View Full Version : Two types of problems with installation and how to solve them...

01-08-2011, 12:44 PM
Thanx to The_Ripper:

Guys, there is 2 type of "install" for E2,
-first one is over standard UPDATE screen and it's only flashing new linux kernel 2.6.22 over old one 2.6.15 , so if this is where you stuck on flash, there is no need for jtag ,just serial interface and then over YAMON bootloader reflashing kernel.
-Second "install" over Azup it's just install to DOM. So if first "install" go okey you should not stuck on BOOTING.

1) Thanx to milix (using online translation service, of course):

Original Manual:


Well seeing that many users have called for a tuto on how to use the RS232 port of Azbox and then use the console Yamón I make a little tuto of how.

Our Azbox has 4 pin connector on the motherboard as seen in the picture below, this port can not connect directly to the PC because it emits low-level signals and the PC serial port not readable data would arrive so we have to use TTL to RS232 converter chip or Max233 Max232 this converter you can buy on e_bay for about 8 euros and not worth building it, is worth any converter that whenever tengais adapteis connections like this in the graph.


Depending on the converter that I buy some will need a cable in my case what I did was take a power connector and a 3.5 floppy with a pin or needle You will be able remove their pins and then solder the wires in and inserts described Ordes new way you can use the device as many times as you want about how commode and easily.

Here I put a screenshot of TTL to RS232 converter with Max232:

After this you can connect to the PC we will use a serial cable OJO simplente important but not a simple nullmodem cable or DB9 serial cable, the connection must be made with both teams while Azbox PC or off.


The Azbox when we light the first thing is to start the zboot that passes control to Yamón which is software that is recorded in a part of the flash deficil delete access to prevent and is responsible for loading the kernel, has a series of basic commands that allow you to read, modify, flash and SDRAM in real time.

This has many advantages:
To change to change the kernel or load the kernel in the SDRAM Yamón exit and pass control to the kernel firmware and try to shut down the computer then becomes the original kernel stored in flash that is ideal for rapid testing without having to flash all day.

So that we understand the Jtag Yamón is like a very simple to use and with very simple stories with a serial cable and that anyone can do, that if, if we delete the portion of the flash where the Yamón if we have to use a Verderosa JTAG to recover azbox why probeis tell you, whatever you do it knowing where you do it.

Now you must use either the putty or hyperteminal to logically connect the cable converter having previously connected the azbox kindle the back button and you will get a log like this:

serial # eeb58f965774f62c6348aa0bdfca3a17 subid xosPe0 0x50
ok cs2 xenv
power supply: ok
dram0 ok (9)
dram1 ok (a)
zboot (0) ok
********************************* *****
* SMP863x zboot start ...
* Version: 2.4.0-
* Started at 0x91000000.
* Configurations (chip revision: 6):
* Use as 8KB DRAM stack.
* Support xload format.
* Enabled BIST mode.
* Enabled memory test mode.
* Use internal memory for stage0 / 1.
********************************* *****
Boot from flash (0x48000000) 0x8c000000 mapped to.
Found at 0x8c000000 XENV block.
CPU clock frequency: 300.37MHz.
System clock frequency: 200.25MHz.
DRAM0 dunit_cfg/delay0_ctrl (0xf34111ba/0x000a8788).
DRAM1 dunit_cfg/delay0_ctrl (0xf34111ba/0x00098887).
Using UART port 0 as console.
Board ID.: "852" E2 "
Chip Revision: 0x8634: 0x86 .. Matched.
Setting up H / W from block at 0x8c000000 XENV.
Avclk_mux> <SYSCLK Setting to 0x00000000.
Hostclk_mux> <SYSCLK Setting to 0x00000100.
Setting <IRQ lo> rise to edge trigger 0xff28ca00.
Setting <IRQ lo> to fall 0x0000c000 edge trigger.
Setting trigger edge hi> <IRQ rise to 0x0000009F.
Setting <IRQ hi> trigger edge to fall 0x00000000.
Setting GPIO <IRQ map> to 0x20090820.
Setting default <PB timing> to 0x10101010.
Timing0> <PB Setting to 0x10101010.
Setting <PB Use timing0> to 0x000003f4.
Timing1> <PB Setting to 0x00110101.
Setting <PB Use timing1> to 0x000003f3.
Setting <PB timing2> to 0x105f1010.
Setting <PB Use timing2> to 0x000003f8.
Cs PB config: 0x000e0040 (use 0x000e0040)
Enabled Devices: 0x00021ace
BM / IDE PCIHost USB Ethernet I2CS PCIDev2 PCIDev3 I2CM scard
MAC: 00:02:14:13: ef: f9
PCI IRQ routing:
IDSEL 2: INTA (# 14) INTB (# 14) INTC (# 14) INTD (# 14)
IDSEL 3: INTA (# 15) INTB (# 15) INTC (# 15) INTD (# 15)
Smartcard pin assignments:
OFF pin = 0
5V pin = 1
CMD pin = 2
Setting up Clean Divider 2 to 96000000Hz.
Setting up Clean Divider 4 to 33333333Hz.
Setting up Clean Divider 5 to 25000000Hz.
Setting up Clean Divider 6 to 20000000Hz.
Setting up Clean Divider 7 to 20000000Hz.
GPIO dir / data = 0x76000038/0x76000000
UART0 GPIO mode / dir / data = 0x6e/0x00/0x00
UART1 GPIO mode / dir / data = 0x6e/0x00/0x00
XENV completed processing block.
Existing memcfg Found: DRAM0 (0x08000000), DRAM1 (0x08000000)
Heap/Temp/Temp1/Dest start at 0x14000000/0x16000000/0x15000000/0x12000000.
Index boot Default: 0
Scanning image romfs at 0x8c040000 (0x48040000) .. Found.
Romfs found at 0x8c040000, Volume name = YAMON_XRPC
Found 1 file (s) to be processed in romfs.
Xrpc_xload_yamon_ES4_prod.bin Processing (start: 0x8c040090, size: 0x0002fe84)
Zboot Checking signature file .. Not found.
Trying xrpc_xload format .. OK
Zboot Checking file signature at 0x13000000 .. OK
Decompressing to 0x91200000 .. OK (453328/0x6ead0).
Load 173/255 msec total time.
Execute final at 0x91200000 ..

