View Full Version : Changing firmware in mvision HD200

25-06-2011, 06:54 PM
I am looking to change the firmware in my mvision HD200 receiver so that I can get the Tivusat channels. I know that speedy 4.61 will work. I know that this can be done using the usb port - but what do you need to do? There is another piece of firmware with the speedy firmware - SWUpper.UAD - must this be loaded in first. How do you select from the menu to upgrade via the usb? I've tried looking on the net but I can't find any instructions.

25-06-2011, 08:49 PM
SWUpper.UAD is only needed if you have version 2.* software in
see note in download says this
Last official release improvements

Important: after you upgrade 3.xxx version, you cannot use any more all the lower versions (2.xxx )

1šLoad SWUpper.UAD (If you already have loaded 3.xx software into your receiver, you can't load this file).
2šLoad F315.UAD:respect-055: