View Full Version : cannot locate recorded trp files on ex hdrive

21-06-2011, 02:34 PM
hi all i use a iomega 1.5tb fat 32 hard drive to save all my downloaded stuff p
s3 backup avi/mpeg etc.

recently i recorded files from sbox hd9000 .which i can play using sbox,

i renamed the files i wanted to keep and transfer to dvd.

however i could not seem to find files on the iomega when connected to my pc,searching for trp only found older files i had saved.

i then found a directory named (recordings) which seemed to copntain recent trp files, so renamed to sbox trp recordings , but when accessed by pc seemed to be empty??

so i renamed back to (recordings) and connected back to sbox .

wnen i locate atrp file to playback, all i get is (NO JPEG IMAGE FOUND) and c:/slideshow is on the bottom of usb screen.

if i record something new it plays ok?

i do not wish to reformat the drive becauser a lot of stuff i want to keep.

i am not sure if i can specify a directory where sbox saves it files?

pc is win 7 older pc was xp not sure if thaTS RELEVANT

THANK YOU:001_302:

22-06-2011, 12:44 AM
I had similar problem after re-naming files, what I discovered is this. Put Hard Drive in PC explore files and you will see each recording has 3-5 associated files , if any of these have a different name your spiderbox will not see them ,re-name so they all have the same name eg. JAWS.TRP , JAWS.VID ie Pre Fix is same on all files and spiderbox WILL see them

22-06-2011, 07:49 PM
thanks markenstien i found some older recordings ,some will now not play on my pc (win7) i get c:/ and flashing - , some do play ok.
i noticed on sbox recent files have a (old reel of film icon) and will play on sbox)

the ones i am having trouble with show a (a page icon) instead and give me no jpeg message and c:/slideshow is at bottom of sbox screen.

i only renamed the folder , all files still have trp extention but most will not play on my pc, but most of my older files were when i was running xp.

i will install gom player and see if this makes any differance.

thank you