********************************* *
* Yamón ROM Monitor
* Revision 2.6-SIGMADESIGNS-01-
********************************* *
Memory: code: 0x11000000-0x11040000, 0x11200000, 0x11204000
reserved data: 0x11240000-0x12440000, PCI memory: 0x12440000-0x12840000
Environment variable 'start' EXISTS. After 1 seconds
it will be Interpreted as a Yamón command and execute.
Press Ctrl-C (or do BREAK) to bypass this.

And when it comes to this point is to press Control + C to access the console then Yamón below to upload / send things we need to establish or authorize our Ethernet port with the following command:

net down

ethernet disconnected

Yamón> setenv bootserver

PC's IP address or server

Yamón> setenv gateway

address network gateway

Yamón> set ipaddr

's IP address azbox

Yamón> set netmask


net init
net up

started the network and the start.

We now have network connection to the PC I will now detail some commands:


In Linux we will have to activate the TFTP server and then the folder you've created for this purpose we put the file miarchivo.ram.srec this format is to load into RAM is obtained with this compiler and the kernel still must be studied how to get it.

How to install and boot ubuntu TFTP:

Yamón> load tftp: / /

With the load command can load the kernel in this case the eye is not in SDRAM flash.

Yamón> go. / Root = dev/mtdblock/0

go execute the command kernel that is already in RAM from the first bone block 0.


The file format to copy it in the TFTP sever will miarchivo.flash.srec this format is to burn the flash. I have to look more closely at the offset and size ± or messing them for no fat, hehe seguire widely across the tuto with more progress.

And here is a list of all available commands Yamón system and its functioning:



The Azbox has an 8-MB Flash NOR type your mapping is as follows:

Creating 5 MTD partitions on "CS2: Physically mapped flash":
0x00000000-0x00020000: "CS2-Part1" Size = 131 072 20 000 bytes hex
0x00020000-0x00040000: "CS2-Part2" Size = 131 072 20 000 bytes hex
0x00040000-0x00080000: "CS2-Par**" Size = 262 144 40 000 bytes hex
0x00080000-0x00700000: "CS2-Part4" Size 620 000 = 6,422,528 bytes hex
0x00700000-0x00800000: "CS2-Part5" Size 100,000 = 1,048,576 bytes hex

With the following telnet command mounted vestments can see how our system including different mtd flash and then that race will detail each part:

MMP [~] $ cat / proc / mtd
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 00.8 million 00.01 million "CS2: Physically mapped flash"
mtd1: 00.02 million 00.01 million "CS2-Part1"
mtd2: 00.02 million 00.01 million "CS2" Part2 "
mtd3: 00.04 million 00.01 million "CS2-Par**"
mtd4: 00.68 million 00.01 million "CS2-Part4"
mtd5: 00.1 million 00.01 million "CS2-Part5"

MTD0: Contains the 8mb of flash

MTD1 Part1: I am not sure but I think is the boot Boot
MTD2 Part2: Contains Zboot
MTD3 Par**: Contains the Yamón (xrpc_xload_yamon_ES4_prod.bin)
MTD4 Part4: Contains the Kernel (xrpc_xload_vmlinux_ES4_prod.bin)
MTD5 Part5: Contains the folder DISK1 azbox responsible for starting.

With this info and tweak and test You will be able I hope you help, now I'm very short of time so far I have stopped everything but what I hope will soon resume the investigations, however for tinkering You will be able to load the data in SDRAM so dañareis not flash and never turn it off and keep you that you had before.


2) Thanx to Kanber_Kav:

Kernel upload files and picture e2jtag


01-08-2011, 12:56 PM
Thanx to PkPk:
http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/index.php?showtopic=6735 - post br. 15!

