View Full Version : E2 image for AZbox HD: how to install SPAZE version "FIX"

30-06-2011, 06:17 PM
Found on the forum from which the E2 SPAZE Image for AZbox HD comes from...


Thanx to the Spanish SPAZE Team, plus good work from Mower/The_Ripper and Satommy, things are looking up for former AZbug HD, now earning the right to become AZbox... http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif Once given the name in jest, according to its many flaws, both HW and SW-wise, It seems that after a few years of empty promises, it's finally getting ready to shed the shame and leave it behind for good... And not a minute too soon. I might add!!!http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif

I am using Ravemaster's version of SPAZE image, which he enhanced by using the FIXed version of RTi's E2 v. 1.0. I saw on Satpimps that members of SPAZE would have wanted to have seen the FIXed version when they were coding their image. So, Ravemaster's contribution is well placed and timed! Some of the obvious flaws and big bugs are almost completely gone, so now the green screens are almost completely gone, the cogs are appearing but considerably less and they are gone sooner etc. Not perfect by any means but a huge step forward from many obvious flaws and frustrations to a proper Operating System, plus a few good additions by various coders, primarily by the members of SPAZE!!!

Once again, it was all possible, it is worth mentioning especially, through combined efforts of primarily The_Ripper + SPAZE good work and Ravemaster's quick thinking/acting on the issue, as soon as he saw and tested the SPAZE image!

Here is what Ravemaster himself said of it::

I use this Version with RTI V1.0 Core. Unpacked and Packed the patch.e2 with the RTI Tools.
To get the camD Manager to work you must build the Folder /usr/script. The folder is missing after install.
Also the folder usr/keys is missing (only the Symlik in /var is installed).

I flashed with JazUp 2.3 with ext4 Partition. I donīt have any Problems. For me it is the best Image at the moment.

Here's the link:

Version RTI-V1.0 with Fix : http://www.multiupload.com/9EAAJFDYHZSo.... Here we go...

How to install SPAZE version of RTi E2 image

I agree fully and wholeheartedly, this is by far the best image yet! However, it took me a while to learn how to install it properly and then add things to it, configure it all well and so on. Here is what I have done, starting from having the FIX version in my AZbox HD Elite, hoping to help those with less experience and even less "knowledge" than me. I remind you, I am no expert but a hobbyist, not from IT/Technical Sciences but Humanities, so if I can - anyone can...

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail!!!

I started by preparing 4 out of my 5 free USB memory sticks, which are frequently a cause of headaches. Well, immediately, one of them couldn't be mounted and formatted, so there you go...

I went to my Ubuntu 11.04 OS and by using GParted application I managed to format 4 of them into Linux Ext3 format. The smallest and oldest is only 256MB (although biggest physically, hehe), while the biggest and newest (and smallest in physical size) is 16 GB. I had many a problem with the new one earlier, so I decided to try them all!

How does one do it? Well, one erases all the partitions on them, if there are more of them, then creates a single partition. So, one unmounts a USB stick, then erases all possible partitions and them makes a single new one. After that one hits the "apply changes" button. All you need to do after that is to "Safely remove" it from the PC, of course. One does that by going to "Folders" app and clicking on the PC icon in the middle, up of the Linux Browser. There one will see a USB device. Right click on it and choose "unmount" or "safely remove".

I also prepared psychologically, I convinced myself to be really patient this time, in order to actually save time, even though it would take longer to do it all really patiently and carefully. For almost every slightly bigger change I would press the MENU button on my remote control unit (RCU) and go to -> Standby/Restart -> Restart or -> Restart GUI. With Linux it is very important, in order to activate the changes made. Do not install many plugins, for instance and then restart!, if you value your time, effort and nerves: discipline yourselves and do a restart after each installation, erasing or deleting files or editing major settings!

Let's install the E2 image itself now...

I tried installing the image by using both AZUp 2.1.0 and JAZUp 2.3. Both will do the job. Standard installation of E2 -> one need a Rescue Mode, plus one of the two applications.

If, like me, one already has a RTi v.1.0 image, one needs restart from the back and press the > button, on the right side of the central button on the front AZbox HD panel - and hold it until one gets ones IP address on VFD/display. That is a Rescue Mode. One could also start JAZUp 2.3 and start flashing the AZbox HD. JAZup will detect that AZbox HD is not in the Rescue Mode and it will issue a command, thereby rebooting the box and sending it into Rescue Mode.

If one is starting from different images/OFW one must consult threads on good forums, such as this one, so as to inform oneself of the procedure. JAZUp will oblige, mind! http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif

After the installation is finished and W*i*z*a*r*d starts...

After the flashing of Ravemaster's version of SPAZE E2 image is done I did not allow the W*i*z*a*r*d to "guide" me, except to choose a language and setup my Network, so that I can get plugins etc. from the net. I must say I did not choose DHCP but instead -> after choosing "no" one gets various details under that option. They should be OK. So, press OK on your RCU and get out of all the Menus.

Installing Flash Expander before all else!!!

Now - BEFORE ALL ELSE - I installed Flash Expander plugin. On RCU press HOME -> Download -> Plugins -> Flash Expander -> OK... When done - reboot.

Then, when E2 is up again, go to MENU -> Plugins -> Flash Expander -> OK to activate it.

When it is finished, Flash Expander will ask you if you want to "Restart/Reboot your Dreambox" http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif If you are successful in that installation, of course.

