especially Hectore et Pr2, without whose assistance would not use enigma 2.

I absolutely agree : JAZUP is a great tool and I never had any problem with it. Best of all, it works under Windows, but also Linux and Mac OS X (which cannot do AZUP).

I hope everybody will focus on improving each own work, not on denigrating the very good work that has benn done by the other one.

Thanks to Hectore, PR2 and RTI team !

Best Regards.

04-06-2011, 09:24 PM
Who is the boss in your team !

Normally, he who pays calls the shots...

I remember a thread about another media centre based on Sigma chipset (in AZbox HD section) and who was and is, obviously, vociferously against it, so I'd say Open****e are calling the shots there, because they are investing, hence they will not support other companies... Enthusiasts/hobbyists most probably would. For the hell of it, so there's more competition, more choice, because they could, because it's a challenge. Not so if commercial interests are at stake.

How are OpenSat doing it? Through their people on the team. One of them is the boss. But it ain't telesat or The_Ripper. Anyone remembers NeotionBox aka iPod? (Anyone seen similarities in behaviour with MickeySa? Both are from the same city.) He is AZ commercial centre for the Balkans region and more. We have seen it here, on this forum, not once, not so long ago.

As for who is the most influential on RTi Team - well, judged on the evidence not only from this thread alone but other forums I read, I would say that Open****e have aligned themselves with some bad people, who exert influence on others, maybe more qualified, through the OS people on the team, because they share commercial interests.

Follow the interests, from the policy implemented and who benefits the most, onwards - and make your own minds up...

Who is the most intransigent, vain, arrogant, opposing to collaboration, who keeps lying and treating people badly on their forum, while selling, selling, selling?

But you know, OS can't be far behind such people in poor behaviour, themselves. They chose their kind of people to do their bidding.

The_Ripper seems collegiate, helping the poor deluded, scheming sod out, since maybe he thinks they are friends but... can such people be friends with anyone?

Bad atmosphere glued by money... nothing more. If money stops - see it all collapse... Like a bad marriage of convenience...

04-06-2011, 10:28 PM
Would some smart ^H^H^H^Hguys from Opensat tell me how to put this box into the rescue mode with official tools with that latest fw. Its quite tricky even I can't do it. Also it would be great to put into fw zip some clear instructions for turning back to official fw for users that are too lazy to google several hours for that f**ng info

for the simple jazup tool hectore & pr2 explained clearly how to update the enigma2 step by step, to save AZBOX:respect-055:


as per your do***ent we were struggling to put azbox in rescue mode to restore original firmware:confused:

- New way for go to rescue mode - press and hold VOL+ button (from front panel or Remote Control) during AZBox booting

04-06-2011, 10:40 PM
How are OpenSat doing it? Through their people on the team. One of them is the boss. But it ain't telesat or The_Ripper. Anyone remembers NeotionBox aka iPod? (Anyone seen similarities in behaviour with MickeySa? Both are from the same city.) He is AZ commercial centre for the Balkans region and more. We have seen it here, on this forum, not once, not so long ago.


You are 100% right. RTi are not the White Knights hobbiest that some people still think they are. RTi is just a smoke wall hiding Opensat to avoid pursuit from DMM.
That's was so funny to read people posts promoting RTi and flaming Opensat when we know that they are all on the same payroll and have the same goal sold more and more AZbox HD.

But I was wondering what became Neotionbox that promote so much Azbox over here in the past, and he succeed to convince me that Azbox HD will be my future HD box... more than 2 years ago. No you give me the answer... thanks!

I remember some screenshot that he post where picons for channels were displayed, I never saw this in the official firmware...


05-06-2011, 01:02 AM
Satpimps \0/



05-06-2011, 09:02 AM
Normally, he who pays calls the shots...