En lo referente a adaptadores de RS232 (serie) a USB, bastarÃÂ*a con cualquiera que use el chip Prolific PL-2303, ..



+ Info en

PL-2303 USB to Serial Bridge Controller

PL-2303 Datasheets http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/downloads.asp?ID=23
PL-2303 Software and Drivers http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/downloads.asp?ID=31
PL-2303 Application Note http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/downloads.asp?ID=32
PL-2303 User Manual http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/downloads.asp?ID=33
PL-2303 Reference Design Guide (For customers only) http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/downloads.asp?ID=58
PL-2303 Test Reports (For customers only) http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/downloads.asp?ID=83

pero, CUIDADO, hay numerosos ejemplos de adaptadores chinos que llevan un chip clónico (sin encapsulado), que NO funcionan o lo hacen pésimamente, sin ***plir especificaciones básicas, como éstos ..




Otro ejemplo de adaptador barato (menos de 5 euros) que lleva un PL-2303 original (comprobado !!) y que funciona perfectamente (con "drivers" Prolific, para XP, Vista y W7) es el siguiente (Y-105):



Disculpad que apunte a DX, os aseguro que no tengo ningún tipo de comisión .. :okb:

Un saludo

01-08-2011, 05:08 PM
Here another picture for RS232-Connector for premium/Elite and Premium+

02-08-2011, 12:31 PM
Thanx to ERASEHEAD from AZboxHD.es (use the online translators, it should work fine):

A prouesta de algún compañero, y porque hay a quién pudiera venirle bien. Os paso un pequeño manualillo que ya he publicado en otro foro amigo (ACJ, si no pudiera poner el nombre por favor editarlo) de como me las he arrglado para el cable serie para sacar el deco de booting con lo que tenía por casa:


Lo primero es saludaros a todos, y lo siguiente es pasar a relatar los pasos que he seguido para comunicarme con el azbox, y recuperarlo del booting, con poco dinero, material que tenía por casa, y la inestimable ayuda de Kol y Dimoni68.

1º) Lo primero era conseguir un puerto serie y, en mi caso, no lo tenía el portatil (si tu lo tienes este paso te sobra) pero guardando polvo tenía uno como el de la foto de cuando cambiaba firmwares al FS-8080 combo. Además no me apetecía andar moviendo el deco al ordenador de sobremesa.



2º) Ahora ya tenemos una salida serie con el patillaje de la foto, pero sin las tensiones TTL´s adecuadas (el estándar RS232 tiene tensiones -3V +3V, pero no os preocupéis yo conecté Rx, TX y GND y lo intenté, no salía ni una palabra legible pero no se estropeó nada)


3º) Ya tenemos la salida del ordenador serie, bien porque nuestro ordenador la tenía, bien por el adaptador. Aquí necesitamos un cable RS232 como el de la figura de abajo. Lo más normal es que por casa tengáis uno normal (de los que se conectaban a los antiguos modem de 56K), o como es mi caso tenía un Null-Modem que me servía para conectarme a decos con entrada RS232. La diferencia está en el patillaje de salida. En el normal ya tenemos el patillaje arriba, y en el Null-Modem las patillas 2(Tx al deco) y 3(Rx del deco) se intercambian y la 4 (terminal preparado) pasa a ser la 6. La masa sigue siendo la cinco.


4º) La parte que nos interesa, a la que he puesto un conector para conectar al circuito en el mismo orden en que están en la placa base del azbox, que nos va a convertir la salida a tensiones TTL es:


5º) El esquema del circuito (suministrado por el compañero Dimoni68) es:


Patillaje de entrada:
1.- Tx (transmite datos al deco)
2.- DTR (Terminal preparado)
3.- Masa
4.- Rx (Recibe datos del deco)

de salida (azbox ):
1.- a Rx
2.- a VCC
3.- Masa
4.- a TX

Las patillas de salida están como en el Azbox Premium que es el que tengo yo, y tal como está en los manuales para recuperar Azbox.

6º) Una vez realizado el diseño con Orcad, me han quedado las pistas del circuito del siguiente modo (realización de circuito según medios: edding, placa fotosensible, etc...) :


Donde hay que destacar tres cosillas:
a) como podéis observar el patillaje de salida esta al revés (la patilla 4 arriba y la 1 abajo). Esto es importante si no queremos cargarnos el deco.
B) Esta es la cara de pistas, por lo que aunque están marcados colector y emisor de los transistores (Q1 y Q2), tened cuidado no lo pongáis al revés.
c) Esta tiene que ver con la anterior, el diseño está hecho para el BC549 y no para el 339 (y no sé si el patillaje y encapsulado coinciden).

Si no tenéis o queréis andar con ácidos y demás existen placas que sólo tienen nodos y las pistas las podéis hacer con cables (de nodo a nodo), ahora que del soldador y el estaño no os salva nadie.