In that case -> press OK and wait patiently for the machine to reboot!

If it takes too long or if you see anything other than "Reboot your Dreambox" - change the USB stick and try again, until you find one which will work!

This time around I was much luckier! As mentioned before, the first one I tried, the oldest and smallest USB stick I had, only 256MB capacity - just worked! What the plugin does is it moves /usr folder to the USB device, i.e. it connects /usr directory/DOM with the USB stick, thereby expanding DOM's capacity. DOM = your HDD in various menus. now AZbox HD sees the USB stick as a part of DOM. Neat!

Suddenly, my DOM was double the size (1/2 GB, all together). That gives one a peace of mind, not having to worry about congesting the DOM by experimenting with various plugins, skins etc. Also, one can relax and install all the picons, subtitles and CrossEPG data one wants, too! Test to your heart's content... http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif You see, Enigma doesn't fair well with a "heavily loaded" DOM. So, all should be better now!

Later, when you install all manner of things, you can check for free space in HOME -> Information -> Storage and Memory. You will see that, obviously, your USB memory stick became a part of/extension of your DOM, that is to say, a part of AZbox's HDD. Had it not, you would have gone overboard a long time ago and everything would grind to a halt!

SWAP is already installed, so do not worry about that...

SWAP file is there in case you run out of working memory. It's necessary to have it!

However, in this case, do not worry about the SWAP file because SPAZE image makes one for you. It's 64MB on your DOM and that's enough - I am monitoring that parameter/function, too and it is almost not used at all. You can check for yourself like so: HOME button on your RCU -> Information -> Storage [USB, HDD, networked PCs and storage, like NAS] and Memory [the divided/partitioned DOM]. Not to worry if you see, at some point, one of the partitions approaching critical levels of around 98% of capacity! Now that you have Flash Expander installed it's OK...

(...part II to follow, as soon as I find some time... ;) )

30-06-2011, 06:19 PM
(...part II...)

Configure your HW

After that one must configure one's HW, since one doesn't use the ****** fully, at the beginning, in order to do the fundamentals first!

So: Tuner configuration comes up first. Mine is "Advanced" and I use 16 LNBs for even more satellite positions.
You can see my setup here: http://www.azboxhd.e...i-161-switches/ (http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/topic/10919-t90-dish-16-lnbs-15-twin-1-quadro-2x-centauri-161-switches/)

MENU -> Setup -> Service Searching -> Configure Tuner -> "advanced" for 16 LNBs via DiSEqC 1.1 protocol & 16in1 switch.

Then, one changes only the following parameters:
LNB [1 -> 16]
DiSEqC mode [1.1]
Fast DiSEqC [yes]
Command order [uncommitted, committed, toneburst]
Uncommitted DiSEqC command [Input 1 -> 16, the same as above, your LNB numbers, as you chose above].

Then, A-V etc. That is under MENU -> Setup -> System -> A-V Settings. Do it according to your other HW, like your TV, the way you connect it all etc.

Home Network, Mounting, Streaming from external, networked devices to AZbox HD

If you go to -> Network you'll see parts called Mount Manager and Network Browser, which you will use to setup your home network, that is to say "mount" your NAS and PCs, i.e. NFS and CIFS shared folders in those.

As far as my laptop is concerned, I couldn't pull it off... CIFS (Windows) protocol doesn't seem to be working, whatever I do. I allowed it in my security suite (KIS) but it just can't mount/see/open anything in there.

One must give credit where credit is due: in original FW 5306 it does work, without much problems! Even without username and password given! NAS/NFS doesn't but CIFS is working fine. In E2 it's the other way round. With one difference from OFW: it can only mount one folder at a time. Once it sees my Linux-based NAS I press OK on it and it opens up all the folders that are made "visible/shared". However, it won't work like that! You must chose one of them and press OK on it. Then, you will press OK once again, to activate that folder. All others won't be visible.

If you want them visible you will have to repeat the procedure but choose another folder and restart! Each time you want to see something else you will have to repeat the procedure.

In OFW, using Buyukbang's plugin "Priority Manager" one can easily mount all of them! Food for thought, this... (Or maybe we need to learn how to edit fstab file, if it can be done in the first place?!?)

For many more details, please have a look at my "Alternative Guide for AZ..."

In English: http://www.mediafire...azvqyqu40t2tqIn (http://www.mediafire.com/?qvazvqyqu40t2tqIn)

Spanish: http://www.mediafire...3e3s5796yp36mw5 (http://www.mediafire.com/?3e3s5796yp36mw5)

Speed up your response times/commands/browsing/etc.

While in that part of the Menu, choose Input Devices -> green button on your RCU, in order to speed up your RCU commands/response times.

Response times could be decreased from default values to, say 50, msecs or even to 30 for the first parameter and 200 or 100 msecs for the other.


Since you are there, take a look at EPG path -> press the > button to get "media/usb" option -> green button to "save" the changes.

And so on and so forth, according to your needs/preferences...

Restart after a few of those is in order, I think, because, as I said - Enigma/Linux needs it in order to memorise the changes and activate them!

(...part III to follow...)

30-06-2011, 06:19 PM
(...part III...)


The next step was, if memory serves, HOME -> Downloads -> Actualizaciones/Updates, so that 2 or 3 updates that are put there are performed, before proceeding further. For instance, the card reader update: if I am not mistaken, the coders fixed the difference between DMM's E2 "destination" (sci0) and AZbox HD (sc0), that existed up 'till now - but no longer, once you do the update. Maybe something more?