Hello Blagi,

Ok with it.
But in each teams or services of a compagny, there're a hierarchy and a people who take the leading. Admit i took the bad word, it's not "boss" but "Chief" or "Team leader".
It's less high :rolleyes:


05-06-2011, 03:58 PM
I can understand why are Pr2 & Hectore nervous but I don't understand why do they behave badly.
When they do not have any arguments they start with lies and insulting.
I can see that they know better than me how I write programs and what I insert into them.
What they wrote is really crazy and anyone who understand programming a little bit laugh on their post
As first post written is not correct at all and AzUP have multiple mechanism for checking state.
I would once more remember you to common stand of RTi team:

This tool (JAZUP) is Unofficial and this tool is big risk and hazard, because without information from RTi team you can make good tool and exposing users to danger :(
And also without information from RTi you make bad install of E2 and you do harm RTi project because if user install E2 via JazUp - E2 work bad !!!

It is pretty much clear that here on forum exists members who are friends of author of JzzUP and who will put blame on AzUP and Enigma from RTi team and raise their product up to heaven.
If those guys that much good and know better than RTi team and really want to help AzBox why they don’t make their own enigma if they want to be considered as professionals.
They want to be seen as they know everything best and all others do not know anything.
Let they make their own enigma with drivers and tools for starting and then they will really help AzBox
In this way they just make damage.
Who they really are they show by calling Ripper bad names which is proven in this post


I will confirm what telesat said

and before we release new stuff I am testing with him installation and is it all okey regarding new stuff added in AzUp that JAZUP doesnt have for new stuff and it will break the box if users try to flash with this tool

I really do not know from whom they want to get support if main coder tell them that they are wrong?
Doubts are more than clear just price for behavior is not clear
Most suspicious is that all this happening when new AzBox models should arrive on market which obviously are obstacle to other manufacturers which by sponsoring mentioned authors wants to make AzBox bad name and if they can destroy boxes with their tool.

05-06-2011, 05:13 PM
Main coder is your friend. Or at least he thinks you are his friend.

I beg to differ. From your behaviour I think you can not be anybody's friend. You only see people in a utilitarian manner, as tools to your own ends. Nothing more.

05-06-2011, 05:54 PM
I can understand why are Pr2 & Hectore nervous but I don't understand why do they behave badly.
When they do not have any arguments they start with lies and insulting.
I can see that they know better than me how I write programs and what I insert into them.
What they wrote is really crazy and anyone who understand programming a little bit laugh on their post
As first post written is not correct at all and AzUP have multiple mechanism for checking state.
I would once more remember you to common stand of RTi team:

This tool (JAZUP) is Unofficial and this tool is big risk and hazard, because without information from RTi team you can make good tool and exposing users to danger :(
And also without information from RTi you make bad install of E2 and you do harm RTi project because if user install E2 via JazUp - E2 work bad !!!

It is pretty much clear that here on forum exists members who are friends of author of JzzUP and who will put blame on AzUP and Enigma from RTi team and raise their product up to heaven.
If those guys that much good and know better than RTi team and really want to help AzBox why they don’t make their own enigma if they want to be considered as professionals.
They want to be seen as they know everything best and all others do not know anything.
Let they make their own enigma with drivers and tools for starting and then they will really help AzBox
In this way they just make damage.
Who they really are they show by calling Ripper bad names which is proven in this post

I really do not know from whom they want to get support if main coder tell them that they are wrong?
Doubts are more than clear just price for behavior is not clear
Most suspicious is that all this happening when new AzBox models should arrive on market which obviously are obstacle to other manufacturers which by sponsoring mentioned authors wants to make AzBox bad name and if they can destroy boxes with their tool.

hello Telesat

I think we should stop lying now azbox user.

the work of the team to ripper is respectable.

the bad reputation is the fault of azbox OPENSAT.

Jazup is a great tool and you do not want to admit.

you have many users jazup that you have said.

you do not accept criticism, , too bad for you.

I'm not talking about the problem and azup disappointed, Hector and pr2 to show you the way in improving your tool.

So please listen to APREN users and accept help from others in progress.

sorry for my English.


05-06-2011, 06:00 PM

This tool (JAZUP) is Unofficial and this tool is big risk and hazard, because without information from RTi team you can make good tool and exposing users to danger :(
And also without information from RTi you make bad install of E2 and you do harm RTi project because if user install E2 via JazUp - E2 work bad !!!

You alway mention this but you never give any concrete example. Some other members ask also for it and you never reply.
If it was really the case, it won't be a problem for you to describe a way to reproduce the problem due to JaZUp.

Moreover many end-users that I don't know confirm that JaZUp is working fine.
Why don't you simply release the way you use to install E2 on the Azbox so other "team" can also produce there own installer?

On our side we give arguments showing how you are able to produce quality software deeply tested, and everybody can reproduce it.

Most suspicious is that all this happening when new AzBox models should arrive on market which obviously are obstacle to other manufacturers which by sponsoring mentioned authors wants to make AzBox bad name and if they can destroy boxes with their tool.

If customer are a bit smart they will take informations about Azbox and saw all the bugs and problem remaining around this product. And all the unhappy customers.
If you are "officially" no linked with Opensat why do you care about Azbox new product line sells?

The fact is that we are free to speak about every brand because we never get paid for what we do! Yes we turn to another brand but we paid the full price to purchase it, so we are brand free, and what we post really reflect our opinion.

What I think strange is that Opensat, release a new model when they know all the bugs remaining in their current line of product. It is really a shame to behave like this.
I spend hours escalating bugs to Opensat and they are still there after 2 years, because yes some bugs are there from the very beginning. Or when a bug disappears once it reapers in next release.

We never lie and that's probably what upset you so much.

Don't waste your time, you still have so many things to do to release something usable and reliable, in order to allow Opensat to continue to sell boxes.

I am really hoping that E2 will be a success because I want to sell all my Azbox at a descent price on a famous auction site. Which is not the case right now, because people get better informed about Azbox thanks to forum like this one.


06-06-2011, 12:07 AM
Main coder is your friend. Or at least he thinks you are his friend.

I beg to differ. From your behaviour I think you can not be anybody's friend. You only see people in a utilitarian manner, as tools to your own ends. Nothing more.

OK , Gorski or Blagi , or gogygаy or... We know , you is also parth of team who trying to destroy the RTI project
And all know who is gorski - rubbish
So , pls , skini mi se skurca

How big moron you are, as You are baned on satpimps as gorski so now you are blagi ? i hope , Admin will ban your secon nick.
How miserable You are...as Your apocalytic friends Hectore and pr2

main coder is my friend, second coder is my friean, ... all coders is my friends , so all RTi team is my friends, so what is the problem ?
Who is your friends ? Pr2 and Hectre ? Reverse engineers ? LOL
Ok , now you have team and you can start new Project : Gogygаy E3 - best of best :D
If you realy good as you think - i dont understand why you can't start new project ? and let us do our job ?
Or you only want to destroy RTi project ? so this is only proof of what exactly you intend !

Now You have all conditions to continue this expert talk about how you will start new project, as RTi team said all

06-06-2011, 12:35 AM
FFS people lets just calm down and step away from this i cant see how this could possably help the development of this product.

hector and pr2 your woek is appreciated by many and am sure your continued input will be further appreciated by them

likewise the RTi tem are alsso appreciated for the work and effort they have made.

the simple salution is if the two groups are not able to work together is that you carry on along your own routs without the slating and flameing. if user wish to choose one flashing tool over anothere then thats the users desision and i dont see why there should be anamosity between groups of developers who after all are bothe trying to do the same thing provide support for a box that has been dropped by the offical support.

so basicly get along or just keep away from each othere there is nothing to be gaind by this constant bickering

well this is just my opinion and am sure i am not the only one and there is no offence ment for ether party so please dont take any

kind regards
(a greatful AZboX user)

06-06-2011, 12:55 AM
Again, I'm not falling for your "class", tele****... Insults, lies, innuendos, heavy cursing in nasty Serbo-Croat, now topped up with homophobia. Not that it has anything to do with me but even if it may pass in ex-YU, up to a point - how about here? So, no thanx. Just facts. And facts, as we have seen point to you playing nasty to people on your forums, being nasty to people that help you and so on. Which means, as we have seen, less help to AZ community because of your vanity and control freakery. Full stop!

