View Full Version : SPAZE TEAM Quantum Edition 1.0 BETA

24-06-2011, 05:41 PM
To test: a compilation of drivers from various versions of E2 by RTi Team, plus a lot more - done by a Spanish team...

They say it's done for newbies who are moving from OFW to E2 - towards a seamless transition...

Let's see.... ;)

(Translated from Spanish to English by an online engine, of course...)

SPAZE TEAM Quantum Edition 1.0 BETA

I want to present from AZBOXHD.es this new project we have initiated a number of people using the system Enigma2.

We have been breeding for several months the baby and I want to present the first BETA of this project which we hope will be well received and to allow all those people who are initiated into the world of Enigma2 his adaptation is as painless as possible.

This image is not developed on any already published, has been compiled from zero puts the RTi GIT Team available around the world to create our images Enigma2. If it is true that we have replaced some things and used drivers that we believe best fit our image of different versions of RTi.

What then are we detail a number of things we have built and programmed especially for our image, but of course some things are beyond us in the Changelog since it has been a lot of work done.

We hope this image can be referenced in the Spanish landscape, especially since our image is dedicated to this community which is where we believe there is a lack of support, care, etc ...

================================= ==

- Download mhw2 integrated EPG image would suffice to put a couple of minutes on a canal that contains the full EPG for it.
- Added information of retransmissions in the EPG mhw2
- Ability to copy the EPG channels mhw2 about others using a configuration file equivalents.
- Added a plugin to configure the equivalence of EPG, schedule the download of EPG mhw2 daily and make an immediate download (the plugin takes care of changing the appropriate channel, wait the necessary time and return to previous channel).
- Patch simpleload that displays the epg nothing but load it from the crossepg without restarting
- New skin BlackModern_azboxHDv3
- Improved display for the accents and ņ
- New spaz menu (similar to OPENSAT) accessible by pressing the Home Menu
- Similar to OPENSAT keymap
- Plugin AzExplorer (file browser)
- Plugin AzHelp Guide (explanation of the keys on the remote, apart from bringing a section of frequently asked questions)
- Plugin InfoAz (Displays all of our AZBOX info)
- Plugin Multiquickbutton
- Plugin Networkbrowser with Spanish translation
- Plugin Crossepg with Spanish translation
- Translated into Spanish Cooltvguide Plugin
- Plugin Mytube translated into Spanish.
- Autoclock that solves the problems of time on the VFD when in Standby
- Panel DescargasSPZ (Updates, Plugins, Channel List, Skins, etc ...)
- Drivers hybrids (RC12 and 1.0)
- Drivers experimental WiFi rt2870, RT3070.


We realize that in this first BETA bugs have apart from containing the RTi firm as it is the firm basis of the GIT compiled, so those errors generated by the RTi to us will be difficult to repair especially if drivers are subject and the like.

We will be fixing the bugs that we detected and adding FIX's in the update system that we have included in the firm, so stay tuned. We will use this system as long as we believe that there is no need to make a new version, such as a huge improvement to come into the system in the next revision of the firm.

To report bugs, translation errors, etc ... Bugtracker we enabled to do so.

Link to Bugtracker:
http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/tracker/project-5-e2-spaze-team/You enjoy the picture;-)

24-06-2011, 06:02 PM
preview video of this firm.


PD: For install use last version of Azup or Jazup.

Greetings !!!

24-06-2011, 06:37 PM
Whats the best way to install this image from Gemini Image ?

24-06-2011, 07:00 PM
Whats the best way to install this image from Gemini Image ?

Jazup 2.3.

24-06-2011, 09:59 PM
Deputy screenshots.

24-06-2011, 10:03 PM
spanish language only?

24-06-2011, 10:07 PM
can you select english in the setup

24-06-2011, 10:15 PM
spanish language only?

No, all languages.

This is the best image i've tested so far. NO SPINNERS, slows,freezes or crashes so far.

HOME button menu is really great, like original firmware. well organized and a first in enigma2 setup. Really simple and intuitive. My advice is for you guys to test. Don't think twice about this version, and test HOME button. awesome and fast to get everywhere.