Don't forget to restart after every installation!!!


After that, go to the Plugins sub-menu (where Flash Expander is) and do the "userscripts". I am not sure/haven't checked after the installation of this but maybe it fixes the problem with missing folders, Ravenmaster and others have warned us about? Anyway, it's to do with the following step...

CCcam for you Emulation, Card Reading, CS Server and Client - "how to" in Enigma2...

In that sub-menu you will also see an easy to install file, which gives you the fully functional CCcam 2.1.2. Morser says that it is good with recording, if memory serves!

Prepare first!

If you want to do that, firstly start, for instance, FileZilla Client and get into the AZbug HD with E2, then make the following folders:

-usr/script (a to script to start CCcam and similar Emus goes here - if they are correctly written you can easily start CCcam using your RCU in CAMD Manager) and

-usr/keys (files with keys go here, of course, for TV packages/encryption systems which are publcly hacked and we have the keys for them).

While you are at it...

...you may as well create a folder in etc/tuxbox called config. If one day you decide to use OSCam, then all the configuration files for it go to /etc/tuxbox/config.

All emulator modules (the bin files) normally go to usr/bin folder (CCcam, Mbox, OSCam, NewCS etc.), if you are going to install them manually, via an FTP client, like FileZilla Client.

One can also find "unistall" (delfile.sh) scripts and for them you need to make a folder, too - in /usr folder. Right click on it -> create directory -> call it: unistall.

Give those folders CHMOD or "rights" to 755. Also, for all the modules (bin files). How do you do it? Right click on a folder or file -> File permissions -> 755 -> OK.

Quickly install CCcam itself now...

Now you can install CCcam 2.1.2 that SPAZE Team already prepared for us, by simply pressing the OK button on your RCU a few times. CCcam module goes automatically to usr/bin folder and it gets all the rights it needs.

You can put your configuration files to /etc folder now, like CCcam.cfg, prio etc. As you know and as you can read in the file itself, one puts one's F (to be a server), C i N lines (to be a client).


After that go to MENU -> Setup -> CAMD Manager and give the command to "Start/Restart" CCcam!!! Or any other Emu/Card Reading/Server/CS SW you might have there... Easy peasy! http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif

If you are going to be a server, don't forget to open the correct port(s) - see port forwarding in my "Alternative Guide...", as well as a lot more one needs to understand Emulators, CS SW etc. Also, about configuring one's other equipment and which tools to use for it etc. etc. Just so I don't have to write it all over again...http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif

(...part IV to follow...)

30-06-2011, 06:20 PM

Now, I installed the last CrossEPG [not the one that is included in the SPAZE image, in the same folder as the other Plugins - but the latest CrossEPG 6.2 v. 300]. Reboot...

Get the installation .ipk package here: http://code.google.c.../downloads/list (http://code.google.com/p/crossepg/downloads/list) http://www.satforum.me/Smileys/default/dirol.gif

FTP it to "/" or "root directory", then install it: MENU -> Setup -> SW Management -> Install Local Extension -> Internal Flash -> install extensions -> green RCU button...

Reboot by pressing the Exit button a few times and in the Main Menu -> Standby/Restart -> Restart GUI.

When E2 is up again use FileZilla Client and go back to root or / folder and delete the installation .ipk package, since you do not need it any more and it takes space, which is a "no-no" in E2. As a principle, do this every time you reboot after such an installation.

Configure CrossEPG

According to your needs... Not just this plugin but almost any plugin.

Go to MENU -> Setup -> CrossEPG -> Configure ->
USB stick ->
Force EPG reload on boot (yes)
Scheduled download -> once a day, around 4-5 o'clock A.M. etc. etc. -> Exit RCU button.

Now, choose only the XEPGDB providers! They are quick to download and load to your memory.

Channels list

A list suitable to your needs can easily be found on the net. I use Don@ or Predr@g ones, as I am from EX-YU and those are the first Favourites they put. You may need some other list to suit your needs or you can edit one such up-to-date list yourself... How?

Edit a list

Open SetEdit application and edit the list according to your setup/needs. For instance, delete various satellite positions and favourites, then edit them as you want them, re-order them etc. etc.

Save after you're done and close SetEdit.

Upload a list to AZbox HD

Install, then open DreamBoxEdit and configure it properly. For instance, in "Options" one may choose my PC's folder which contains Picons. Then, one checks the option to upload the picons together with a list (it will last longer but it's cool).

This is the folder path for picons to be uploaded into E2: /media/usb/usr/share/enigma2 -> then, your picons will work!

You must wait patiently, all the way to the end and it may take a few minutes, depending on the number of these little images, the channel logos. The list itself goes quickly but the picons may be in tens of MBs. In order to do it faster they are firstly being compressed, then transferred to AZbox HD and then de-compressed in there.

This is the DBEdit log, so you get a better idea, just the very end:

Unused bouquet "/etc/enigma2/userbouquet.favourites.radio" removed from Dreambox.
Compressing Picons
** Sending file "/tmp/picon.zip" **
Starting FTP transfer
Transfer complete
Telnet status: Connecting to 192.168.x.x.
Telnet status: Connected.
Sending username root
Sending password xxxxxxx
Extracting Picons
Picons successfully extracted
Terminating telnet
Telnet status: Disconnected.

