View Full Version : 19 East and 1 West not opening?

14-07-2011, 09:28 PM
:frown: The last couple of days I have had no luck opening D+ 19 East and C+ on 1 West, channels on 30 West have been opening intermittently.
Normally I tend to hang back from posting waiting to see if any info on the threads. All seems quite though no new info on Service+ status.
Any info would be appreciated.


14-07-2011, 11:27 PM
Same with my spider, may well have reached the end of its life.

14-07-2011, 11:27 PM
Work is ongoing and channels keep opening intermittently, there are some on 19E that keep opening but only a few channels on 0.8W are currently open:
Cartoon Network, Boomerang, BBC Knowledge, TCM and National Geographic on 11309 V 24500. Also BBC HD seems to be opening.

14-07-2011, 11:49 PM
service + was bad today !

15-07-2011, 05:10 AM
Really sad this service+. When I acually want to see something, it doesnt work.
I have lost my hope, and with the premiership season coming up,

I have to take a subscription for the first time in many years. To bad that I have take subscribe for every channels just to watch the soccer( viasat).

If they have had it as pay per wiew, I had gladly paid the money, but pay for everything else that I never see....


15-07-2011, 09:30 AM
For the first time in 15 years I have paid for a foreign sub for the next footy season, I've had it with watching programmes that cut out halfway through.

The thought of footy going legs up midway through a game was the deciding factor.

15-07-2011, 09:33 AM
For the first time in 15 years I have paid for a foreign sub for the next footy season, I've had it with watching programmes that cut out halfway through.

The thought of footy going legs up midway through a game was the deciding factor.

Now what you need to do is find somebody else with a different card you can trust then you will have even greater options!

I do have faith service+ will be back and fixed as there are lots of talk about people waiting for 9000's and talk the box looks slightly different with same insides.
This box has great options and not all is service+

15-07-2011, 09:45 AM
That was at the back of my mind when I made the choice !

15-07-2011, 11:58 AM
that wright i am with you bad choice

15-07-2011, 01:22 PM
dam everytime i go to watch "expenables ,unit special" the channal goes off and wont re open ,
happened bout 6 or 7 times now, wouldnt be so cheesed off except the channals working perfectly for hours beforehand then just cuts off as the films about to start;]

15-07-2011, 05:05 PM
Have agree to tr8 you can get so much more for less than half the price of sly an still have sly ;-) if you know wot i mean ! wish i had gone down this route a long time ago :-) theres some real stable stuff on offer an you can test b4 you pay !

15-07-2011, 08:23 PM
Have agree to tr8 you can get so much more for less than half the price of sly an still have sly ;-) if you know wot i mean ! wish i had gone down this route a long time ago :-) theres some real stable stuff on offer an you can test b4 you pay !

Sadly the few I've tried have been terrible and away worse than Service+.

15-07-2011, 09:31 PM
@lonewolfe i cant pm you aint got enough posts ! could pass you sum info about a good server to try but i cant get it to you ! an i cant break the rules on here !! can you pm me your email addy it will be worth it for you :-)

16-07-2011, 11:04 AM
Have agree to tr8 you can get so much more for less than half the price of sly an still have sly ;-) if you know wot i mean ! wish i had gone down this route a long time ago :-) theres some real stable stuff on offer an you can test b4 you pay !

I do not pay a server.
I have my own card and 5 freinds with different cards, we have been doing this for more than 5-6 years + and works great for us.
We have a good mix, dont what to add to the group as all is stable so all can watch what we want and trust each other. Only I live in uk. This is the way forward and what I think the spider does very well help people to do this.
The days when I started with a DM7000 there was a lot to learn about Linux, spent days setting up, then playing wiith different cams, lines etc.
This is still fairly true about my DM800hd se but i have years of knowledge so a lot easier.
To add a line to the spiderbox is so simple in comparison, use this to learn the basic then move on if you want to take on a larger challenge.

16-07-2011, 04:04 PM
@lonewolfe i cant pm you aint got enough posts ! could pass you sum info about a good server to try but i cant get it to you ! an i cant break the rules on here !! can you pm me your email addy it will be worth it for you :-)

Check your pm.

16-07-2011, 04:53 PM
Hope you have found the path now :-)

16-07-2011, 05:09 PM
service+ is a waste of space at the mo,just been watchin a film on 30 west gone off 4 times,froze 2 turned it off:smash:

16-07-2011, 05:13 PM
jus bite the bullet an pay for a decent server m8 :-) you wont regret it !

16-07-2011, 05:35 PM
jus bite the bullet an pay for a decent server m8 :-) you wont regret it !

The only thing that has impressed me about the Spider is its multi CAS reader, reads & updates NDS both U.K. & Italia, but its come unstuck with a Viaccess (Moded by the Pr*cks at Viaccess) 3 TNT card.

16-07-2011, 05:35 PM
payservers aint all that,thats my oppinion anyway,tried so many,all claim to be glitch free,no freezing but as yet i have not found one that is as good as they all claim to be.


16-07-2011, 05:55 PM
well ive been freeze and glitch free for 2 weeks now :-) each to there own ! ive always been anti pay for anything cards, cams, but my hummy died a death with no more from plant hemp an the tux on team so along came the spider and out went the sly sub, an my tv is now like it was in the good old days ! and for 20 quid a month, ive said my piece an will say no more other than its no longer a hobby its a business now !

16-07-2011, 07:08 PM
And if we all wanted to go that way, who do we pay our £20 to?.

all answers on a postage stamp please.

cornishlen. :respect-051:

16-07-2011, 07:29 PM
lol nice 1 ! seek an ye shall find ;-) al admit it takes sum finding at 1st !

17-07-2011, 01:17 AM
1 west seems to be working again so thats something as for payservers i tried them but i was unable to find 1 which didnt freeze so that wasnt really worth it

17-07-2011, 03:44 AM
Lets face it !!!
if every channel stayed on for ever
it would be a little boring i think
Nothing to talk about
channels go and come back

17-07-2011, 01:15 PM
@barrysat thanks for the offer, im happy with my current set up, but its good to know of an alternative should i have problems :-) soz i couldnt pm you i dont have a high enough post count ! its good that offers like yours appear :-) all hail thre sat pimps community always around to help eachother :-)

17-07-2011, 05:56 PM
0.8w was fine last night for me even with the high winds. Plus19e is getting better 13e seems most stable of all Just got to have faith the guys doing the server repairs are part timers so it wont happen over night also when this sys was first set up it took sometime until it was glitch free. It is frustrating when part way through a prog it goes god knows ive chucked the remote at the tele a few time but it is only tele not life or death. But I do know and I came relatively late to s+ that when it was up and running it couldnt be faulted for choice of progs or stability. So keep the faith and wait for the rewards of that faith.
Just my sixpenneth.