View Full Version : What is local oscillator frequency?

14-07-2011, 10:17 AM
I've just got myself a First Strike FS1 and I must say what a fantastic piece of kit it is. Can anybody explain to me in lamens terms what 'LO' is please? The meter is preprogrammed with each sat & I've manually added the weakest transponders.

For example here in southern Spain BBC3 & C5 are very weak so I've programmed in 10773H & on 26E 11823V can be elusive as well.

The problem is I can't find what LO figures to input into the FS1 for these transponders.

Thanks in advance

14-07-2011, 11:09 AM
depends on the lnb used but the norm is universal

14-07-2011, 11:24 AM
Thanks Satwyn but universal is not an option with the FS1, it's a 5 digit number??????

14-07-2011, 11:42 AM
The LO signal is combined with the incoming satellite signal and as a result you get the sum & subtraction of the 2 frequencies involved and the receiver is designed to select one of these resulting signals at the IF (intermediate frequency). Typical LO frequencies are:

C Band - 5150MHz
KU Band - 9750MHz, 10000MHz, 10050MHz, 10600MHz & 10750MHz

IF Band - 950 to 2200MHz if you select the wrong LO frequency then the required signal will appear at a different frequency in the IF.

Conversion examples are:

C Band LO 5150MHz - Wanted C Band 4200MHz = 950MHz @ IF
Wanted KU Band 11550MHz - KU Band LO 10600MHz = 950MHz @IF

Notice for C Band you subtract the wanted signal frequency from the LO frequency and on KU Band you subtract the LO frequency from the wanted satellite signal frequency.

Typical KU Band Universal LNB has 9750MHz & 10600MHz but sometimes 10750MHz and it is often written on the LNB itself.


14-07-2011, 11:46 AM
Ku Band
Lo. low 9750
Lo. High10600
For none universal type 13/18v
universal type 0/22kHz

18-07-2011, 07:32 PM
Is there a UK & Europe Satellite database for the First Strike FS1 Meters? And would it be possible to upload.Looking for Eutelsat Ka-Sat 9.0°E.
I know it is quite east to make your own and put in the download memory, and the manual input memory but feeling lazy.