View Full Version : navigo menu files , tools , games etc

20-07-2011, 04:08 PM
this thread is for the navigo versions 1 , 2 and 3 etc

SY885 and 895 , 2.5 inch , 3.5 inch and 4.3 inch etc

Foehn and Hirsch are the later models of these windows ce v5 or v6 satnavs

native software is turbodog v5 or v6 , best to leave that on an old 256mb sd card

and use a 1gig or preferably 2 gig sd card for your new files

you can run tt 7.910 , primo(igo) 9.21 , igo 8.4 , destinator 9 and miomap 3.3

possibly others like amigo , garmin , navigon , polnav etc

menu files , tools , games etc are in this sticky thread

also help or advice for installing the files


note , running tomtom v7 on the navigo usually means choosing

Getting GPS Signal to work

Load the TomTom Software by pressing “GPS” from the main screen.
Once the TomTom software has loaded press anywhere on the screen to access main menu.
Chose “Change preferences”
Click the right arrow until you see the option “Show GPS status” and select it.
Click “Configure” at the bottom left.
choose "other nmea receiver"
then select "38400" baud speed (although 57600 may work fine)
finally select "com port 7"


some more apps :-


zip ( postal codes )

more icons packs ( updated )

also included modified and updated menus etc for the navigo v2 and foehn v3 3.5 inch satnavs

_________________________________ _________________________________ _______________


here is IGO8 version may 2010 and also igo-primo 9.21 from FEB 2011

I changed the storage card reference to SDMMC in the sys.ini file

just add the latest maps , speedcam and pois files etc to it as you wish


files are below and has most of what you need are included

use the same CONTENT/POI on both igo8 and primo921

_________________________________ _________________

also download and use the same map on both igo8 and primo921 by copying it into the content/map folder

its named United Kingdom_83_NQ_2011.Q1_110405.fbl and is about 78 meg in size , from the pack download on one of those sites mentioned earlier ( too big to upload here )


uploaded the mobilenavigator folder with tt 7.910 , all you then need is the map and patch the map with bbs tools


app images (bmp)



try a few sites like the following :-










UK POIS ( and others by country )


TTKG 4.91g


Ndrive 10.2.10 ce5


UK and Ireland maps


The downloaded exe files can be opened with WinRAR, to directly extract the maps.
The maps can be used on all devices with NDrive v10/v11.
The packs also include the latest Windows Mobile version of NDrive (currently: v11.0.06)

Country maps:
Download only country maps
Password is : 4ndrive

_ http://netload.in/dateiASlKcy9MAh.htm


speedcams aug 2011


Navitel (wince5 and 6 , no maps) _http://www.filefactory.com/file/cde6556/n/Navitel_5.0.0.1058.rar


20-07-2011, 04:24 PM
more help and advice are all in this thread :-

tom tom help , tools like bbstools , voices etc are in here :-

the attachments below are the following files

V1 MENU (original menu)

V2 MENU (original menu)

V3 MENU (original menu)

CEregedit v0.0052

GAMES 1 (original)

GAMES 2 (original)

ICONS (original)



APPS (original)

25-07-2011, 04:08 PM
found this menu system on the net for the larger screen chinese satnavs

has similar features to the navigo menus , and similar ini files , games and icons etc

you can use some of these features and files on the navigo 3.5 inch

like some of the games ( reversi , ratslap , tetris etc )

it may be especially useful for those with 4 to 5 inch satnavs with win ce5 or win ce6 or ppc too

I have created this menu by using Enviro8's menu as the starting point. It is setup and ready to work on all of the 480x272 resolution DX GPS units (made by YFGPS).

To use this menu, copy the "GPS Menu" folder to the root of your SD card. Point the "Choose Navigation Exe" path in the standard skin to \SDMMC\Gps Menu\Menu.exe.

Click "Navigation" to run it!

This menu includes a few handy applications, tools, do***ent readers and a few games too. It is currently setup to launch TomTom, Igo, Garmin and OziExplorerCE. (TomTom, Igo, Garmin and OziCE software is not included - you can edit the ".ini" files in the "Config" folder to change the icons to point to any program you wish.) You can easily customise this menu to suit your needs!

You can test this menu under Windows XP or Vista too. Simply run the SystemInformation32.exe from the "GPS Menu" folder! This makes testing your changes super easy!

NOTE: There is an included file called "Mortscript.exe". Once you are running the menu you will need to run this file once to register some of the menu's features. You can run this either by using "Windows Explorer" in WindowsCE, or one of the included file managers in the menu.



also found miopocket v3 release 59 , v4 release 2 and miopocket mini , all similar menu systems (just use google)

miopocket 3 , release 59


miopocket 4 release 2


miopocket mini


miopocket lite


miopocket lite v8.3 _ 320

_https://rs57l33.rapidshare.com/#!download|57cg2|205173397|MioPoc ket_Lite_v8.3_320.rar|20390

miopocket lite v9 _ 320

_https://rs57l33.rapidshare.com/#!download|57cg2|205173397|MioPoc ket_Lite_v8.3_320.rar|20390

more info


09-08-2011, 08:31 PM
FOEHN and HIRSCH V3 menus for 3.5 inch 320 x 240 satnav (they may work if adapted on a 4.3 satnav as well)

the attached menus are the latest ones using miopocket + miotool and based on the pez v2 menus as well

I have adapted them and added shortcuts and more menus etc ( ini files in config )

just add the extra games and the actual satnav programs

I have the following 8 nav programs working ok on a 2 gig sd card on a 3.5 inch F+H satnav

tomtom , igo primo , igo 8 , miomap , destinator , garmin , ndrive , navitel

11-09-2012, 11:34 AM
885/890 Postcodes




11-09-2012, 11:41 AM
new Activator

easy to use

with notepad open the file ID.cdm and instead of XXXXXXXXX put your device ID (without spaces)

Inside the folder you put the Normal file.met@ of the map to unlock (you can also put cameras, voices ......)

Inside the folder you put the file met@ Truck Truck of the map (of course only if you unlock a Truck)

Run the file Attivatore.exe

Go back to the folder where you put the files, you will find their. Dct

good Trip


nb:- also added alberts activator tool EA5 from jan 2012 too

24-11-2012, 10:09 AM
bbs tools is located here (works in win7/vista/xp, and probably in win8 too)


fast activator is located here (with instructions by sparky_dog, thank you)


new 900-4608 maps are located here


24 oct2012 zoned speedcams are here


Western Europe 890-4222 1 gig working maps are here with m*ta file too

here are the western europe 1GB maps , similar to the above , version 890_4234
working fine on the 2 gig sdcard in my v3 navigo using tomtom v7.910 so I assume will work on pdas that can use that uk+ROI map posted by russell

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?156375-UK-amp-RoI-v890-4222-Map post #8

note:- tt 7.910 has not been updated and remains the tt navcore of choice for this task on the navigo and f+h units