24-06-2011, 10:35 PM
thanks a lot guys!!! looks good, I might even install it

24-06-2011, 11:04 PM
Have to admit this pi##es all over previous images for eye candy, hope the performance is as good as hfmls says.

Perhaps this box is coming of age.................

24-06-2011, 11:12 PM
yer maybe it should have been released with this f/w on in the first place, lol, im just getting carried away, ive always thought their ori f/w is ok, certainly didnt deserve the berating it received.

its a sat receiver for gods sake, and wasnt promised to be the mecca of stb's

im looking forward to getting my hands on the Azbox ME

24-06-2011, 11:45 PM
havent booted my box for 10 months now,but might make the exception for this

24-06-2011, 11:48 PM
new update: in mediacenter we finally have the "pillarbox" option :)
we start movie then we call MENU and chose stretch/pillarbox etc.
now we can have black bars top and bottom instead of stretched image.

plus we have automount CIFS and NFS, swap menu options etc :)
this is really great.
this guys are gods...really really good. they just used RTi GIT and that's it.
so far guys not even one greenscreen or crashe or SPINNERS!

24-06-2011, 11:52 PM
how is it with the mkvs

25-06-2011, 12:42 AM
i am downloading some right now. 1080p mkv DTS
btw, function go_to works perfect! go to minute XX:XX
press 1 or 3 in remote and a progress bar appear and u can chose to go next 30..60..seconds. really nice. (mediacenter)

25-06-2011, 12:50 AM
Picture quality on HD channels is superb,:number-one-043:

25-06-2011, 01:20 AM
thank you good work i love it

25-06-2011, 03:28 AM
How to install this image and a few more tips...

I was on Dual Boot: E2 v. 1.0 FIX + OFW on a USB memory stick (OFW 5306).

This is what I did: I killed my AZ at the back, took out the USB stick and switched it back on, pressing the arrow to the right, on the front panel of the box itself. That sent it to Rescue Mode and there was an IP address on VFD.

I started JAZUp 2.3, put in my IP address and chose to flash it with E2 > DOM using > EXT4. Swell!

Shortly after, I had a language menu to choose from > English.

W*i*z*a*r*d: OK to all, except the "parental control".

Now, I had an option to put in a channel list. I chose not to.

Instead I installed the attached Flash Expander plugin, which uses a USB memory stick to "expand" your flash. From then on you can put a lot of things to /Flash Expander and never run out of space. I use it for SWAP file, picons (which do not work for me - not sure why), EPG files and subtitle files (Damir's plugin).

How to? Well:

1) Format a USB memory stick in EXT2, 3 or 4 first! [We can do it in OFW, if we have Dual Boot, as a trick, I suppose! :coolgleamA:]

2) Immediately after installing E2 try installing the Flash Expander that I will attach to this message! [Hopefully E2 will recognise the USB memory stick formatted in Linux...]

The procedure:

2a) Insert USB memory stick formatted in Linux (EXT2/3/4) into AZ HD.

2b) FTP the file [B]flashexpander_0.13-r1_mipsel.ipk to AZ HD's /tmp folder.

2c) I went to HOME (on your remote) Downloads > Plugins > flashexpander > OK (to install, which process should pass without an incident).
3) Reboot.

4) Flash Expander should be configured before use. One can find it, if all went well, in MENU (left of OK button) > Plugins > Flash Expander > OK > OK > OK > AZ didn't see my USB stick, so I rebooted. Several times. The stick was seen, then not seen, after trying to initialise Flash Expander on it. I got a green screen, too - a few times... Hmmm...

After many a reboot, the USB stick (16GB with a single partition) was finally recognised. I chose the USB stick > "Please wait" message appeared > it went back to not recognising the USB stick. It seems to me like a kernel issue/not recognising/initialising USB HW consistently... Wrong?

When I wanted to give up, around 3am, it seems it worked. The "please, wait" message wasn't there for long and when it disappeared another one appeared - asking "restart dreambox?". Press OK button, of course and wait...

