View Full Version : 3d tv is is worth getting ?

04-06-2011, 05:43 PM
My 4 year olsd samsung seems to be packing up. Is it worth buying a 3DTV ?
Are there many channels out there as yet ?
Is 3D the future of our viewing ?

04-06-2011, 05:56 PM
I do not have it...yet..next tv will be 3D.But personally I will wait still.

Not so much on satellite hxxp://en.k ingofsat.net/3dtv.php

Future,yes.Few years ago we did not have much hd channels.

And later we will have 4D ..and can smell the fish in adult channels ;)

04-06-2011, 06:11 PM
I've got a 46" sony bravia 3d tv, it's the led lcd version so very thin. I also have a 3d blueray player, if you have been to the cinema and you are impressed with 3d then its the same at home. I think tv's have come along in the last couple of years and it's not just the 3d that makes the tv good. I have it linked to the net via an ethernet cable and its got lovefilm direct to the tv plus i-player. My sky plus hd box has anytime direct downloads from the net too.

One thing you need to know about sky 3d is that you will not get the 3d channels unless you subscribe to the complete pack. If you take off say the sport then you loose everything. Its a bit of a swiz i say.

I'm not sure about waiting for glasses less 3dt'v as I cannot say i am impress with the nintendo 3 d's.


04-06-2011, 06:50 PM
I would wait a year or two or not bother with 3D at all.

It's still a gimmick and gives people headaches and sickness.

04-06-2011, 07:48 PM
I jumped in and got me a 46 Samsung 3D TV recently.

Impressive at first but as xanadu said, after a while it's just unbearable plus you look a prat wearing those funny glasses ;)

simon 2003
04-06-2011, 08:14 PM
must admit ive always thought a gimmick ,but i saw it in john lewis on demo with some bloke with a cobra in his hand and it was stunning i was shocked how good it was

04-06-2011, 08:44 PM
I also have the Samsung led 3D. It is fantastic especcially when watching film on blue ray in 3D.
As for tv channels , up to now thare is only 1 fta, apart from some promo and some scrambled ones on packages to which I have no access.
When I first got the full HD some 20 months ago, there were hardly any channels trans,itting in HD, but look now......so many and of course if you have spider 9XXX.......

simon 2003
04-06-2011, 08:48 PM
Dont think you can compare HD and 3D ,,3D will only be worthwhile on films IMHO will never have 3D eastenders (i hope)

04-06-2011, 08:57 PM
Have any of you guys tried the 3D adult channels on Hotbird yet (for education purposes of course)

If so were you impressed or did those glasses give you a headache?:biggrinjester:

Ive noticed the price of these 3D Tv's have come down alot recently -The local Sony shop was offering a 42 model for around £700

04-06-2011, 08:57 PM
Maybe I just go for the normal LED/LCD OR IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT and it includes 3D then .....

04-06-2011, 09:02 PM
Ive noticed the price of these 3D Tv's have come down alot recently

Because nobody wants them!

Prices lowered to meet impossible sales targets.

04-06-2011, 09:19 PM
Because nobody wants them!

Prices lowered to meet impossible sales targets.

04-06-2011, 09:20 PM
At crimbo i got myself a philips 40" 3D LED HD Tv
its quite good Sky 3d , Eurosport 3D is the only two 3D channls on 28.2e tho' so if yer stuck on sky mini dish in a flat yer screwed not worthwhile IMHO
but if you have a motor then maybbe worth thinkin' about ive got bored with 3D after first couple dayz i wud much prefer if i didnt hav to use those poxy glasses i tend to switch to 2d HD instead .

i got a 3D LED blu ray player aswell but have used it once since there isnt much 3D blu ray discs available i just gave up and since its now only worth under £50 quid i doubt it'll ever get switched on again .:rolleyes::rolleyes:

i got TV and 3D blu ray player plus 2x 3D glasses which cost 1,800 euro i think same deal now wud be around 1,200 euro ,
but at least i got 3 x HDMI slots and 2 x scart slots and an Ethernet port plus 18 Soarview MPEG 4 channls .


04-06-2011, 09:45 PM
Have any of you guys tried the 3D adult channels on Hotbird yet (for education purposes of course)

If so were you impressed or did those glasses give you a headache?:biggrinjester:

Redlight ( 3D ) HD
Hustler (3D ) HD

These are just 100% False advertising channels !

There has not yet been anything in Real 3D other than of course useless Hype :rolleyes::rolleyes:
im still waiting for a peek at Penthouse HD 3D but remains
Encrypt :banghead:


04-06-2011, 09:50 PM
So tvs now have sat/cable and terrestrial tuners internet connections,dlna servers and ci slots!

All we need now is firmware that could enable cs?

Could this oneday be possible?

04-06-2011, 10:58 PM
i brought the sammy d550 51 inch 3dtv,had it about a week now.
there is content available around on sat and lots mkv`s to download and put on ur pc or a storage device which the tv will play happy.
i had a look at local currys etc.. and brought mine of the net
people who say 3dtv`s are crap etc... really have no idea.
every single person i have had around here has wanted to try it and every one says how surprisingly good it is !!!
you get great depth to the picture and the odd occasional out at ya stuff.
footy and tennis etc.. is really cool.
some people have headaches and feel sick whilst most dont so theres another thing.
the four of us here have been fine with no funny turns lol !!
personally if ur in the market for a new tv and want something decent just got for one with the 3d and try it, the tech has progressed hence why its cheaper,and its not that people simply dont want.

