View Full Version : TM-5402 hd super +

20-07-2011, 09:53 PM
Thought it was time to ask after spending many hours going round in circles:001_07:

i've downloaded the CSinfo and edited in notepad, come to upload the server list there's no change to the default setting's, i've flashed with latest fw and patch, i also have this problem with softcam keys, any help would be helpful and much appreciated as i'm at my wit's end now.

21-07-2011, 09:52 PM
enter 8281 on blank tv screen then 0000 and put in manual very easy and done in 2 mins

25-07-2011, 11:22 AM

have you put the latest 1.11p V2 patch on and also the 0.2p addon patch just making sure as its the addon patch that gives you the cccam and newcamd server page.

if you have then if you loaded the CSinfo.txt file to your box all the info should be there just highlight the Active icon and turn it on.

also no need to press 8281 just press the IP button then 0000 to access the server page.

and also just to add you may have overlooked it when entering the info onto csinfo did you save the file after entering it. just a guess

25-07-2011, 11:24 PM
Thanks for reply's

I've flash it with ALL_111p_12_05-11 2.stb and addon 0.2p.stb, and i get the server page, i can edit by remote which is a ball ache. :/

CSinfo.txt once edited & saved to usb stick, i choose data transfer and CSinfo.txt file and transfer successful, go back to the server list and everything as it was :/

26-07-2011, 05:16 PM
Just an update, i used satpauls channel listing and evrything is working fine..softcam keys and CSInfo.txt are working fine via usb. :D