Then, all else, as usual... ;) See the attached files...:respect-048:

Much better!!! :coolgleamA:

25-06-2011, 05:26 AM
Somehow the best yet, this image!!!

However, this doesn't mean flawless: here is what I experienced, other than the above (like not getting picons etc.), in terms of what I discovered needs improvement:

The main menu (cursor) is not as responsive as in some other versions... Considerably slower.

Plenty of green screens and wheels, if you try a few things/"drive it" a bit...

Automount is not complete, sadly - still sees just one folder, after one puts in the username/password... If one goes folder by folder and "updates" the NFS NAS mount, firstly one must reboot/restart GUI, then one sees again, the one and only folder, not the 3-4 one has made "shared" (movies, music, photos etc.)

If one presses a yellow button, as if to add a folder - green screen...

Moreover, CIFS didn't work at all, at my end, just as before.

MKV file > pressed button no. 3 a few times - wheels, no-go, sadly... Reboot a must!

Media Scanner doesn't even see my NAS...

XEPGDB doesn't have a number of repacked XMLTV providers one gets normally - dunno why. Otherwise it works!

CAMD Manager got me a green screen.

Must sleep a bit now...

25-06-2011, 05:48 AM
Damn! Add to it that OSCam + CCcam 2.1.3 are in a constant green screen loop.

Meaning, I must reinstall everything...


25-06-2011, 08:20 AM

I install it with JaZUp 2.3 but I uncheck ext4 to force ext3 installation.
If you use a bigger DOM select: Format extended to be sure that it will be formatted too in ext3.

Then I have no problem with the picons with this Spaze Team image, my Picons are located in /media/cf/picon (so in my extended DOM partition, I use a 4 GB DOM).

Very nice skin with many options. It just suffers from the RTi E2 remaining bugs.

People should give it a try for sure.

Just in case of, JaZUp 2.3 lite link (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L0YVGJ1C), no need to download it again if you already have it.


25-06-2011, 09:13 AM

I install it with JaZUp 2.3 but I uncheck ext4 to force ext3 installation.
If you use a bigger DOM select: Format extended to be sure that it will be formatted too in ext3.

Then I have no problem with the picons with this Spaze Team image, my Picons are located in /media/cf/picon (so in my extended DOM partition, I use a 4 GB DOM).

Very nice skin with many options. It just suffers from the RTi E2 remaining bugs.

People should give it a try for sure.

Just in case of, JaZUp 2.3 lite link (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L0YVGJ1C), no need to download it again if you already have it.


Hi ! Why we must use ext3 or ext4 partition system ? Any difference ??

25-06-2011, 09:53 AM

Simply because I am not convinced by current ext4 implementation.
For example people that report problem with picon, I think that this can be linked with ext4, so I prefer to make my installation in ext3 (so uncheck ext4 in JaZUp 2.3) and I have no problem with my picon.

But you can try it yourself both way and check if the behavior is different or not.


25-06-2011, 03:52 PM
I use this Version with RTI V1.0 Core. Unpacked and Packed the patch.e2 with the RTI Tools.
To get the CAMD Manager to work you must built the Folder /usr/script. The folder is missing after install.
Also the Folder usr/keys is missing (only the Symlik in /var is installed).

I flashed with JazUp 2.3 with ext4 Partition. I donīt have any Problems. For me it is the best Image at the moment.

If someone would like this Firm with Core V1.0 here the links:

Version RTI-V1.0 without Fix: http://www.multiupload.com/3VGXFBWWOU
Version RTI-V1.0 with Fix : http://www.multiupload.com/9EAAJFDYHZ

I only tested the Version without Fix on my Box. Works really good.

Have a nice day ;)

25-06-2011, 04:38 PM
I use this Version with RTI V1.0 Core. Unpacked and Packed the patch.e2 with the RTI Tools.
To get the CAMD Manager to work you must built the Folder /usr/script. The folder is missing after install.
Also the Folder usr/keys is missing (only the Symlik in /var is installed).

I flashed with JazUp 2.3 with ext4 Partition. I donīt have any Problems. For me it is the best Image at the moment.