Los datos del circuito son:

Transistores: Q1 y Q2 BC549 (Como dije no tenía BC339, pero valen muchos siempre que sean NPN porque sólo trabajan en corte y saturación)
R1= 1K5
R2= 4K7
R3= 3K9
R4= 22K

Todo el diseño, para Orcad 10.5, lo podeis encontrar aquí:


El circuito me quedó así:


Y para llevarlo a la entrada serie de la foto (insisto en que la salida está al revés 4-3-2-1) me la ingenié con un cable de sonido de los que llevan todos los ordenadores como el que podéis ver en la foto.



El resto ya lo tenéis en el hilo del manual para recuperar Azbox de la misma sección.

03-08-2011, 10:42 AM
Ta to KIDsat:




This is the USB to RS232 TTL Converter Module , which is a good item to connect your RS232 TTL Devices or demo board to your PC via the USB port .



Based TTL PC-PL2303 Chip
USB to RS232
Can be Selected the +3.3V or +5V

Driver Download :


Package Include:

1 X USB to RS232 TTL Converter Module

03-08-2011, 12:45 PM
Thanx to terzic (my translation), his home-made brew... :D

(Btw, he claims that on Zeini's photos the models have been mixed up... Correct?)

http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/2177/elitemodel.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/98/elitemodel.jpg/)
One needs:
TFTPD32 file/package
backup_kernel (you'll find it in TFTPD32 folder)
Serial Interface to connect to AZBox HD

You also need your PC's IP address (via command prompt):
Start -> Run -> write: cmd -> hit enter on your keyboard -> ipconfig -> enter -> your PC's IP address is there

If your PC IP address =
We choose AZbox HD IP address, let's say

1. Start TFTPD32
2. Start Putty, choose serial, put the COM port where your serial interface is, Speed = 115200
3. Connect serial interface with AZBox and switch AZBox ON
4. Press CTRL+C to stop the booting
5. Write:

setxenv y.ipaddr
setxenv y.gateway
setxenv y.subnetmask
net init
load -b tftp:// 0xb0100000
pflash write -f 0x80000 0xb0100000 0x680000

Wait till it erases a part of the FLASH, then write the new content in.
This lasts around 5-6minuts, be patient and when it finishes - reboot your AZBox.
If it went well, on your TV screen you will see a standard update you came to know so well...
Plug a USB stick with Official FW and proceed as usual.

I did it all like this, connecting AZbox with PC via rs 232 and LAN connection.

http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/6383/uartmax232circuit.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/64/uartmax232circuit.jpg/)

Home made but works:

http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/7783/rs232slobodnistil.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/197/rs232slobodnistil.jpg/)

03-08-2011, 04:59 PM

How to recover a blocked Azbox only displaying:

by PR2 & co.

All you need is here...

Dig Deep
03-08-2011, 09:06 PM
Nice one Blagi

I done that, have the t-shirt and still no joy as I get scrambled output. Tested a speed change but nothing would help
Next stop is the "real" j-tag. Been reading on a few russian ! sites how to so I just will wait for a rainy day to start this

Good finding mate, if You find anything regarding J-tag just post - I will read

03-08-2011, 10:42 PM
OKI, let me try...



Thanx to Milytres:

Ya he construido el JTAG con ayuda de un compañero, a ver que os parece:



Está preparado para cuando no tenga garantÃÂ*a el DECO poder resucitarlo, entonces lo soldarÃÂ*a a la placa base y además hace falta un jumper que en su dÃÂ*a se pondrá.


http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=es&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pristavka.de%2 Findex.php%3FPHPSESSID%3D6d253438 5e1285e17b37db039ea33511%26topic% 3D6691.0

Thanx kkaapp, a part of the looooong thread on the topic:

The stick was recorded the following files:

06/10/2010 13:59 1117 azbox.cfg 05/03/2010 11:43 8388608 cfe.bin 26.08.2009 19:23 148 Makefile 07/13/2010 13:35 1327295 openocd-0.4.0-azbox.tar.bz2 06/10/2010 21:20 788 smp8634.cfg 16/06/2010 20:47 8272 spi.h 06/22/2010 23:31 106 788 tjtag.c 26.08.2009 15:17 22 391 tjtag.h

Linux is run entirely from CD. All data were only for a flash drive.

Further actions can be divided into 3 phases.
1. installation of software to remove the protection to access the flash memory of the receiver;
2. deprotection treatment to the flash memory of the receiver;
3. Flash memory programming receiver.

Now detail the stages that I can explain.

1. installation of software to remove the protection to access flash memory receiver.
1.1. in Linux run the terminal and go to the directory on the flash drive where the files are written to the Above
1.2. the NT sudo apt-get install libftdi-dev libftdi1 libusb-dev
after the execution of this command complains the lack of libusb-dev, but it does not interfere
1.3. Unpack the archive command tar xjvf openocd-0.4.0-azbox.tar.bz2
1.4. go to the directory cd openocd-0.4.0-azbox /
1.5. recruit team
1.5.1. / Configure - enable-dummy - enable-parport - enable-parport_ppdev - enable-amtjtagaccel - enable-verbose
1.5.2. Make
1.5.3. Sudo make install
1.5.4. Sudo ln sf / usr / local / bin / openocd / usr / bin / openocd
1.6. go to the directory on the flash drive where recorded and type the command
1.6.1. Sudo cp smp8634.cfg / usr/local/share/openocd/scripts/target/smp8634.cfg
1.6.2. Sudo cp azbox.cfg / usr / local / share / openocd / scripts / board / azbox.cfg

At this installation is complete.