05-06-2011, 07:05 AM
ok. Its those glasses I dont want to put on

05-06-2011, 08:16 AM
ITV 3D Has just launched today
Astra 2B 11973.00 V DVB-S QPSK 27500sr FEC 2/3

i cannott test at the moment tho' but i'm sure someone can confirm its working ? :respect-048:
good luck in whatever TV you decide Super mod A
cheers ,

05-06-2011, 08:41 AM

I've just scanned that transponder in and got the following,, but no itv 3d.

sony tv asia,
itv1 central s
itv1 central e
itv1 +1

7480 is encrypted and not opening.

05-06-2011, 09:10 AM
Thanks kegnkiwi m8 ,
i know ITV 3D is infact Encrypted unfortunatley ,

7480 could well be correct .. i'll have a go myself now and see what i can find .
cheers ,

05-06-2011, 09:27 AM
I JUST CHECKED AND 7480 came up in a scan here aswell as test service and not clearing here at all just showing up as scrambled aswell .
maybbe we must wait a bit i guess untill ITV 3D properly begins transmission ?

05-06-2011, 09:34 AM
i watched united v barca in 3d and both my wife and myself commented it left us with headaches. the guy had a 60 samsung and the picture was tremendous tho. his glasses were battery powered and were miles better than the ones ive tried in comet to view.

05-06-2011, 09:35 AM
How good is the 3d picture when your watching hd and put the tv in 3d mode

05-06-2011, 10:26 AM
I just want to know that on a 3D TV is the HD & SD picture better than one compared to a normal LCD/LED TV ?
We have fully not migrated to HD as yet and we have 3D being shoved at us and soon will be 4D.
My sat box has say 3000 channels of just 100 is HD so.......

05-06-2011, 11:12 AM
Surely if the starter of this thread (A) is having to buy a new TV anyway, he'll find most decent 'HD Ready' TV's are also already for 3D too nowadays - so its up to his cir***stances whether he can actually make use of it properly?
Once he's done that he can then make his own mind up whether it's all worthwhile - because in MY opinion HD ready TV's are far superior to the old SD ones?:respect-069:

05-06-2011, 11:37 AM
good point holmroad. but the difference between hd and 3d prices at the minute is quite wide on tv's. i just bought a new blu ray with 3d with a view to (maybe) future use. but that was a few quid against 100's on a tv. if the price difference was negligable i would say pay the extra in case you go 3d.

05-06-2011, 08:57 PM
Because nobody wants them!

Prices lowered to meet impossible sales targets.

Go check out some sales figures instead of pulling stuff out of thin air Panasonic sold out of their 3d tv's in one week in the US, in north America they sold Two million in nine months compare this to HD TV's they sold half a million in five years

Panasonic actually had to increase production by 30% in their factories to keep up with sales worldwide

Do you think if people didn't buy them there would be five people in this thread with one that's nearly 40% of posters in this thread alone

06-06-2011, 12:48 AM
Got a Panasonic 42 3D Viera about a month ago. Waiting for 4 free 3D films Avatar 3D blu ray etc. 45 days waiting time to ship. Pictures excellent on 3d blu ray and Sly 3d. great buy.

06-06-2011, 10:07 AM
i brought the sammy d550 51 inch 3dtv,had it about a week now.
there is content available around on sat and lots mkv`s to download and put on ur pc or a storage device which the tv will play happy.
i had a look at local currys etc.. and brought mine of the net
people who say 3dtv`s are crap etc... really have no idea.
every single person i have had around here has wanted to try it and every one says how surprisingly good it is !!!
you get great depth to the picture and the odd occasional out at ya stuff.
footy and tennis etc.. is really cool.
some people have headaches and feel sick whilst most dont so theres another thing.
the four of us here have been fine with no funny turns lol !!
personally if ur in the market for a new tv and want something decent just got for one with the 3d and try it, the tech has progressed hence why its cheaper,and its not that people simply dont want.

Dear Apollo,

How do you mnage to see the mkv files in 3D. I have downloaded a few of them and it was a waste of time and precious broadband as when I played back (file on stick into Samsung TV) I could not watch in 3D. It seemed that the files were for red/blue 3 D (?)

thanks for a possible answer.

07-06-2011, 08:00 AM
Save your cash.
Just get an adaptor that allows you to use any Flat screen to 3D.

It costs less than 1/10 of the price of a 3D screen.

Just do a google search for 3D TV Adapter.

07-06-2011, 10:35 AM
Save your cash.
Just get an adaptor that allows you to use any Flat screen to 3D.

It costs less than 1/10 of the price of a 3D screen.

Just do a google search for 3D TV Adapter.

I asked this question in another HD TV thread mate and got totally ridiculed - so have my reservations now about 'adapters' and 'converters'!!!:bowing-036:

(Maybe its because I want one for a Panasonic and having just googled as suggested no mention is made of Panasonics but only Samsung, Sony or LG!)

07-06-2011, 12:35 PM
I have been thinking about getting a 3D tv.

Is it true you can only get the 3D effect if you are looking directly at the screen and it doesn't work if you are looking from an angle?


08-06-2011, 06:26 AM
I asked this question in another HD TV thread mate and got totally ridiculed - so have my reservations now about 'adapters' and 'converters'!!!:bowing-036:

(Maybe its because I want one for a Panasonic and having just googled as suggested no mention is made of Panasonics but only Samsung, Sony or LG!)

Do not worry my friend, you do not need a special converter made for your LCD.

There are many available that work with ANY LCD.
Select a unit with HDMI input/output

Here are few examples:




You can also search for *ww.icone-tech.com/files/icone_3d_spectat.pdf


http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LQZr0nm0xvk/TZfpzApbOuI/AAAAAAAAAJ8/1zgw5CVSz24/s1600/3D%2Bconverter%2B3%2Bpage%2Binput %2Boutput.jpg