If someone would like this Firm with Core V1.0 here the links:

Version RTI-V1.0 without Fix: http://www.multiupload.com/3VGXFBWWOU
Version RTI-V1.0 with Fix : http://www.multiupload.com/9EAAJFDYHZ

I only tested the Version without Fix on my Box. Works really good.

Have a nice day ;)

Thanks it's work perfeect

i tested the version with RTI-V1.o fix and perfect

Bravo and big thanks:bravo-009:

25-06-2011, 05:32 PM
Hi, installed this image to my Elite via JAzup and I' happy.
Installed only TSpanel, Oscam_Cccam_2.1.3 and my Skylink provider card is working.

The only problem is that the volume regulation via +- buttons is not working properly for me (on minimum the sound is muted, but + just enables sound with constant level). If anyone can sugest a solution for me I would be thankful.

My thanks goes to SPAZE and RTI teams for their hard work :respect-067:

25-06-2011, 05:35 PM
Hi, installed this image to my Elite via JAzup and I' happy.
Installed only TSpanel, Oscam_Cccam_2.1.3 and my Skylink provider card is working.

The only problem is that the volume regulation via +- buttons is not working properly for me (on minimum the sound is muted, but + just enables sound with constant level). If anyone can sugest a solution for me I would be thankful.

My thanks goes to SPAZE and RTI teams for their hard work :respect-067:

The reason is because the driver on the remote control is the RC12.

We did not want to use the GIT of 1.0 with no fix, not to inherit the problems of loss of configuration.

If I had had GIT with version 1.0 FIX , we would have used this.


25-06-2011, 09:23 PM
Like it.

Only problem I'm seeing is standby shows still picure in standby.

I used ravemaster's 1.0 fix version.

25-06-2011, 09:35 PM
I have problems with remote-control, after few minutes I must reboot azbox because remote controller is not communicating with azbox...have antibody the same problem...this happens after using azbox 3 minutes...

25-06-2011, 11:17 PM
The clocks in both Sat TV and Media Player are not functioning correctly. The media date is also off.

Working better than I expected, otherwise: so far I tested mkv, avi and some DVDs but the DVD part got frozen almost immediately...

Sadly, only one folder at a time is shown, not all the shared folders of a device [NFS] and CIFS won't engage at all, as I said...

Can somebody confirm?

Also, I just lost the CCcam completely... Weird... Disappeared from a Camd manager...

25-06-2011, 11:50 PM
Hello everyone,

Although not write much here, as Morpheus and others, have been working on this enigma2 version for azbox.

It is our first version and it is logical to have failures, we need your help to improve and repair any faults. You can report bugs in our bugtracker and thus we can repair. The link is as follows hxxp://www.azboxhd.es/foro/tracker/project-5-e2-spaze-team/

X Blagi: Please use the bugtracker so we can fix bugs, if you write here will be difficult for us look your post for all forum of Europe.

Anyway, your writing looks familiar to me ... is possible that some crashlog waiting you in the bugtracker?

26-06-2011, 12:09 PM
Can't get this image to boot up on my box, gets as far as the Spaze Team splash screen saying loading enigma2, then just get cogs followed by green screen. Am I doing something wrong?

26-06-2011, 12:19 PM
Try as I posted above... JAZUp 2.3, remove Ext4, as PR2 said, remove all the smartcards, CI CAMs, USB sticks and HDDs and try again...

Also, try the FIX version Ravemaster put together. I did. Writing the bugs I found as we speak and will post at the Bugtracker...

Good luck!

26-06-2011, 12:45 PM
Thanks, will give it another go. Forgot to mention that i was using the USB method instead of the DOM method, don't know if this is the reason? Will try again though!

26-06-2011, 03:52 PM
FIX for engines is available in Update Panel SPAZE.

Install and reboot AZBOX.

Problem with green screen solved!

26-06-2011, 05:07 PM
Could we please get fixed the problem with second tuner not decrypting? Otherwise this is the best image so far :)

26-06-2011, 06:35 PM
For people not installed well fix the engine.

Session FTP to AZBox and go to this path /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components

Look at the file TunerInfo.py not have 0 bytes, if so try deleting it and put the file contains within in ZIP.