The German AZ HD forum:




08-08-2011, 10:46 AM
Do you have a dual boot OFW on a USB stick installed? You might get access to the box that way, if you sorted it out beforehand.

If not, try this:

This is a Dual Boot OFW v. 0.9.5300 backup, I think, for 2GB USB memory stick, by GONCI!!! He programmed his 2GB USB stick with OFW Dual Boot, backed it up and then gave it to us!!!

You have the tool to upload it included, as well. You can use a bigger USB stick, too - but not smaller, I don't think.

Kill AZ HD at the back, put the USB stick in and switch it on. Maybe, just maybe, if you're lucky, it works!

Wait for "Sleep 15s" on VFD. If you get it - it will go into OFW Dual Boot OS!

From then on, you can re-flash your box with whatever, I think... ;)

Do not get discouraged if it doesn't work the first time!!!

Stay with it, it saved me!!! ;)

09-08-2011, 06:05 AM
Well, I tried to rescue the box last night using the method Blagi described above. I guess I wasn't that lucky. I wrote the dual-boot image on two different USB sticks - one of 2 GB and the other of 4 GB, put them in the rear of the box, switched the box off and on and nothing! I also tried with a patch.bin file on the stick but the receiver doesn't recognize it, so the same bloody message keeps appearing on the display: BOOTING.

It seems that there is nothing else to do but buy a Yamon or JTAG cable and bring it back to life, if I can. :-(

09-08-2011, 10:46 AM

Just follow the How-To by Pr2 ( Blagi posted in this topic )

Usb2Serial cable(-s) are availeble @


09-08-2011, 10:49 AM
Nice one Blagi

I done that, have the t-shirt and still no joy as I get scrambled output. Tested a speed change but nothing would help
Next stop is the "real" j-tag. Been reading on a few russian ! sites how to so I just will wait for a rainy day to start this

Good finding mate, if You find anything regarding J-tag just post - I will read

If you have a TTL then you need to connect TX to RX and RX to TX when you have them wrong way around you get scrambled output

09-08-2011, 06:54 PM

I've read Pr2's tutorial but am still confused about the cable I need to use. Does an ordinary USB2Serial cable work too?

09-08-2011, 08:50 PM
No it won't you have answer on azbox-emigma.eu just contact herbie153 he has the right one

09-08-2011, 09:13 PM
Look at this FAQ (http://www.azboxfaq.eu/content/5/63/de/meine-azbox-bleibt-immer-mit-booting-im-display-haengen.html). This is written in german. But I think you find your informations.

10-08-2011, 09:17 AM
Vielen Dank, zeini. I will order one of this cables.

30-08-2011, 12:25 PM
On the German AZ HD support forum one guy managed with CTRL-C interrupt, having done the following:

"Was only able to use Ctrl-C interrupt, after I had adjusted the settings Putty "Connection / Flow control" NONE. I hadn't read it in any guide!"

Dig Deep - try now... ;) :)

Oh, and be fast!

31-08-2011, 07:44 AM
Ta to iq180:

for all the hd azboxes stuck in booting or loading before you try to jtag your reciver try this first, load firmware 0.9.5020 or older on a clean usb stick (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/USB-Pen-Drive-2gb.html)
format in fat 32 now turn off your azbox with the power switch now put the usb in the azbox now hold down the menu button on the reciver and turn on
the power switch and keep holding the menu button until you see rescue mode, if you can get to rescue then you can load the firmware and recover your azbox
i dont know the reasion the older firmware works but it does work most of the time for me, so give it a try before you jtag your reciver.

Dig Deep
31-08-2011, 06:52 PM
Yes, I have done all and tested all but I never give up. At last - the Summer is soon gone and the dark ages is here again giving me more time to play.
I will do it all from scratch again - try every new angel I can find and lift on every stone in my way :o13:

Sooner or later it will b sorted.
Thank´s for all the good work.

Dig Deep
05-09-2011, 10:49 AM
BTW, my Elit has not stopped in Booting - it goes all the way to Update using USB
Insert USB

there is stands for years me think

05-09-2011, 01:15 PM
Then, different USB sticks may sort it out?


Dig Deep
05-09-2011, 07:14 PM
Been on that train as well mate. Tried 4 usb pens 1 to 4 MB It is a stubborn machine I have.

05-09-2011, 10:55 PM
From my experience, it matters not, if it's 3 or 10 USB sticks, if they are all incompatible or faulty...

Good luck anyhow... ;)

06-09-2011, 06:41 PM
Big thanx to PR2 & co for his guide on recovering a azbox stuck on booting.Took a couple of hours to get everything back but i got there in the end.A quick tip - if you need a usb to ttl cable get one off ****.I got one for £5.18.:respect-055:

07-09-2011, 07:49 PM
Dig Deep, I heard from other people that Terzic's version worked (post no. 6)... So, not just from Terzic...

