View Full Version : Anubody using Cyfra+ card on Icecrypt s4000 via Mcas?

13-06-2011, 03:41 PM
I was having troubles viewing HD channels on E2 (full usb and flash version) using Cyfra+ card, but it was working fine on dedicated software. I reverted to dedicated software .94 and latest Mcas and somtimes I get probles viewing Canał+ HD and Canał+ Film HD (pixalation, no signal). Is anybody else using this setup? I am thinking now that maybe I need to re-adjust my dish... But I get around 70% signal strenght. Anybody using the same setup?

17-06-2011, 05:41 PM
Sorry to hear about your problems.
I have the flash cleaner firmware which might help clear any residual E2 left in the flash that might be upsetting your receiver. Latent memory can cause strange issues.
Let me know if you require it and I will post it on here.

18-06-2011, 02:02 PM
Sorry to hear about your problems.
I have the flash cleaner firmware which might help clear any residual E2 left in the flash that might be upsetting your receiver. Latent memory can cause strange issues.
Let me know if you require it and I will post it on here.
Thanks for the offer. Does the HDF plugin not clean the memory before flashing the loader? It did display the message that it was erasing the memory. If you think it might help, please post it with instructions on how to use it. Many thanks.

20-06-2011, 05:28 PM
HDF plugin flashes the boot loader but it has nothing to do with the firmware or memory mapping. It simple re-flashes the boot loader.
Residual memory errors are caused by different firmwares/plugins being written to different parts of the memory so when new firmwares or upgrades are loaded some of the previous data is still retained. A factory reset in the S4000 doesn't erase all sections of the memory neither does formating the data area thus Residual Memory errors can happen.
I only mentioned flash cleaner firmware because you did say that the Cyfra card worked with original firmware before you changed to E2, then it didn't work with E2 and returning to original has not worked either. I can only assume that E2 has changed something.
The flash cleaner should return the S4000 back to factory.
I will post it on here tomorrow when I have a little more time to write a how to.

21-06-2011, 09:34 AM
HDF plugin flashes the boot loader but it has nothing to do with the firmware or memory mapping. It simple re-flashes the boot loader.
Residual memory errors are caused by different firmwares/plugins being written to different parts of the memory so when new firmwares or upgrades are loaded some of the previous data is still retained. A factory reset in the S4000 doesn't erase all sections of the memory neither does formating the data area thus Residual Memory errors can happen.
I only mentioned flash cleaner firmware because you did say that the Cyfra card worked with original firmware before you changed to E2, then it didn't work with E2 and returning to original has worked either. I can only assume that E2 has changed something.
The flash cleaner should return the S4000 back to factory.
I will post it on here tomorrow when I have a little more time to write a how to.

Thank you very much. I do appreciate your help. Looking forward to using the flash cleaner.

21-06-2011, 03:35 PM
HDF plugin flashes the boot loader but it has nothing to do with the firmware or memory mapping. It simple re-flashes the boot loader.
Residual memory errors are caused by different firmwares/plugins being written to different parts of the memory so when new firmwares or upgrades are loaded some of the previous data is still retained. A factory reset in the S4000 doesn't erase all sections of the memory neither does formating the data area thus Residual Memory errors can happen.
I only mentioned flash cleaner firmware because you did say that the Cyfra card worked with original firmware before you changed to E2, then it didn't work with E2 and returning to original has not worked either. I can only assume that E2 has changed something.
The flash cleaner should return the S4000 back to factory.
I will post it on here tomorrow when I have a little more time to write a how to.

I have just noticed this flash cleaner (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=149263). Is it the same thing ColdAsICE?

21-06-2011, 05:08 PM
Yes thats it! I was busy writing the How too and someone has beaten me to it ages ago.

21-06-2011, 05:10 PM
The important thing is to load it via serial and carry out a factory reset after loading.
It should be used in conjunction with Loader L2.54. I'm not sure how effective it will be using other loaders.
Hope it does the trick.

22-06-2011, 09:11 AM
The important thing is to load it via serial and carry out a factory reset after loading.
It should be used in conjunction with Loader L2.54. I'm not sure how effective it will be using other loaders.
Hope it does the trick.
Did you mean 1.54? I have not hear of 2.54. If there is 2.54 version, could you upload it, please? Many thanks.