Finally we put attributes 755 and restart the AZBOX completely.


26-06-2011, 11:57 PM
Well, tried all the above versions and fixes, can't get any to work, same result every time, green screen! Seems to be only me having this problem, all others seem to get this working at the 1st attempt!

27-06-2011, 03:53 AM
Well, tried all the above versions and fixes, can't get any to work, same result every time, green screen! Seems to be only me having this problem, all others seem to get this working at the 1st attempt!

back to official firmware then try to install E2 and it will fix your problem

27-06-2011, 07:55 AM
I tried this image and I was very impressed. Fast zap, media centre improved, nice panel etc.

I then installed TSpanel (2.7 updated to 3.1) and things went wrong. Green screen crash loop. Re-installed several(!) times, factory reset, ect3 - format extended partition - nothing worked.

It's only running now because I didn't load any channel settings onto the box when I last flashed the box.

I will try the 'restore official firmware - install E2' later this week because I really want to run this image. Who knows, there may be an updated image by the time I get round to looking at it again. :cheers2:

27-06-2011, 11:09 AM
AZboxHD.es is down, from what I see...

Here's something for the coders... ;)

Also, green screens etc. Hope it helps...

Edit: I now have the Ravemaster's edit of SPAZE image, the FIX version... :)

27-06-2011, 01:55 PM
hello ppl

i've installed and is in use in my premium, so far so good!!

I thynk image from hd and sd channels are very very good, it's really clear!!

1 thing that for me is not so good as the rest is response from rc unit,sometimes is a little bit slower, pressing a few seconds it doesn't move to up or down have to press so many times see for exemple channels list....

In the rest, is quite a improvement and for that, is in a line of good development so all i have to say is "congratulations and keep the good work" spaze team!!!


27-06-2011, 07:43 PM
New video:

27-06-2011, 11:08 PM

This firmware is really the best I've seen on AZbox HD.

However, network video streaming seems to only give something after about 1 or 2 minutes waiting within VLC, but with a chopped sound.

Is it possible to get a fix for this ?

Kind regards

27-06-2011, 11:48 PM
hello ppl

i've installed and is in use in my premium, so far so good!!

I thynk image from hd and sd channels are very very good, it's really clear!!

1 thing that for me is not so good as the rest is response from rc unit,sometimes is a little bit slower, pressing a few seconds it doesn't move to up or down have to press so many times see for exemple channels list....

In the rest, is quite a improvement and for that, is in a line of good development so all i have to say is "congratulations and keep the good work" spaze team!!!


I totally agree.Even though rc slow response this is the best image so far.

Thanks for the excellent work to all RTI and SPAZE group and all others who has their hard work on this. :respect-067:

28-06-2011, 04:41 AM
I need help
I can't connect my Azbox with Dcc program
always see msg :
Telnet: login incorrect

I try
name : root
Password : Azbox , Spaze , Dreambox
and ect, but I can't connect

pls help me

28-06-2011, 05:18 AM

This firmware is really the best I've seen on AZbox HD.

However, network video streaming seems to only give something after about 1 or 2 minutes waiting within VLC, but with a chopped sound.

Is it possible to get a fix for this ?

Kind regards

For the sound problem, yes, follow these steps:

Open the last VLC version and go to Tools, then Preferences, all appear below the display settings (select all)

Let Input / Codecs and select access module in our case HTTP (S) and the box where it says we value capture in 4000 ms for example, is the
and since I value and at least no longer cuts the sound.

Have a nice day.

28-06-2011, 07:43 AM
I need help
I can't connect my Azbox with Dcc program
always see msg :
Telnet: login incorrect

I try
name : root
Password : Azbox , Spaze , Dreambox
and ect, but I can't connect

pls help me

Have you also tried without password?

If this is so, than I would flash the box new.

28-06-2011, 08:39 AM
pinflood's keymap is ok and works like a charm with this version.Tested to tv and media center.