Apparently, his is a different path and works...

Good luck!

08-09-2011, 10:07 AM
Here is a thing, from Grle, who sorted it all with this baby...

As soon as you plug this cable in it will ask you to download the drivers, so called Prolific Drivers.

Accept and then install them.

After that in Device Manager go to Ports and there you'll see the third port belonging to Prolific Drivers.

This cable has no PLUS, only "earth", Tx and Rx. So, no chance in hell to mess things up, either in the cable itself or the receiver.

I shall find the manual for it later on...

One needs PUTTY Recovery for AZBox and maybe something else, I can't remember. But if you search on the net a little I am sure it's all there, since I manage to get it.

It's explained, even for all the different AZbox models.

A few images:

http://www.satforum.me/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1 982.0;attach=2904;image

http://www.satforum.me/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1 982.0;attach=2906;image

http://www.satforum.me/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1 982.0;attach=2913;image

Download the manual here:


22-09-2011, 07:18 PM
Thanx to Darkmantk, here is a "how to" for this type of failure:


Bueno, como os prometí aquí está el manual de CÓMO RECUPERAR AZBOX VIA JTAG (Deco muerto en Booting).
Agradecer enormemente al foro pristavka.de!! y sobretodo al usuario kkaapp.

Según algunos es imposible recuperarlo, pues bien SÍ se puede...

Bien, este manual es sobre cómo conseguir recuperar un deco (en mi caso premium+) cuando al usar el método del Yamon por RS232 nos da este resultado:

xosPe0 serial#2cee66e587b6925bb3cff53620 687750 subid 0x70
xenv cs2 failed
xenvxosPe0 serial#2cee66e587b6925bb3cff53620 687750 subid 0x70
xenv cs2 failed
xenv power supply: ok
dram0 ok (
zboot (1) failed

Parece ser que si falla lo de zboot ya no carga el Yamon y hay que usar Jtag.Vamos a ello.

1º.- Materiales necesarios:

8 Resistencias de 120 Ohm (marron-rojo-marron)
1 conector DB25 (paralelo) macho
1 trozo de cable (yo he usado de los IDE planos)

Hay que seguir este esquema:


20-21-22-23-24-25 se puentean en el conector paralelo DB25.

Nos quedará algo así:




Bien, ahora ya tenemos el cable hecho, solo falta puentear con un cable o ponerle un jumper macho y su capuchón correspondiente en R309 :


Vale, hardware listo, vamos con el software.

1º Poner en la BIOS del PC el modo EPP en el puerto paralelo.

Necesitamos UBUNTU Linux, yo me he bajado el último 11.04. En teoria no hace falta ni instalarlo, se podría usar desde el mismo cd con la opción TRIAL que aparece en el arranque del CD cuando carga la interface... yo lo instalé. Pero podeis probar...

Bueno, una vez en linux vamos a prepararlo todo. Os dejaré adjutos los ficheros necesarios, pero con los comandos los debería descargar el solo...

Al lío, abrimos un Terminal y metemos estas órdenes:

primero le ponemos password al usuario root;

sudo passwd root

ahí metemos password nuestro y luego password root (si lo haceis sin instalar linux no sé si será dejarlo en blanco y luego meterle el que querais para root o ya estareis como root directamente...)

cambiamos a usuario root;

sudo -i

creamos la carpeta, descargamos y descomprimimos los ficheros necesarios. Cambiar los * por h !!!! los he puesto porque no se hacer que no salga enlace en vez de direccion completa....

mkdir azbox
cd azbox
sudo apt-get install libftdi-dev libftdi1 libusb-dev
wget -c *ttp://download.berlios.de/openocd/openocd-0.4.0.tar.bz2
wget -c *ttp://download.pristavka.de/azboxhd/az3_nor_flash.rar (este creo que no hace ni falta porque en booting.zip de más adelante ya está el fichero, pero bueno...)
sudo apt-get install rar unrar
tar xjvf openocd-0.4.0.tar.bz2
unrar x az3_nor_flash.rar
cd openocd-0.4.0/
./configure --enable-dummy --enable-parport --enable-doxygen-pdf --enable-amtjtagaccel --enable-verbose --enable-ioutil --enable-zy100 --enable-x300t
sudo make install
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/bin/openocd /usr/bin/openocd
cd ..
sudo cp az3.bin /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts
sudo cp smp8634.cfg /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts/target/smp8634.cfg
sudo cp azbox.cfg /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts/board/azbox.cfg

Ahora conectamos el receptor al pc con el cable que hemos hecho y lo encendemos...se quedará en booting...


cd /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts
openocd -f interface/parport_dlc5.cfg -f board/azbox.cfg

Dejamos este terminal abierto y abrimos otro nuevo;

cd /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts
telnet localhost 4444