Now, -> restart GUI and then check your Tuner Configuration, just in case, as sometimes this is "disturbed and it needs "mending", so that it all functions..

You are now ready to...

...download the EPG and all should function well!!!

MENU -> Plugins -> CrossEPG Downloader, -> OK.

One can get it from the net more directly: press the blue RCU button -> no. 6!

A little bit of patience and when it's done - check the EPG by pressing the GUIDE RCU button.

If you want to see more channels in the list, without the channel going on in the background - press the yellow RCU button. You have quite a few buttons to play with, as SPAZE Team have kindly pre-installed CoolTV Guide for us, so just keep pressing buttons and exploring your new toy!!! http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif

(...part V to follow...)

30-06-2011, 06:21 PM
A few more notes, on the basic installation of the image...

Since I have more space to play with, having installed the Flash Expander, I tried a few things, "on the side"...


For instance, another skin: HD Glass 16. It's in the SPAZE sub-menu I mentioned earlier.

If you want to change the skin you are currently using: MENU -> Setup -> System -> Skin -> choose the one you want -> Restart GUI goes almost automatically (you must confirm).

Glass is a bit "heavy" because in the main menus one can hardly read what's the icon's name, unless you read at the bottom of the screen, which is not intuitive. I mean, it's bad to read even on my 42 inch plasma TV. On top of it all, it's not intuitive in terms of going from one icon to the other... Moreover, it's a bit too busy, when you change a channel, with millions of pieces of info, 3 or 4 picons and so on...

To my mind, the default one, "Black Modern" is better balanced! One thing, though: CS info at the bottom of the screen is a bit cut off. I would prefer it a teeny-weeny bit bigger and in the upper left corner, actually...

Multimedia works!!!

Well, for the most part, as far as I have had the time to test, at least... Most formats I tried are OK, with some sync problems here and there, which - rather strangely - sort themselves out after a while, if you don't mess with it... MPG4 .avi files (if memory serves), that my son watches, have that problem sometimes... But no green screens when one leaves the media part or waiting forever when going from one part to the other, FF works well and faster than in the OFW, it remembers where you were before and it returns you there, which is good etc. I tried .avi, .mkv and so on. Functions well! Finally, I can leave E2 installed - and actually use it!!! For me this is really important, since the family uses it a lot for educational, as well as recreational purposes...http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif

I must emphasise again, though, that at my end, in E2, CIFS doesn't work, even though it works with OFW, with less data put in! Also, OFW sees all the shared folders, once it gets in a device, not just one!

In fact, sincce the small standalone multimedia players with the same or very similar chip can do it all - there's no real reason for it not to function. It's a matter of professional pride, I would have thought...

Because, the HW should be able to, ergo it's an OS and its applications...

There's still room for improvement but finally - progress!!!http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif

Sat TV part of E2

Sat TV is much better than in OFW! The response times are much better and E2 is quite stable in that regard, except when there's no signal or when it can't decrypt a channel...

For instance, in OFW my OSCam setup, as both server and client, was (for who knows how many reasons, from HW, to FW, the SW itself and me, too?!?) not quite stable, everything slowed down, got clogged up and even collapsed every so often, under all that weight...

E2 is quite stable and fast, from that aspect, although if one presses too many buttons too quickly - you'll see plenty of cogs turning...

OSCam - what's going on?!?

And here lies my question (or is it a bug report?): what the hell is going on with OSCam, does anyone know?!? I tried and tried and I kept failing. The above results are with CCcam, much to my disappointment, sadly...

Could anyone make an application to:

- install (make folders if there are some missing, give all the permissions, put the scripts where they are supposed to go, so CAMD Manager is fully operational etc.) and then

-monitor OSCam in such a {Telnet on TV screen] way, so as to tell you which part you should pay attention to... Kinda simple but effective logging/diagnostic tool to help with many settings in there...

Is it possible?!? I think this would be a good idea. One puts all the correctly edited files + a module in, start it and an app tells you if your reader is not starting, no ATR, if a connection is being blocked or if a parameter is incorrect or missing etc. etc.

Btw, the "update" for the reader is, as I suspect, to correct sc0 -> sci0 or is there more?

BRAVO SPAZE TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif

P.S. Next step: Project Valerie and Damir's subtitles plugin tests. Any tips? 'Till then...http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif

30-06-2011, 07:34 PM
It works perfect(Damir's subtitles v3.05 plugin ),tested and is great.

30-06-2011, 09:54 PM
Can you describe it, please?

01-07-2011, 02:41 AM
i use oscam as cardreader in premium+ and with cccam client too.
i have timings 300 to 400 ms with nagra3.
works pretty well.

01-07-2011, 03:12 AM
Sorted that out, too... Cool, indeed! ;)

01-07-2011, 05:09 AM

Real good instructions for install Spaze Team Version but my name is not ravenmaster. It is ravemaster. But not so important.
The real important thing is that it works.:respect-069:

Dig Deep
01-07-2011, 06:16 AM
Well done Blagi and ravemaster :respect-013:

01-07-2011, 08:57 AM
Ravemaster, sorry about that, just copied and pasted... :D

So long as we know who you are... ;) :)

01-07-2011, 05:36 PM
Help somebody(not me for shure same sh... happend to my friend on same CS group) change password and nic on my az what can i do i try via fttp but nothing ..I have E2 installed can I try rescue mode or something

02-07-2011, 12:52 PM
Yep, here's the OSCam + CCcam details, from the same place... ;)

CCcam 2.1.3 + OSCam 1.00 build 5353 combination in AZbox HD with E2 - thanx Ruspi for the files!!!

