View Full Version : Free TV+

18-07-2011, 05:14 PM
Hi All,
Downloaded the latest firmware for the stc 6000 and one of the improvements was the addition of Free TV+. It appears in the plugin but I cannot seem to get it to run, I am getting a default "cannot run video" message.
Any ideas?
Also downloaded the latest Webzeal from the official Icecrypt website and again I cannot seem to get it to load on to the stb
Cheers Geoff

25-07-2011, 01:00 PM
what is freeTV+

25-07-2011, 08:40 PM
It came with the last Fw update. Its an extension to You tube, like I said you tube works but Free Tv+ does not, so looking to see if anybody else is having the same problem

25-07-2011, 11:24 PM
is it only for the 1028 and not the 1018?

26-07-2011, 08:15 AM
Thanks ManikM, that probably explains the lack of responses as the 6000 is still relatively new in the field.

26-07-2011, 01:24 PM
Thanks ManikM, that probably explains the lack of responses as the 6000 is still relatively new in the field.

no that was a question, im not sure what its supposed to work on.

26-07-2011, 06:28 PM
Yes Free TV+ is for the ICECRYPT STC 6000.
Manikm why do you have to use this Icecrypt section to promote Octagon? Combined with all the snipes at me I get the impression you have an alternative motive to be here.

26-07-2011, 09:06 PM
my motive is to help.
im sure theres plenty on here that agree with me.

the only problem is in this section is your dismissive attitude.

26-07-2011, 10:14 PM
Thank's for the clarification wrt stc 6000 only usage. I still don't know why I cannot get it to work properly so I guess I will have to wait untill Icecrypt or somebody else with a 6000 box gets to grip with the problem.

28-07-2011, 11:35 AM
Before this thread got *******ed you mentioned that your "You tube" is working then so should the Free TV+.
Free TV is just added services like You tube to the STC6000.
To access these other services when viewing "You tube" use the services option button(green) to list alternative Free TV+ services.
The new firmware should be pre-loaded with Earth Touch. You can add others like You **** etc.
Its early days for these services but it could a very nice additional toy.


I know you have helped a couple of people on here but I cannot see how criticism and running down the product is helpful?
Running the Icecrypt product down and praising the exact equivelent Octagon product is only being helpful to someone who is selling Octagon.
The fact that all these units are the same and suffer the same bugs and issues seems to be lost on you. Thats why I think you have alternative motives to be on here.
I'm also sure that no-one would miss your snide remarks.
The only person I'm dismissive to is you.
Is that really a surprise after all your comments about me?

02-08-2011, 11:49 PM
Took .your advice and did a factory reset and the plugin works very well
Many thanks Geoffh

03-08-2011, 10:14 AM
Maybe some of us that buy Icecrypt or other boxes with same HW have converted them into Octagon, Icecrypt, Arcon etc or vice --- versa
i have acctualy another Tiviar T1 and have many times convert it to other boxes with same HW made from Fortis, thanks to this post i now have dusted off the box again, and im happy as it works beter then it did 1 year a go. im not here to promote anyother name or brand, mostly now will like to ask is there anything new that makes this box worth using ?

I will like to know , is there any Software from Icecrypt, Octagon, Arcon that have OScam inside ? will like to use this box few weeks again to see if any changes are made.
One thing that amazes me is the Picture quailty of this box, wipes the floor out of both DM 800SE and VU+ UNO

03-08-2011, 11:04 AM
Thanks for the feedback on the post. I too reckon the stc6000 is a cracking bit of kit, as you say the picture quality is second to none. The trouble with me is I am on a steep learning curve with all the plugins and what they can do, made doubley difficult (but for good reason ) by some of the issues that cannot be discussed on this forum, so I carry on picking up bits as I go along, probably frustrating some of the more knowledgeable members of this forum

03-08-2011, 02:00 PM
Before this thread got *******ed you mentioned that your "You tube" is working then so should the Free TV+.
Free TV is just added services like You tube to the STC6000.
To access these other services when viewing "You tube" use the services option button(green) to list alternative Free TV+ services.
The new firmware should be pre-loaded with Earth Touch. You can add others like You **** etc.
Its early days for these services but it could a very nice additional toy.


I know you have helped a couple of people on here but I cannot see how criticism and running down the product is helpful?
Running the Icecrypt product down and praising the exact equivelent Octagon product is only being helpful to someone who is selling Octagon.
The fact that all these units are the same and suffer the same bugs and issues seems to be lost on you. Thats why I think you have alternative motives to be on here.
I'm also sure that no-one would miss your snide remarks.
The only person I'm dismissive to is you.
Is that really a surprise after all your comments about me?

you're obsessed mate.
sticks and stones, sticks and stones.

14-08-2011, 11:20 AM
Did the Fw upgrade and Free TV+ loads but only You Tube works. When I try to use Earth Touch I get a pop up saying" this video cannot be played", doesn't matter which subject I choose in the Earth Touch option, I get the same sesult

01-09-2011, 03:37 PM
Hi Geoff,

I have updated the addon's in the plugin section. Give them a go!

05-09-2011, 02:55 PM
Have loaded Fashion Tv along with Metacafe and both work well, as does You Tube, but still no joy with Earth Touch. Frustrating as this is the one I am most likely to use (get the same pop up saying "cannot play video"). It did work briefly after a factory reset but then stopped again after switching to You Tube and back again.
Look for new thread on WebZeal problems.
Cheers Geoff

05-09-2011, 05:36 PM
geoffh, I presume you are using v1.09.35 firmware?

05-09-2011, 05:59 PM
Yes thats the one