View Full Version : New azbox-0.9.5307-patch

04-07-2011, 12:15 PM
updated the satellite's transponder list (needs format application area) | fixed the epg behavior


05-07-2011, 03:35 PM
was there a fix in this firmware if there was i cant find it nothing we can use same old bs.

05-07-2011, 05:22 PM
from another forum:

"I have not tested this one out yet but this one may, I say MAY have fixed the one problem that had been corrupting the channel list.

If anyone tries it out this MAY overwrite your existing sat/channel list and if it does then if you look at 169.1*E Intelsat 2 satellite see if it has a transponder placed in it. If so then they re-worked the list to make it go into the backup directory as well and this could solve what has been a problem for many in the past.

For those who have their own customized list that works make sure you have a back up before you upgrade to this firmware.

I am posting this even before I tried it out since I know that OpenSat was looking into the problem satellite that was causing this corruption on many peoples azbox's."

05-07-2011, 05:39 PM
It's working fine for me so far.

I've done a fresh scan of most satellites and can confirm the transponder list is much more up to date with only a few missing.

The only issue I found so far is the satellite 42E T u r k s a t is not named, but that's easy enough to fix for anyone to sort out.


My USALS co-ordinates vanished at some point, so had to re-enter LAT/LONG, as I noticed the dish wasn't moving! All working again now.

06-07-2011, 12:53 PM
xanadu, try to Rename a channel name in the list via remote command, also try to use options "Move" on the list, just move a few channels from x number to x number and let us know. :respect-057:
Thank you.