I'll give you an example for Blue Dragon pirate card, giving you Nova, Greece package. You must edit the details depending on your own card etc.

These three files go to etc/tuxbox/config folder:

# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.00-unstable_svn build #4525
# Read more: http://streamboard.g.../oscam.conf.txt (http://streamboard.gmc.to/oscam/browser/trunk/Distribution/doc/txt/oscam.conf.txt)

nice = -1
WaitForCards = 0
saveinithistory = 1


#pidfile = /var/run/oscam.pid
logfile = stdout
#logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
#usrfile = /var/log/oscam/oscamuser.log
#cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw

port = 988
aulow = 120
monlevel = 1

key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = xxxxx@0604:0

httpport = 988
httpuser = xxxxxx
httppwd = xxxxxx
httprefresh = 5
httpallowed =,
httphideidleclients = 0
httpreadonly = 1

# oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.00-unstable_svn build #4525
# Read more: http://streamboard.g...scam.server.txt (http://streamboard.gmc.to/oscam/browser/trunk/Distribution/doc/txt/oscam.server.txt)

label = novagr
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
mhz = 368
cardmhz = 368
detect = CD
group = 1
caid = 0604
ident = 0604:0
emmcache = 1,1,2
#cam_key = 0000000000000000
#cam_data = 000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000 0000
cam_key = 1122334455667788
cam_data = 1122334455667788aabbccddeeff
#lb_weight = 100

# oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.00-unstable_svn build #4525
# Read more: http://streamboard.g.../oscam.user.txt (http://streamboard.gmc.to/oscam/browser/trunk/Distribution/doc/txt/oscam.user.txt)

user = xxxxxx
pwd = xxxxxx
group = 1
uniq = 40
au = 0
caid = 0604
#ident = 0604:000000

user = xxxxxxxx
pwd = xxxxxxxx
group = 1
uniq = 40
au = 0
caid = 0604
#ident = 0604:000000

Add to /script folder this script (included in the attachment, together with the OSCam module):

################################# #######
###### Powered by The Gemini Team ######
### http://www.i-have-a-dreambox.com (http://www.i-have-a-dreambox.com/) ###
################################# #######
# camid #
# 0000 = Commom Interface #
# 0001->0099 = for User Experiment #
# 0177 = Rq-Echo-Client #
# 0178 = RqCS #
# 0179 = RqCamd #
# 0189 = OpenCam #
# 0199 = Dccamd #
# 0200->0299 = Fbiss #
# 0300->0399 = Camd3 #
# 0400->0499 = Camx #
# 0500->0599 = Camx-Radegast-CS #
# 0600->0699 = Evocamd -OLD #
# 0700->0799 = Evocamd_ronlad_cs -OLD #
# 0800->0899 = Mgcamd -OLD #
# 0900->0999 = Mgcamd_ronald_cs -OLD #
# 1000->1099 = Newcamd -OLD #
# 1100->1199 = Newcamd-ronald_CS -OLD #
# 1200->1299 = Newcamd-spider -OLD #
# 1300->1399 = Radegast #
# 1400->1499 = Ronald-CS #
# 1500->1599 = Scam #
# 1600->1699 = Scam-Ronald-CS #
# 1700->1799 = OSCam #
# 1800->1899 = NewCS #
# 2000->2099 = Camd3 #
# 2300->2399 = Camd3-NewCS #
# 2600->2699 = Camd3-MPCardserver #
# 3000->3099 = Evocamd #
# 3100->3199 = Evocamd-Ronald-CS #
# 3200->3299 = Evocamd-NewCS #
# 3300->3399 = Evocamd-MPCardserver #
# 4000->4099 = Mgcamd #
# 4100->4199 = Mgcamd-Ronald-CS #
# 4200->4299 = Mgcamd-NewCS #
# 4300->4399 = Mgcamd-OSCam #
# 5000->5099 = Newcamd-Betad #
# 5100->5199 = Newcamd-Cardserver #
# 5200->5299 = Newcamd-Spider #
# 5300->5399 = Newcamd-NewCS #
# 5400->5499 = Newcamd-OSCam #
# 6000->6099 = CCcam #
# 6100->6199 = CCcam-Capmtserver #
# 6200->6299 = CCcam-NewCS #
# 6300->6399 = CCcam-OSCam #
# 7000->7099 = Mbox #
# 7100->7199 = Mbox-NewCS #
# 9500->9599 = reserved #
# 9600->9699 = reserved #
# 9700->9799 = reserved #
# 9800->9899 = reserved #
# 9900->9999 = reserved #
################################# #######

CAMD_NAME="OSCam 1.00"

#Expert window
#Zapp after start

################################# #######

logger $0 $1
echo $0 $1

remove_tmp () {
rm -rf /tmp/*.info* /tmp/*.tmp*

case "$1" in
/usr/bin/$CAMD_BIN &
killall -9 $CAMD_BIN 2>/dev/null
$0 stop
exit 0

exit 0

If you want to change the module, rename it to oscam_1.00 (exactly the same as in the script, otherwise CAMD Manager won't be able to stop/start your cam) goes to /usr/bin folder and you must give it the rights, i.e. CHMOD to 755 {not sure about the script, though}.