Btw, are you forgetting just how many nicknames you have, in keeping with your glorious fate, especially in former YU? You have forgotten more nicknames you have had than you have them now by many times over - and you have quite a few right now - which speaks volumes, so look who's talking.... And what of all that banning of yours and constant falling out with god knows how many forums? If it only wasn't for all the wrong reasons. Nothing to do with any principles. Just due to your absolute horror, nasty, mean behaviour and royal vanity.

That is just one of the reasons you have no friends. Just tools to make you more money. You have no idea what friendship means. Period. And all of your acquaintances and "partners" know that by now. As you know that AZ bunch are no friends to anyone but themselves. A sad world indeed.

As for the rest of it: how about talking about the issues?!? No? I thought so... You're getting so desperate and aggressive to the point of showing your true colours...

In conclusion: your influence is bad for this hobby. However, the baffling thing is that it is based on not very much, as we can see, quite clearly now. Professionally speaking. You're not that competent, obviously. So...???

06-06-2011, 08:18 AM
Stop it children - or i will take your toys away!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-06-2011, 10:04 AM
Who is your friends ? Pr2 and Hectre ? Reverse engineers ? LOL

Hello silly Telesat,

No reverse engineering of your official craps...
Nevertheless, if azup, it's the only official flash programme, it's also a official colander.

I don't use a "timer" solution for send telnet command(it's the only way for you), me i found a solution for synchronize it and it's not very complicated!
A Yes, I forgot again, the official AZBOX killer télésat have the innate knowledge...

You told us, E2 v1.0 don't work when it's installed with JaZup 2.3, can you tell us what ? Maybe you don't know yourself?
If so, why put dangerous traps in your code instead correct all your monstrous bugs?
A Yes, I forgot again, the "genius" télésat have the innate knowledge and he don't never make a mistake and bugs...

The problem with you, that instead of learning from others follow their positive criticism so you can improve. You are spitting on us and you pour your hate.
We tried to speak with you, to help you but you are always refused fiercely our help.
A Yes, I forgot again, the little mind télésat have the innate knowledge...

Now you can be alone with yours official wheelbarrow azup, and keep your monopolistic status... Finally, seeing the darkness of your being, I am happy not to have help you.
To close, stay in your **** and me i'm singing now 'Azbox a another brick in the wall...":sifone:

Yours sincerely.
Hectore. And not Hectre!

06-06-2011, 12:24 PM
FFS people lets just calm down and step away from this i cant see how this could possably help the development of this product.

This "let's all be a happy family no matther what" attitude doesn't make any sense.

I don't personally know people in the RTi team and neither I know Hectore and PR2, but I spent my hard earned money on AZBox, so I and all other PAYING CUSTOMERS have a right to understand what's going on.

If a team tries to appear as hobbyists that do development for free in their spare time, and get credit for that from the community, and appear as the heroes that save the day, it's one thing.

If they are OpenSat in disguise, that's a completely different thing.

And I want to know how it is. I have a right to, since I spent my money on AZBox.

One thing I know for sure: while the most brilliant work has been done by the_ripper and, to some extent, sattommy, some members of the RTi team (notably MikeySa and lately telesat) have always had a very arrogant attitude, looking down on people and rejecting anything but unconditional adoration.

On the other hand, Pr2 has always been a very friendly and helpful member of this and other communities, far before he wrote JazUp with Hectore.

So let's see... do I believe people whose attitude is arrogant and whose ties with Opensat appear at least suspect, or do I believe someone who always helped people for free on the forums by giving detailed and skilled instructions and advice on how to solve problems?

