View Full Version : no signal

04-07-2011, 12:19 AM
have 1.1moterdish and would like 2 use urals. i have scaned the sky but no singal i have the right setting for where i live in . when i switch back i get sats no problem but its hard 2 pickup the one with weak signal any help would be great

keith mawer
04-07-2011, 01:10 AM
Gosh i found your post so confusing!!

04-07-2011, 01:17 AM
usals makes life so easy . but you need your dish aligned properly .

04-07-2011, 03:47 AM
Gosh i found your post so confusing!!

I found Your Cooking Tips Confusing !

04-07-2011, 03:53 AM
have 1.1moterdish and would like 2 use urals. i have scaned the sky but no singal i have the right setting for where i live in . when i switch back i get sats no problem but its hard 2 pickup the one with weak signal any help would be great

Hi beben...

Forget the Cooking Tips !

Useuals is the older format of SAt NAV but still very effective if not More Effective is you can Find "True SOUTH" of you Location.
When You Switch BacK to WHAT ?/ you GET ?? Tell Us More<
Your Location and Elevation would be helpful to those that can help you.....

Regards : Plessy:respect-051:

04-07-2011, 06:46 PM
disceq 1.2 and longitude 6.8968 lat 54.3194 sorry for confusing its monday

04-07-2011, 08:30 PM
Are you sure just looked that up and it puts me in the sea or or Glaslough if I use -6.9(west). If you are having problems getting some satellites your dish arc could be off. As plessy said find ur true south. List the sats you can get and if there are any trees ,buildings in your way.

05-07-2011, 12:46 AM
its for glaslough getting 5 west, 1 west ,4 .8 east 7 east 13 east, 16 east, 19 east, 28 east, 39 east, and 42 east, i have a clear line of view but have not search for any more sats

05-07-2011, 01:38 AM
You are missing a few but that’s roughly about it.On my 85cm I'm limited from 5w-28.2.
My list as follows 5w,1w/0.8w, 2e on a feed day, 4e, 4.8e/5e ,7e 9e,10e,13e,15.7/16e, 19e 23.5,28.2e.
When I set my 1m 30w 22w 12.5w 8w. There are some we cannot get 7w,4w, 21.6 25.5,30,31,33,36,38. Although from time to time when conditions are right you may get some signal. The list was to clarify what you can get. As for the usals problem have you noticed if your dish moves when you switch from disq to usals.If it does the dish might be out of alignment.I am at 1.6w, 55n. My dish is out by -1.0 degrees longitude so I set my longitude to 0.6w. I worked that out be trial and error. I'm just too lazy to go out side and realign."h***://***.dishpointer.com/" is a good place to look for where to point if you have to realign.

05-07-2011, 01:24 PM
thanks foe your input , yes when i switch from disq to usals the dish moves , have 2 move dish and will try 2 sort it then
thanks benen