28-06-2011, 08:40 AM
I need help
I can't connect my Azbox with Dcc program
always see msg :
Telnet: login incorrect

I try
name : root
Password : Azbox , Spaze , Dreambox
and ect, but I can't connect

pls help me

It should be root/azbox

28-06-2011, 09:04 AM
For the sound problem, yes, follow these steps:

Have a nice day.

Thanks, this audio fix works !

But, can someone explain why we have to wait about 3 min for VLC to show audio / video stream ?


28-06-2011, 11:24 AM
For login...

user: root
pass: azbox


The idea is to publish the files. po and people to help us translate the panels to other languages.

There will also be changes in the system of updates SPAZE. We are improving it.

And of course we are developing further improvements.

We are also in contact with the RTi to help as needed.


28-06-2011, 11:59 AM
Hi Morphius x I wonder if it possible to fix card reader so it will decode UK sub? This works on OF and on dreambox 7025 with various emus but wont work on this E2 VERSION? I would use SPAZE team firmware all the time if the card reader worked for me. I know it is based on RTI drivers but can this fixed? Thanks

28-06-2011, 12:25 PM

Unfortunately we can not do anything with the drivers.

RTi only have access to source code.


28-06-2011, 12:29 PM

Unfortunately we can not do anything with the drivers.

RTi only have access to source code.


Hi Morphius x thanks for your reply!

28-06-2011, 03:49 PM

Unfortunately we can not do anything with the drivers.

RTi only have access to source code.


Shame they wont share the information

The more information that is shared the better all images will be

IS there any chance if you ask really nice they might share source code with yee, work together/

28-06-2011, 04:20 PM

The problem is that the drivers are proprietary code.

28-06-2011, 06:14 PM
Just tried this image and cannot get the HOME menu to be viewed (only the top bar appears on my screen) - also cannot get the blackmodern skin to appear just the std boring blue enigma skin. Also, when i go into spazeteam downloads, the screen does not fit and i cannot read the left hand side of the screen (image too big). Any ideas?

28-06-2011, 06:30 PM
Just tried this image and cannot get the HOME menu to be viewed (only the top bar appears on my screen) - also cannot get the blackmodern skin to appear just the std boring blue enigma skin. Also, when i go into spazeteam downloads, the screen does not fit and i cannot read the left hand side of the screen (image too big). Any ideas?

Hi Beamobhoy you need to change from default skin, this happened to me on default skin but its perfect once you change the skin. Hope this helps!

28-06-2011, 06:34 PM
thanks but i have changed from default skin and the default skin has stayed on! Don't think much to this image so far - can't even get 28e to work!

28-06-2011, 06:45 PM
thanks but i have changed from default skin and the default skin has stayed on! Don't think much to this image so far - can't even get 28e to work!

Menu-setup-system-skin then press ok to activate. I think this is what I did!

28-06-2011, 06:48 PM
Exactly what i did as well!

28-06-2011, 07:40 PM
Exactly what i did as well!

Ok I just returned to default skin and had the problem you are talking about , then menu-setup-system-skin blackmodern skin and it worked for me.

28-06-2011, 07:53 PM
f/w must of flashed incorrectly then. Not risking this one anymore - going back to V1.0 fix. Thanks anyway.

29-06-2011, 01:48 AM
Indeed, flashing is by no means a standardised affair...

I flashed it with Ravemaster's Fix version a few times now and only now do I feel it's "sitting well" in the rec...

29-06-2011, 10:57 AM
New day, clear head, reflashed with Ravemasters Fix using Jazup this time. All's well! Had a problem with 28e again and had to rescan but now starting to test this f/w.

29-06-2011, 03:59 PM
Can someone guide me how to install cccam pluging and how to start it as well ?

thank u

29-06-2011, 05:34 PM
Can someone guide me how to install cccam pluging and how to start it as well ?

thank u

1. Check your "usr" directory, when you have here the directory "skript" and
"keys" then is it ok, when not then create the directorys "usr/skript/" and
"usr/keys/".Give the rights 755. (see picture)
2. Install the "tunisiasat-addons-manager" with the USB-stick.
3. Reboot your box.
4. After reboot press the blue button for the plugins
5. Start the "tunisiasat-addons-manager..." (see picture)
6. Start the "Gemini3-Cams". here you find all cams what you need.
7. After install your cams, press the "Home" button --> then "Settings"
8. Here you find the "Camd-maneger" to start your cam.

regards Olaf

29-06-2011, 09:23 PM
big thanks my dear
I tried many times before your reply and did it online form the image server.

thank u again

29-06-2011, 09:45 PM
Just tried it.

