View Full Version : Some of the changes coming to v. 1.0

07-06-2011, 08:14 AM
This is taken from another forum...

From an EX-YU SatForum.me, where The_Ripper read our reports and then told me this [I'll try translating the best I can, breaking it down to smaller parts, for easier understanding]:

Evo prelazim na Sigma LIBC MRUA sto se tice video izlaza i sada vise nema glupiranja oko HDMI i ostalih stvari, izbaceno je oko 20 000 linija koda iz glavnog DVB ko modula koji je sluzio za video aktiviranje kao i uskoro nece biti potrebno za jedno polovinu KO modula takodje koje se koriste za video izlaze, znaci 98% siguran sam da ce napokon ovaj deo doci na svoje mesto, kako pamcenje vec izabranih setinga do ostalih stvari sto se tice video izlaza.I am changing to Sigma LIBC MRUA, as far as video output is concerned, and then there's no more time-wasting about HDMI and similar things.

We deleted around 20 000 lines of code from the main DVB ko module, which is used for video activation.

Also, about half the ko modules for video output won't be needed any more.

Ergo, I am 98% certain that this part will soon be as it should be, as well as saving the desired settings and all the rest of it, concerning the video output.

Oko media dela ti ne mogu reci nista, to radi onaj decko Sattomy, oko mountovanja , ne radim ni na tome, oko skripti i sta sve ucestvuje oko toga ...Re. the media part, I can't tell you anything because it's being done by Sattomy.

Mounting - I am not working on it, either. Nor do I work on various scripts which are needed for it...

Pa novi media deo je deo Sigminog odnosno Celrun resenje posto je isto zasnovano na tome, zbog toga dosta toga i ne radi jer pokusavamo da integtisemo kao deo E2 a ne kao posebna aplikacija , zbog upotrebe vec OSD-a,daljinskog koji radi pod E2 inace bi sve moralo da se gasi i pokrece sve posebno, previse posla za mali broj ljudi ....The new media part is the Sigma part, that is to say Celrun's solutions, because it is based in it.

Because of that a lot of stuff isn't operational, since we are trying to integrate it into E2, as a part of it and not as a separate application.

Because of a number of things [using the OSD, remote control unit etc.], otherwise everything would have to be switched off first and then turned on/started separately. And that would be way too much to do for a small group of people...

One more:

Nece uskoro vise biti prelaza sa kernel video izlaz aktivacije ka MRUA LIBC, odnosno media player aktivacije video izlaza,pa dolazi ta pauza sada koju pominjes, to ce nestati , kao i drugih stvari, inace svi u timu radimo na tome da se jos vise dovede u red rad resivera.Soon the switching from kernel video output to MRUA LIBC, i.e. media player activation of video output won't be there any more. That's why the long pause happens but it won't be there for long. Other things might be gone/sorted out soon, too.

We are all trying to bring the receiver into a good working order.