Ahora dentro de este sub-terminal telnet que nos muestra escribimos:

reset init
flash protect 0 0 last off
flash protect_check 0
flash info 0

Bien, ahora nos vamos a descargar y descomprimir el fichero Booting.zip que es el que contiene el programa para grabar el micro y el fichero que hay que programar...

wget -c *ttp://download.pristavka.de/azboxhd/Booting.zip (cambiar * por h !!!!)

unzip Booting.zip


cd Booting
sudo rmmod lp
sudo ./tjtag -flash:cfe /fc:104 /bypass
(Si no funciona renombrar a CFE.BIN en mayúsculas usando : mv cfe.bin CFE.BIN y volver a ejecutar la última orden : sudo ./tjtag -flash:cfe /fc:104 /bypass )

Bueno, con esto debería empezar a flashear nuestra memoria... os aviso de que tarda muuucho. A mi me tardó 145710 segundos aprox. 40 horas en un AMD 800. Al autor del manual que he ido siguiendo le tardó unas 29 horas...

Después, cuando acabe que ya ponga DONE.
Apagar del interruptor trasero el Azbox.
Desconectarlo de la corriente.
Quitar el jumper JTAG.
Quitar el cable JTAG (yo lo dejé por si las moscas y no me iba ni la botonera ni el mando en el menú de actualización USB, fue quitarlo y a rular..)
Meterle un Pen con un patch.bin válido (yo usé el último 08)
Formatear el application area
Instalar patch.bin.

A disfrutar!!

PD: Creo que no me he dejado nada, pero como es una cosa que no había hecho nunca...si veis algo que no está bien lo comentamos en el foro azboxhd.es



22-09-2011, 07:47 PM
A solution for JTAG, as above, for Elite model...

Dig Deep
23-09-2011, 11:27 AM
Yep, this looks good, nice to some good pics and how-to´s . Thanks Blagi I am on my way, never give up!

23-09-2011, 11:36 AM
It's DANILP who wrote it over on AZboxHD.es - thanx goes to him! ;) :)

23-09-2011, 12:38 PM
Thanks to all for this info

I've some doubts about Elite situation : The Jtag connector seems to be already shielded on masterboard, on Elite
And RP1 / RP2 does'nt exist...

The jumper to activate JTAG is J2 : OK
But is it necessary to use 8 resistors, on an Elite ? because DB25 connector seems to be directly linked to Jtag connector, on 1st scheme (resistors are used to connect to RP1/RP2, which are'nt used on Elite ?)

23-09-2011, 01:52 PM
I wouldn't know, sorry...

Best thing to do is to speak to those guys directly... ;)

Btw, have you seen post no. 9? Also JTAG...

23-09-2011, 03:32 PM
Thanks, Blagi
I'll try to contact them on Spanish forum.
In the meantime, I've translated do***ent into French version : If somebody is interested, it's loadable there :

23-09-2011, 06:38 PM
Sorry, submitted twice....

Dig Deep
23-09-2011, 08:26 PM
I would be very happy for a decent translate to English as google do a real sh!t mess out of this !
You miss a lot of information if You can´t understand what the author say. So, please !!

24-09-2011, 02:14 PM
If you do shorter parts of sentences it's kinda OK and you can get the idea... Most of the time, when major languages are concerned, in this case Spanish -> English.

To Serbo-Croat would be a real laugh... :D

Post no. 9 is also JTAG, btw...

Should be simple! :)

26-09-2011, 11:43 AM
Thanks, Blagi
I'll try to contact them on Spanish forum.
In the meantime, I've translated do***ent into French version : If somebody is interested, it's loadable there :

Not so easy to exchange on Spanish forum...
In fact, it seems that people working on that are located in Brazil, speaking Portuguese

As I can see, Jtag operations have only be done and validated with Premium models, not with Elite
It's simplest with Elite, about cabling ( no resistors to add on masterboard, and Jtag connector is already shielded on board...)

But I think something is wrong about cabling, or configuration files used with interfaces
The PC seems to be able to read some infos from Azbox ( SMP model, by example )
But it cannot write anything to Azbox : all datas and memory addresses are strobed as "FFFFFFF"
That can indicate a wrong clocking, or a wrong cabling

I've tested with 2 distincts PCs, with Linux and Windows XP, without success
My cable is certified in conformance with do***entation recommandations.
The problem is somewhere else....

Hoping people will finalize on a Elite receiver....

26-09-2011, 12:15 PM
Anyone tried post no. 9 JTAG?

26-09-2011, 02:38 PM
It's the same source of packages, so....

26-09-2011, 02:38 PM
Not so easy to exchange on Spanish forum...
In fact, it seems that people working on that are located in Brazil, speaking Portuguese

As I can see, Jtag operations have only be done and validated with Premium models, not with Elite
It's simplest with Elite, about cabling ( no resistors to add on masterboard, and Jtag connector is already shielded on board...)

But I think something is wrong about cabling, or configuration files used with interfaces
The PC seems to be able to read some infos from Azbox ( SMP model, by example )
But it cannot write anything to Azbox : all datas and memory addresses are strobed as "FFFFFFF"
That can indicate a wrong clocking, or a wrong cabling

I've tested with 2 distincts PCs, with Linux and Windows XP, without success
My cable is certified in conformance with do***entation recommandations.
The problem is somewhere else....