First impressions are superb.

A nice looking and stable image.


30-06-2011, 12:33 PM
Has anyone got mgcamd working on this image.

If so please post/pm basic instructions.


17-07-2011, 01:07 PM
Cant hardly wait for the new spaze image based on rti 1.1 :)

17-07-2011, 03:31 PM
Cant hardly wait for the new spaze image based on rti 1.1 :)

Anyone, any rumours of next release?

17-07-2011, 04:22 PM
The team is working in the next version. (Waiting update GIT of RTi 1.1)

- New improvements
- Update of SPZplugins
- And others stuff.

17-07-2011, 04:41 PM
The team is working in the next version. (Waiting update GIT of RTi 1.1)

- New improvements
- Update of SPZplugins
- And others stuff.

thanks MoRpHiUS_x you are very nice.:bravo-009:

17-07-2011, 06:25 PM
The team is working in the next version. (Waiting update GIT of RTi 1.1)

- New improvements
- Update of SPZplugins
- And others stuff.

good news mate, if u need any help i'll be glad to help :)

18-07-2011, 12:08 AM
The team is working in the next version. (Waiting update GIT of RTi 1.1)

- New improvements
- Update of SPZplugins
- And others stuff.

Very cool! Thanx!

Btw, what happened to AZboxHD.es forum?

18-07-2011, 02:18 PM
The team is working in the next version. (Waiting update GIT of RTi 1.1)

- New improvements
- Update of SPZplugins
- And others stuff.

What about blindscan?
It might be possible to create a plugin?

20-07-2011, 01:13 PM
Just re-installed SpaZe Team image but whats happened to the download link it's not working anymore. I could do with the two updates that were available to download.

20-07-2011, 02:03 PM
I have more and more problems with SPAZE Fix - it seems like a regular re-install is necessary...

It all works fine and then bits start creating problems... :(

We'll see when the server is up and running again... ;)

22-07-2011, 10:47 AM
MoRpHiUS_x Friend. Do you have any update of the upcoming Spaze image? Are you waiting for the RTI 1.1 image to be more stable or? :)

Thanks in advance.


22-07-2011, 12:28 PM
There are a few updates and patches for v. 1.1 already... And it doesn't seem to instil one with some confidence regarding the image...

HDMI bug(s) seems to be a problem on the Sigma's driver level, though....

USB device recognition bug(s) seems to be a kernel level problem...

All in all, it seems we're not much closer to a finish line, with 1.1.


22-07-2011, 12:51 PM
I have seen the fixes for v1.1, but there has been many fixes (fixes on fixes etc), i must admit i lost the overview with so many fixes :)

22-07-2011, 12:55 PM
Also i can see (maybe i am wrong), they are too much concentrated on fixing dual boot issues (having several fixes on this), which for me should come in second place, image issues should be fixed first, like you say hdmi, usb, stability etc.. but again this is my opinion :)

22-07-2011, 02:53 PM
The problem is that the GIT is not updated.

We have to work on RTi 1.1 to run our plugins.

Is currently the only way to check it out.

But I sincerely hope that first take out a patch that fix bugs that have the RTi 1.1,
and then update the GIT.

22-07-2011, 03:04 PM
The problem is that the GIT is not updated.

We have to work on RTi 1.1 to run our plugins.

Is currently the only way to check it out.

But I sincerely hope that first take out a patch that fix bugs that have the RTi 1.1,
and then update the GIT.

Thanks for the info :)

28-07-2011, 02:45 AM
Hi, it seems that a new image are waited by many people and i am sure that it will be worth it, but is there any chance to get a fix for second tuner decryption for the current spaze image while waiting for the new one? It's for me a important fix, but i am not sure if it's the same for others :)Thanks in advance.Regards Ceyar..