I repeat what I wrote in the other thread: if RTi team was entirely made of people who are only concerned with the community and not the money, they would welcome Hectore and Pr2's help by integrating the test of JazUp in their pre-release protocol, thus supporting all major OSes as flashing platforms.

The way they are doing, they rather seem small people with big egos that got paid by mom OpenSat and so their egos grew even more.

I don't think that's the case with the_ripper and sattommy, 'cuz they always had a much humbler attitude, but sadly it seems even though they do the hard work, they don't decide the policy of the team.

06-06-2011, 01:00 PM
i see what you are saying but i have whitnest this sort of thing in the phone unlocking comunity and it enevitably ends with bad news for the users so i think i will cut my losses and move over to the Dream media boxes if i can find someone to buy this box of me lol

06-06-2011, 01:25 PM
i see what you are saying but i have whitnest this sort of thing in the phone unlocking comunity and it enevitably ends with bad news for the users so i think i will cut my losses and move over to the Dream media boxes if i can find someone to buy this box of me lol

That's exactly what I mean.

And I want to clarify my post wasn't against you, and I apoligize if it came out that way, but my intention was rather to quote you to make a point: that there are situations in which the controversy shouldn't be toned down just for the sake of it, because controversy might help understand the position of the parties involved and give the community informations like Blagi's, which I find very interesting.

If the confrontation leads to me selling my AZBox and never wanting to have to do with OpenSat again, so be it.

OpenSat might want to advise some of their minions involved in E2 to stop acting like a-holes, if the company wants to stay in business.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

06-06-2011, 01:35 PM
OpenSat might want to advise some of their minions involved in E2 to stop acting like a-holes, if the company wants to stay in business.

Indeed. But who's gonna tell 'em?

Their own man on the RTi Team? Why, he is behaving badly and sadly himself, so how can he attack himself in his reports?

So, no way out with them, it seems... I don't expect any changes for the better - whether in attitude or competency, when it comes to those two members...

Good luck to The_Ripper and Satommy, what with everything they have to do to keep this show going...

06-06-2011, 01:51 PM
Indeed. But who's gonna tell 'em?

Most companies are quick to change attitude, when they smell money taking an outbound route. That doens't mean OpenSat is one of them, or it will change anything, but that's their problem, not mine.

If what you wrote is right, and it surely is likely, then MickeySa's attitude (and lately telesat's) could end up hurting their interests, depending on how many community members are sheeps and how many of them are thinking persons.

If they start seeing E2 like the nth attempt to fool them instead of a godsend from heavens, that is.

And let's not forget the new AZBoxes are due out in July. Besides how they dealt with the official fw of the current AZBox isn't exactly a good business card on Opensat's end, how many customers will want to buy a box the firmware of which is in the hand of a wood headed dev lead with an ego problem that screams against anybody who dares to say anything but "Thank God you exist and your work graces my STB".

Let's see. Time will tell.

06-06-2011, 02:39 PM

I will confirm what telesat said

I have the utmost respect for the work you have done as a programmer, I really do.

Sadly, as often is the case, I'm afraid your skills in understanding and choosing the people you surround yourself with, are far less impressive.

This is based on the attitude of people who, taking advantage of the hard and brilliant work YOU and sattommy did, come here and act like frowning gods with the community, which ultimately is made of OpenSat's PAYING CUSTOMERS.

06-06-2011, 02:58 PM
If a team tries to appear as hobbyists that do development for free in their spare timeIf you believe that some hobbyist is spending his time supporting a commercial product for free, then you must also believe in santa, the 7 dwarfs, and that humpty dumpty did indeed have a great fall!

Writing a few lines of code and pimping up a box is one thing, writing drivers from "scratch" is another. Far different levels if you ask my opinion.

06-06-2011, 04:24 PM
If you believe that some hobbyist is spending his time supporting a commercial product for free, then you must also believe in santa, the 7 dwarfs, and that humpty dumpty did indeed have a great fall!

I have seen it happen before, and once I was one of the guys giving support, so I know for sure it's possible. But they were indeed other communities and other situations, so in this case you might be completely right for all I know.

