View Full Version : Spidebox knackered..

terry l
17-07-2011, 03:54 PM
So who repair's them?...Had my spider since last year and now it's gone tit's up,was watching 28 degree's east and suddenly all i got was a black screen whacked it over to 16 degree's east and low and behold the channel's on that sat was on [after turning service+ back on]..went [or tried] to go back to other sat's got no signal on any of them including 16 east..[motor trouble you think err no]..got the back up file's on a usb stick so reinstalled the lot..[still the dish did not move]..So after checking all the setting's reinstalling patch's key's etc all i got was ziltch..Oh well i thought must be the motor or lnb fcuked or at least the coax cable knackered..It just so happen's that i've got a spare spider so putting all the information off the same usb stick onto the new spider tried that!!..And you guessed it all came back on..so i am now left with a tit's up spider that's out of warranty..[don't really want to buy yet another stb]..So if anyone know's who repair's them i would be gratefull for the info..



17-07-2011, 04:29 PM
Try repairing with the RS232 recovery tool.


17-07-2011, 04:51 PM
Have you checked the LNB, or at least the connections from the LNB to the motor?
Can you try another receiver, just to check the problem is with the Spiderbox and not a faulty/failing LNB.
Given all the rain lately it could be damage due to water ingress.

17-07-2011, 04:57 PM
Try repairing with the RS232 recovery tool.


assuming its ok on another box , do as spiderlover says and use the repair tool , then update to feb 12 2011 boxer26 firmware , reload and all should be well

terry l
17-07-2011, 05:47 PM
Cheer's m8.
but as i've said i took all the information off the old spider using a usb stick[uad,patch,key file's etc]..put it on the new one and it worked fine.. [the new spider that is]..
I can't really understand why the old spider packed up half way through a program [black screen and no signal showing].I'll give the repair tool a go later this week [need a crossover cable] but i don't hold out much hope..[that's why i wanted to know who repair's them]..
and Mickha, i'm using the same lnb and coax cable on the new spider that i was using on the old spider so that rule out them item's [thank's for your reply though]..

17-07-2011, 07:34 PM
@ terry l

is the box dead now or does it light up and produce on screen details on yr tv?
if its a psu fault?just take to a good tv repair shop.if may only be capacitors that have dried up?


terry l
17-07-2011, 08:34 PM
Still light's up m8.. so ain't psu..[show's the menu and all the correct instruction's to get it going eg sat,search channel;s etc that i want to use ]. got the menue coming up on tv so not a problem.. it connect's to the tv but show's no signal [on the older spider]...
if it is; a capacitor that's dried up then if you can recommend someone that can put it right then i would be most obliged...

17-07-2011, 09:16 PM
could even be a dry joint or tuner problem.
i know a guy that does sat boxes but he is in morley,leeds.


terry l
17-07-2011, 09:34 PM
Don't matter m8,
If he can sort it then g8..[don't think it's a tuner problem could be though]..



18-07-2011, 01:08 PM
try recovery tool