02-07-2011, 12:52 PM
In the previous message you had your card reader/server, working with Newcamd protocol, only as a server, without the dvbapi. Also, I forgot to mention you need a few more files in the config folder, in order to configure OSCam, like services, srvid etc.

The client part now - CCcam 2.1.3, which one connects to OSCam with N-line, as you can see bellow.

The module itself goes to usr/bin folder, as explained above.

Then, a script called CCcam_2.1.3_oscam_1.00_cam.sh goes to the same place as the one above, called oscam_1.00_cam.sh

################################# #######
###### Powered by The Gemini Team ######
### http://www.i-have-a-dreambox.com (http://www.i-have-a-dreambox.com/) ###
################################# #######
# camid #
# 0000 = Commom Interface #
# 0001->0099 = for User Experiment #
# 0177 = Rq-Echo-Client #
# 0178 = RqCS #
# 0179 = RqCamd #
# 0189 = OpenCam #
# 0199 = Dccamd #
# 0200->0299 = Fbiss #
# 0300->0399 = Camd3 #
# 0400->0499 = Camx #
# 0500->0599 = Camx-Radegast-CS #
# 0600->0699 = Evocamd -OLD #
# 0700->0799 = Evocamd_ronlad_cs -OLD #
# 0800->0899 = Mgcamd -OLD #
# 0900->0999 = Mgcamd_ronald_cs -OLD #
# 1000->1099 = Newcamd -OLD #
# 1100->1199 = Newcamd-ronald_CS -OLD #
# 1200->1299 = Newcamd-spider -OLD #
# 1300->1399 = Radegast #
# 1400->1499 = Ronald-CS #
# 1500->1599 = Scam #
# 1600->1699 = Scam-Ronald-CS #
# 1700->1799 = OSCam #
# 1800->1899 = NewCS #
# 2000->2099 = Camd3 #
# 2300->2399 = Camd3-NewCS #
# 2600->2699 = Camd3-MPCardserver #
# 3000->3099 = Evocamd #
# 3100->3199 = Evocamd-Ronald-CS #
# 3200->3299 = Evocamd-NewCS #
# 3300->3399 = Evocamd-MPCardserver #
# 4000->4099 = Mgcamd #
# 4100->4199 = Mgcamd-Ronald-CS #
# 4200->4299 = Mgcamd-NewCS #
# 4300->4399 = Mgcamd-OSCam #
# 5000->5099 = Newcamd-Betad #
# 5100->5199 = Newcamd-Cardserver #
# 5200->5299 = Newcamd-Spider #
# 5300->5399 = Newcamd-NewCS #
# 5400->5499 = Newcamd-OSCam #
# 6000->6099 = CCcam #
# 6100->6199 = CCcam-Capmtserver #
# 6200->6299 = CCcam-NewCS #
# 6300->6399 = CCcam-OSCam #
# 7000->7099 = Mbox #
# 7100->7199 = Mbox-NewCS #
# 9500->9599 = reserved #
# 9600->9699 = reserved #
# 9700->9799 = reserved #
# 9800->9899 = reserved #
# 9900->9999 = reserved #
################################# #######

CAMD_NAME="CCcam 2.1.3/OSCam 1.00"

#Expert window
#Zapp after start

################################# #######

logger $0 $1
echo $0 $1

remove_tmp () {
rm -rf /tmp/*.info* /tmp/*.tmp*

case "$1" in
/usr/bin/$CAMD_CS_SRV_BIN &
sleep 15
/usr/bin/$CAMD_BIN &
killall -9 $CAMD_CS_SRV_BIN $CAMD_BIN 2>/dev/null
sleep 2
$0 stop
exit 0

exit 0

CCcam.cfg, together with a few more config files, goes to /etc folder...

#C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <wantemus> ( { caid:id(:uphops), caid:id(:uphops), ... } )
#note: if {} limits are added, <wantemus> cannot be omitted. Use either yes or no.
# example:
# C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1
# C: 12000 user2 pass2
# connects to CCcam without use of friends emus
# C: 12000 user3 pass3 yes
# connects to CCcam, and receives friends emus also.

# syntax for to add newcamd server connection
#N: <ip> <port> <username> <pass> <des(14byte)> <nr_of_hops_away (default: 1)> <stealth mode (default: 0)>
# example:
# N: port username password 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

Restart your rec and go to CAMD Manager and start CCcam_OSCam combination, then exit and wait a bit...

If you're having trouble with D+ on Astra1 - they say one must switch off AU (EMM), as well as the "extra EMM" option.

# configure what EMM blocker you want. Add as many as readers you have attached
# default is blocking nothing
# B: /dev/sci0 01
# 00 - nothing
# 01 - sa blocked
# 02 - ua blocked
# 04 - ga blocked
# and sum of for combinations
#B: /dev/tts/0 07
#B: /dev/sci0 01

# disable all EMM readers (clientside setting)
# saves lots of CPU, but you won't get any updates anymore
# (unless you get updates from your clients)
# default: no

# control how to deal with global (ga) EMM readers (clientside setting)
# can avoid global (possibly noisy) emm being sent over the network
# shared and unique emm is not affected by this setting
# to block all emm, use DISABLE EMM setting instead
# 0 = ignore all global emm
# 1 = accept a small amount of global emm
# 2 = accept all global emm
# default: 2 (handle all global emm)
# example: seriously reduce the global emm traffic, but allow limited
# global emm when a smartcard does not work (possibly because it needs an update)

# with this setting you can
# allow a client on two hops away
# to send the updates to the cardserver
# default : no

What are the advantages of this combination? Well, from my experience OSCam with the dvbapi part enabled (i.e. as a client, too) doesn't work very well with N-lines. CCcam can do it better.