22-06-2011, 11:18 AM
Sorry I was suffering from Sausage finger syndrome I'm afriad. I did mean L1.54 and I stand corrected.

22-06-2011, 08:48 PM

08-01-2012, 03:30 PM
Hi All

I have a problem with canal+film hd and other services on 11.411 mhz it freezes the screen and in most cases do not unscramble the services only on transponder mentioned.Could you please help,I have s4000 hd with latest bootloader 1.54,latest soft 1.09.90,and it has been flashed with latest flash and factory reset done as posted above.Nothing really helps,all operations done by null modem cable not via usb.
Problem occurred after cyfra had changed their transponder for above mentioned services from 11.278 to 11.411.I have no idea what shall I do.PLEASE GET SOME ADVICE.Thank u in advance

Midnight R
08-01-2012, 04:46 PM
Are you using the mcas plugin?

08-01-2012, 05:49 PM
yes mate,otherwise it would not work I do have original cyfra + and use card reader not ci slot,any ideas why is not working propely?

Midnight R
08-01-2012, 05:56 PM
Well providing the entitlements are still valid, I would try deleting that transponder and re=editing again.

Can you get your hands on another receiver to test the card?

It could be an Ice issue.

08-01-2012, 06:09 PM
have u tried E2?

08-01-2012, 06:20 PM
card is absolutely fine,I do have onother receiver darkbox hd 2008 combo and this one works with no problems whatsoever.I have not tried E2,simply do not know how to do it with E2,it was never necessary.I use card splitter clone plus to devide the signal but either is on splitter or without I experience same problem,Still nothing despite I am on that since this morning,please help

Midnight R
08-01-2012, 06:24 PM
Looks like its an Ice Ori issue.

Your gonna have to try E2, I'm sure MM can walk you through it.

Shouldn't be so hard now there is a usb plugin available.

Good Luck

08-01-2012, 06:59 PM
all here:


u can use the new plugin to install maxiboot now, from ori firmware, so a lot fo this is irrelevant

08-01-2012, 07:45 PM
thanks for that I will try and let you know how it worked for me.One more question:how E2 works and how does it help to get normal service with no freeze?

09-01-2012, 12:39 PM
hi all,I have followed the instruction given and that did not help.I spoke to the the Icecrypt engineer and he said that it might not be soft problem nor device,he also said that only one transponder is affected and that maybe caused by RF interference.what will you say about it?I'm gonna take the box to friend of mine and check if it works in his place,any other suggestions?
Current soft 1.08.94 not the latest one,but it seems to be most stable one.Any advice on soft?Please help

Midnight R
09-01-2012, 05:42 PM
Trying the ice at another location sounds like a good idea.

Please let us know how you get on as I've been thinking about getting a Cyfra sub as well.

Good luck

09-01-2012, 06:33 PM
poxy box!

Midnight R
09-01-2012, 07:12 PM
+ 1

10-01-2012, 09:42 PM
Hi Guys

After the battle with my s 4000 and today's visit in Turbosat(icecrypt)where en engineer was trying to fix problem with transponder 11.411,I was convinced to get new box stc 6000 with up to date firmware and all plugins ect,Box is brilliant,BUT it does not support clone + card (clone+ splitter)that I have been using with my other boxes(cyfra+).That's why I have to send box back,or find solution.
Problem with s 4000 was not fixed,I was told to wait for patch in the near future,We check another s 4000 machine in workshop and there was same problem with above transponder.They were really surprised and promise to report that to appropriate department to solve the problem.So I ended up with two boxes one not fixed,second not fully working,what a bad luck...

What other box would you recommend ?It must be twin and linux

Midnight R
10-01-2012, 09:51 PM
Xtrend ET9200 without hesitation!

or maybe Vu+ Duo...

10-01-2012, 10:15 PM
ive heard the vu+ duo's picture isnt all that!

10-01-2012, 10:41 PM
what do you mean ? Which one would you recommend ?

Midnight R
10-01-2012, 11:08 PM
ive heard the vu+ duo's picture isnt all that!

I've heard that too, although most Duo owners post otherwise.

A friend of mine has the Xtrend and rates its PQ highly, I would trust his opinion.

Anyway, my next box is gonna be the Xtrend with Vix image :)