View Full Version : the best dm8000 image picture quality is

20-07-2011, 03:25 PM
:) hi im intrested to know peoples views on what image provides the best picture quality on hd channels and what tv they are using.

also i would like to know peoples theories on why picture quality should differ from different images as my understanding is the foundations of data for pq should be the same across all images.

i know some people will probably disagree but yet many people including myself can notice a difference in quality on hd in different images.

i would just like to here peoples thoughts and opinions so all memebers can particapate so all other members can read with out any bad remark from other people
i dont want this thread to turn into a joke and i dont want any members to be argumentative in this thread or bad mannerd towards other people thoughts

20-07-2011, 04:21 PM
so dont listen to the crap floating around about the picture quality of the DM8000 (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/Dreambox-DM8000-HD.html) it is down to tv and not the box https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=784818&postcount=16

20-07-2011, 04:30 PM
really dont want to live in the past jim as you so cleary do and as you seem so blateningly bad to ruin all my threads or bring up the past or make me out to look bad on every oppertunity. we all make mistakes so can you please stay away from my threads from now on thankyou.

and in my defence i wasnt really seeing the differnce back then between images as i do now and i wasnt completely happy with the box back then through lack of m2ts support mainly.

this thread is about to day not the past its about new images. like i stated at the beginning i dont want any smart arses on this thread that call other members stupid and ignorant so stay of my thread end of

20-07-2011, 05:08 PM
All images and drivers are from the same source, unless an image has a different driver then the image can have no bearing on the picture quality.

What could make a difference is how the various picture system plugins are configured.

20-07-2011, 05:10 PM
dear satpimps im sorry but i can not put up with members behavior on this site anymore
or bad manner or smartasre reponses
i regret to say that i will be leaving this site.
i have enjoyed your site and found your site very helpful in the past and i have tryed to help other members out befor today.

i really carnt enjoy your site anymore for fear of being ridaculed from members who have nothing better to do than try to make you look bad

20-07-2011, 09:16 PM
All images and drivers are from the same source, unless an image has a different driver then the image can have no bearing on the picture quality.

What could make a difference is how the various picture system plugins are configured.

I'd say thats an accurate reply!

21-07-2011, 08:07 AM
I'd say thats an accurate reply!

Thanks Eugenie, can't quite see what brought on the reaction from the OP :rolleyes:

21-07-2011, 09:21 AM
This is not the first time he gets an accurate response, but still considers it as being a smartarse response!

simon 2003
21-07-2011, 10:28 AM
lol,,reply to my threads with correct advice would you,,well your all just smart arsed condecending tw@ts

if members take time to help and you dont except advice your given well find out for yourself mate

21-07-2011, 11:16 AM
This is not the first time he gets an accurate response, but still considers it as being a smartarse response!

my response was sent 3 mins after sonics post i didnt even know he had posted as i must of been still typing mine out so keep your nose out.

my response was to do with your post which wasnt a response and more of a statement to make me look bad which is why i am leaving this site.

21-07-2011, 12:42 PM
i know every one is entitled to his or her opinion .

but when you have members who respond to your every thread with staments aimed at you to make you look bad or stupid and get thanked every time for it by other members on here i think it should only be fair that you should be entitled to block members from posting in your threads.

i know you have an ignore list you can activate in your user cp but it would be nicer if you could block members from posting in your threads all togeather.

simon 2003
21-07-2011, 01:11 PM
mate seriously,relax,i think your reading far too much into the situation ive followed a few threads of mutual interest and cannot see any issue,maybe language,maybe not understood replies,like the pic quality thread,ive posted a similar thread myself for my 800 where i wanted a completely clear flash rid off all the old images ive used, whether to use null or web int to re-flash sonic gave me the same answer you got,just chill ,move-on

21-07-2011, 03:18 PM
i would like to move on and i am chilled i just dont want jimrare posting in my threads anymore .

going back to the subject of the thread i havent had time to reply to sonics post.

i stated in the beginning of the thread which sonic quite rightly also pointed out that all images are of the same source but what can make a difference is various picture plugins.

ok i have never used these plugins picture enchanement plugin being one of them and the only one i know of.

so sonic are you saying what will make a diffenernce is user related or something els ie are the plugins re written to work with differnet images as i kknow some images allrerady come with this plugin installed.

21-07-2011, 03:26 PM
What I have found is that the enhancement plugin could have been set slightly different when an image is complied so this can lead to small differences.

What I do is set my box according to the TV it is attached to, then by using the software manager to backup and restore each time you should retain your preference settings thus never having a change in picture.

Try it and see how you get on.

21-07-2011, 03:46 PM
sonic have to ask but did you ever play tigerwoods 2010 online under username sonic or is not you . my playing partner on hundreds of games was sonic befor i switched to tiger 11.

my username was mr wizz popper . and no for any disconcerning members i dont take wizz my nephew thought of the name after mr wizz popper in the bfg books big friendly giant. oh no thers goes another one

21-07-2011, 04:27 PM
No m8, only ever play COD online with the name Caspian1

21-07-2011, 07:09 PM
also tray Autoresolution setup plugin
makes a big diference

21-07-2011, 10:34 PM
ok just had a look at the enchancement plugin and just moving the brightness 5 clicks can desort the picture so i can see how it would make a diffference to other members who use it but i dont.

auto resolution is a good plugin.

since flashing nemesis 2.3 everything has worked fine i used dcc today for the first time to flash a movie across and an exra url plugin.

at he time i was watching golf on hd picture was perfect after using dcc for about 10 mins i went back to the live golf channel and i could quite clearly see a guosting effect around the players head which wasnt there befor after a reboot all was fine.

it seems to be ages since we had an updated dcc i know befor today they have cause bugs on new images.

ive been reading a thread today from another well known forum which mentioned somthing to do with flashing nemesis 2.2 and something was mentioned for setting eveything back to zero but ive now lost the thread dam it