Good luck!http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif

03-07-2011, 03:12 PM
Hi! I've just installed SPAZE version FIX, everything went fine, even the Flash Expander on a 2 GB USB stick. The only problem is that it forgets the settings, I mean after a reboot, all settings are gone, even the tuner configuration. The "Settings" file is only 1 KB. What can be done?

LE: I copied parts of the old "Settings" file that I used with RTi V1.0 and it worked!

03-07-2011, 05:40 PM
that is a rti 1.0 "bug" a fix came out in 1.0 fix.
next few days we should have new rti image. new kernel,drivers,mediaplayer, and major bugs fixed and added options like spaze team have to rti

03-07-2011, 07:08 PM
that is a rti 1.0 "bug" a fix came out in 1.0 fix.
next few days we should have new rti image. new kernel,drivers,mediaplayer, and major bugs fixed and added options like spaze team have to rti


I hope they'll not insert a trap in the firmware file, for the second time, in order to prevent us to use JazUp ...

03-07-2011, 09:10 PM
[This time I was much luckier! As mentioned before, the oldest and smallest USB stick I had, only 256MB capacity - just worked! What the plugin does is it moves /usr folder to the USB device, i.e. it connects /usr directory/DOM with the USB stick, thereby expanding DOM's capacity. DOM = your HDD in various menus. now AZbox HD sees the USB stick as a part of DOM. Neat!

Suddenly, my DOM was double the size (1/2 GB, all together). That gives one a peace of mind, not having to worry about congesting the DOM by experimenting with various plugins, skins etc. Also, one can relax and install all the picons, subtitles and CrossEPG data one wants, too! Test to your heart's content... http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif You see, Enigma doesn't fair well with a "heavily loaded" DOM. So, all should be better now!]

Can you use ones internal hardrive with flash expander instead od a usb stick ?

03-07-2011, 09:54 PM
that is a rti 1.0 "bug" a fix came out in 1.0 fix.
next few days we should have new rti image. new kernel,drivers,mediaplayer, and major bugs fixed and added options like spaze team have to rti

SPAZE TEAM not contribute in this image.

Nobody has asked us collaboration.

03-07-2011, 11:16 PM
Thats a shame.

Be great to see yee all working together to create an image

04-07-2011, 01:36 PM
img is working great the only problem i have is it doesn't recognise my internal 500gb hard drive i have premium with the spaze fix img on it can anyone help

05-07-2011, 08:17 AM
azbox the premium version I installed Ravemasterovu e2, and I took the Flash Expander and install it on has created a new usr folder on the USB stic-formatted ext 3 but after that you often use a plug-in's with a USB stic-installed on them anyway in a flash memory and not on a USB stic

can help you not know where I'm wrong


06-07-2011, 08:24 AM
Find a good USB stick. Prepare as above.

Install as described, as the first thing to do, after the E2 installation.

Good luck!

18-07-2011, 01:10 AM
Use this plugin for OSCam, like you would CCcam Info, to see your OSCam details on your TV screen, like a log, ecm info, clients, server etc.

Once you install the ipk package, as described above, configure it in MENU -> Plugins -> OSCam Info -> Setup:

Read userdata from oscam.conf - no

Port - 0098 (as in the config file above, from webif)

Username - from httpuser

Password - from httppass

Automatically update client - yes

Update intervals - 010

Green button to Save!


23-07-2011, 06:54 PM
DDamir's Subtitle Player tutorial, thanx to Zupy:



To my mind, at least in AZbox HD, it lacks playing subtitles from any folder (I get green screens when I attempt it).

Also, effective syncing with a film - at any moment, it should pick up the time played with the time in the subs file...

Otherwise, it looks good... ;) If you prepare the subs before a film starts, so you can easily sync it...


23-07-2011, 07:21 PM
From the same place:

Earlier I said "SetEdit" but in fact it's this app, attached to this post - DreamSet Editor!!:coolgleamA:

Great to edit your channel list!;)

23-07-2011, 08:34 PM
To my mind, at least in AZbox HD, it lacks playing subtitles from any folder (I get green screens when I attempt it).

The 3.05 version plays perfect the subtitles from any folder.:respect-048:

25-07-2011, 10:09 AM
How to get the keys into your CCcam, to open what we have the publicly available keys for, with our Emulators...

I have the SPAZE FIX image, CCcam 2.1.3 as client/Emu.

1) Decompress the attached file and edit the .sh file...

The lines in the script to edit, as our colleague pe.tardo wrote, are as follows (first 13 and 14, then 19 and 20):

wget http://satlab.techsat.info/Maker/CCcam/SoftCam.Key -O /tmp/SoftCam.Key 2>/dev/null
wget http://satlab.techsat.info/Maker/CCcam/constant.cw -O /tmp/constant.cw 2>/dev/null
mv -f /tmp/SoftCam.Key /usr/keys/SoftCam.Key
mv -f /tmp/constant.cw /usr/keys/constant.cw
Save the file.

2) Now, use FileZilla Client, for instance, to FTP the file to AZbox HD with E2. This script (the .sh file in the compressed file, attached to this message), in AZbox HD E2 goes to:

/usr/script --> CHMOD to 755...