But my presumed naivete aside, every time someone dared to criticize something in E2, one of the arguments that recurred more often was "they do it in their spare time so they don't owe you anything!". Now if it's OpenSat behind E2, they owe us quite a bit actually.

About this point, one thing is to have the feeling the RTi team might be on OpenSat's payroll, another thing is what Blagi wrote, which gives a much more detailed and cir***statiated explaination of how things could be (are?). And, you know, every time telesat posts, I see another confirmation to Blagi's words.

06-06-2011, 05:24 PM
Giving support by writing some handy application, is lightyears away from writing proprietary drivers. I've seen people get free receivers just to write nice comments in forums.

In the end it doesn't matter who is supporting the box, as long as the customer gets what he paid for. If you feel conned then bad luck, if not, then enjoy your box.

06-06-2011, 05:46 PM
Sure there were quite a bit of evidence to show RTi team was involved with OpenSat, but what Blagi wrote for me made the difference between likely assumption and certainty, and also provided details on the level of involvement.

Of course you and others will do as you please. Personally I prefer to reward those who don't lie to me and punish those who do. I'll make sure I and all those I know who ask me for advice about sat stuff will use their wallets to vote about OpenSat's way of conducting business.

A drop in the sea for sure but, as they say, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

07-06-2011, 12:01 AM
well well good night to all of you.

i've been reading this intire thread and it became a little hard and unexpectable matter to believe what i'm in fact in front of my eyes.

It will be better that all could contribute for the same cause, but even in couples we know sometimes ther's a storm in relationship...but always have a solution...actually just dead haven't!!

So try to respect more each one of you because foruns and stb,sats need all.

specially some talking here are like washing dust clothes...wich gets level down for deep .....very deep.

like some of you i've part of some development in my short time i get in my life and get always the best is hard i know but i gave you my best as all you did.

please guys try to stop hurting each one.


07-06-2011, 02:17 AM
well well good night to all of you.

i've been reading this intire thread and it became a little hard and unexpectable matter to believe what i'm in fact in front of my eyes.

It will be better that all could contribute for the same cause, but even in couples we know sometimes ther's a storm in relationship...but always have a solution...actually just dead haven't!!

So try to respect more each one of you because foruns and stb,sats need all.

specially some talking here are like washing dust clothes...wich gets level down for deep .....very deep.

like some of you i've part of some development in my short time i get in my life and get always the best is hard i know but i gave you my best as all you did.

please guys try to stop hurting each one.


i am guessing you are not so good at english but i8t seems you have the same or simaler opinion as me

07-06-2011, 07:43 AM
I think translator's have a lot to answer for in this post and maybe translating incorrectly and causing a stronger worded sentence then was intended.

Please guy's we need both parties and would be good if both were able to get along.

19-06-2011, 02:22 AM
My personal review! telesat tools??
Always full of bugs. (even the old opensat tools)
1) My network card always crash and I'm left with the only option to reboot the machine.
2) no notebook resolution friendly
3) 3 times I had to get my TTL adapter out
4) I don't like that stupid quick red flashing message (WAITING...)
I have nicknamed telecrap LOL

1) simply works and works best for me. And I hope it will for long time.
I didn't know it was from you Pr2 and I want to thank you for this app.

@ the ripper!!! well all I can say is thank you very much!!! you are a star

19-06-2011, 08:03 AM

JaZUp is well from Hectore and I.



19-06-2011, 01:32 PM
Yes sorry I have forgot to thanks Hectore too :respect-048:

You both are great programmers.

As I am writing this message I am following the very well made "RecoverAzbox" guide made by you both!!! As my box as been collecting dust for the last 2 weeks (after using telecrap azfu*k). :iamwithstupid:

Thank you to exist guys.

28-11-2011, 09:25 PM
Can i still use this with the latest enigma versions ??
I hope , azup is not working:07:

28-11-2011, 10:15 PM
yes you can but be shure to use ext3 instead off ext4