3) Also, you must make, if you already haven't

usr/keys folder, so that the plugin can put the keys files into it.

4) Now, go to: MENU -> Restart/Standby -> Restart. Patience! ;)

5) When E2 is up again go to: MENU -> Explorer -> Hard disk -> usr -> script -> TechS*a*t*K*e*yDownloader.sh -> OK -> execute the script, of course...

6) Check you have the keys files by using FileZIlla Client -> AZ HD -> usr/keys

7) The proof of the puding is in eating! Go to HB 13'E (the satellite everyone has) and find TV Globo, which should work with those keys you just got from the net, hehe...

MENU -> Setup -> CAMD Manager -> Ecm info -> it should say "Using: Emu"!

Also, the OK button on your RCU will give you the same info on the TV screen, at the bottom of the screen!

Cheers! :party:

25-07-2011, 11:17 PM
Please help , where did I go wrong.

I get the following message ;

Execution progress:
/bin/sh: /hdd/usr/script/script/Tech******Downloader.sh: not found
Execution finished!!

the script is there because i can edit it.

26-07-2011, 12:19 AM
Please help , where did I go wrong.

I get the following message ;

Execution progress:
/bin/sh: /hdd/usr/script/script/Tech******Downloader.sh: not found
Execution finished!!

the script is there because i can edit it.

i had tried the above with Ubuntu, retried with win7 and now get the following message.

Contacting server, please wait...
Download failed! Try again.

is the server down ?

26-07-2011, 07:37 AM
Could easily be the case, yes...

Try later and do tell, m8.

27-07-2011, 12:44 AM
Could easily be the case, yes...

Try later and do tell, m8.

Download failed again, could you please test the server.

27-07-2011, 11:31 PM
server is ok

27-07-2011, 11:47 PM
server is ok

Thanx, must have gone wrong somewhere, i keep getting the dowload failed message.

28-07-2011, 03:43 PM
Re-do it from scratch, m8... ;)

28-07-2011, 09:05 PM
Totally redone ........Formatted hard drive, re-installed Spaze E2 image as per the guide you posted.Instelled Flash expander onto usb, not sure I had to do this as I have hard drive installed internally. Anyway created necessary folders - script, keys.

Now this is where things might have gone wrong, ftpd techs**t sh to script folder - navigated to the folder(script on flash expander) and executed the file,same problem download failed.

This time I created and installed the files on the dom, executed and result, downloaded.

Went to tv , no colourfull pictures though. Running Cccam 2,1,2 installed from Spaze emu folder. Should I install 2.1.3 version ?

28-07-2011, 09:36 PM
Try! And good luck! Do tell...

SPAZE 1.1 is being worked on, btw... ;)

06-08-2011, 01:14 PM
Any news on SPAZE 1.1? :respect-057: :)

06-08-2011, 02:38 PM
Guys, sorry the new SPAZE goes running late.

First for the dates we are, and second because we have come problems.

There are many things we want to publish in the new Spaze, not only in terms of image.

Sorry that goes with delay!


06-08-2011, 03:00 PM
Thanx, Good luck!

06-08-2011, 04:15 PM
Just you take it easy, Morph, and do it well!!!

I really like my SPAZE and all its toys!

We shall wait a bit longer! ;)

19-08-2011, 10:29 AM

Manual for DreamSet Editor by Sorys (thanx Darkmantk)...:respect-054:

20-08-2011, 02:17 PM
Any plans for a new release ?? :)

recordings to my internal HD has broken sound :( any ideas how to fix ??

20-08-2011, 04:19 PM
It's at least a couple of weeks away, it seems, if not 3 or even 4... Vacations, you see... Spain is hellishly hot... :D

29-08-2011, 06:06 PM
i cant get cccam cleaing anything (cline) - ive installed it via the SPAZE menu - it starts, but channels are black.

the cccam.cfg ive put into \etc with my cline -

when i go to a channel, the channel banner says NONE bottom right, which i presume means no emu running??? (even tho its started, in CAMD manager)

any ideas?

29-08-2011, 06:35 PM
Yeah, it must be a compatible version and you must have a good script for it to work with CAMD Manager, too...

Try this, it works at my end.... ;)

In fact, have 2.1.2, too...

Delete scripts for all...

Morser: "It records!"


30-08-2011, 10:48 AM
To get the CCcam info (so called Webif or web info via web browser, like Firefox), edit your CCcam.cfg file like this:


# Show extended client info when showing client list
# default is yes

# The webinfo service can be protected with a username and password.
# This is switched off by default
#WEBINFO USERNAME : <username>
#WEBINFO PASSWORD : <password>

# The telnetinfo service can be protected with a username and password.
# This is switched off by default

# default port for telnet is 16000
# default port for web is 16001
# supported commands:
# info
# activeclients
# clients
# servers
# shares
# providers
# entitlements
# example use:
# echo servers | telnet localhost 16000
# go with your browser to http://ip_CCcam_server:16001

Put this in your browser's address box: http://192.168.x.x:16001 and hit Enter button...

where "x.x" is for your AZbox HD IP address, of course...

30-08-2011, 01:46 PM
thanks i reflashed and all working now!

10-09-2011, 10:59 AM
New SPAZE getting ready...:drool5:

10-09-2011, 02:51 PM
New SPAZE getting ready...:drool5:

10-09-2011, 02:54 PM
when??????? Pls say this weekend. Looks amazing never seen anything like that!!