Hoping people will finalize on a Elite receiver....

i tried numerous time to get elite to communicate via jtag, always, it would fail to HALT/reset the processor.( first few steps as shown below)
i also contacted the original Brazillian poster (FC_Candido i believe) about the solution we are following but he said he knows only that it works for Premium. In theory, it should be easier to JTAG the elite as it has the header and resistors on-board already and only one JTAG enable soldering is needed. Its been a very long time that i am not confident in a solution being found for the elite

reset init
flash protect 0 0 last off
flash protect_check 0
flash info 0

26-09-2011, 03:12 PM
Exactly same experience than you, Happyhammer !
For now, no solution on Elite

28-09-2011, 12:14 PM
<script src='http://img7.imageshack.us/shareable/?i=screenshot4rf.png&p=tl' type='text/**********'></script><noscript>http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/4112/screenshot4rf.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/7/screenshot4rf.png/)</noscript>

It's OK ?
I close pins 1-14 ( jtag azbox elite ) with 120ohms.

01-10-2011, 03:49 PM
For people with Elite maybe you can enable the jtag on the CPU, like on X300T; http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/index.php/EJTAG_on_SMP

I have yet to recive a usbjtag device since I have no convinient access to a LPT computer. So no JTAGing for me as of yet.

Best regards!

01-10-2011, 09:56 PM
post 29 shows the diagram where on the elite you short two solder pads to enable the Jtag. the two solder pads are between the four pin rs232 header and the top of the 14 pin jtag header.

01-10-2011, 10:37 PM
post 29 shows the diagram where on the elite you short two solder pads to enable the Jtag. the two solder pads are between the four pin rs232 header and the top of the 14 pin jtag header.

OK, and .... ?

01-10-2011, 10:40 PM
post 29 shows the diagram where on the elite you short two solder pads to enable the Jtag. the two solder pads are between the four pin rs232 header and the top of the 14 pin jtag header.

OK, and .... nobody has a solution?

02-10-2011, 04:21 PM
anything new?

03-10-2011, 09:15 AM
nobody has a solution for Jtagging the Elite that we know about.

04-10-2011, 01:14 PM
Has anyone tried the tools at the X300T wiki site?

They have a special JTAG (wiggler, parallell port) tool (http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/index.php/Upload_YAMON) for windows that will upload YAMON to the box (RAM, file is ~450kb so it will be faster), with YAMON we can revive the box using the serial method (described in the first post in this topic).

@everybody, please check the voltage on the JTAG, are the pins 3.3V (if not adjust your ohms) when using JTAG? Also try to have short cables from JTAG->Parallellport and use more than one GND point on the box.

Best regards!

09-10-2011, 01:30 PM
Box is now back in working state. JTAG flashing was successful. After flashing I reuploaded E2 and after that I made a new dump with E2 bootloader.

The JTAG is fully functional in highspeed mode, flashing takes ~1min, with correct hardware/software.

09-10-2011, 08:58 PM

If you have the elite model and the same situation as everyone else:

serial # eeb58f965774f62c6348aa0bdfca3a17 subid xosPe0 0x50
ok cs2 xenv
Power supply: ok
dram0 ok (9)
dram1 ok (a)
zboot (1) failed

and an error code:

reset init
flash protect 0 0 off last
Flash protect_check 0
flash info 0

Describe how you did it successfully

has anyone successfully done this way, DOUME ?

09-10-2011, 09:27 PM
I measured the voltage at the pins:
only pins DB25:
2,3,4,13, = 4.5V
azbos only jtag pins:
3 = 3.3V
5 = 3.3V
7 = 3.3v
9 = 3.3V
When connect jtag cable I get
the azbox JTAG pins:
3 = 1.7V
5 = 3.3V
7.9 = 3.7V
I have to reduce resistances the pin 2 ,7 and 9, to get a 3.3v?

09-10-2011, 09:50 PM
I measured the voltage at the pins:
only pins DB25:
2,3,4,13, = 4.5V
azbos only jtag pins:
3 = 3.3V
5 = 3.3V
7 = 3.3v
9 = 3.3V
When connect jtag cable I get
the azbox JTAG pins:
3 = 1.7V
5 = 3.3V
7.9 = 3.7V
I have to reduce resistances the pin 2 ,7 and 9, to get a 3.3v?

Yes you need to adjust the resistances on those pins, also you need to have JTAG enable pins shorted, otherwise it will not work at all.

BTW. I see you do not have zboot (0) failed, this should indicate that you should be able to flash your box via YAMON.

I used USBJTAG NT hardware/software under win7.

I wish you good luck with debricking your box!

09-10-2011, 10:00 PM
I put the pin 2-3 =82ohm resostor and I got 3.3V, but then the pins 4-7 and 3-9 received 4.2V(put 182ohm).
What are your values ​​of resistors on certain pins?

09-10-2011, 10:19 PM
I used ready made USB hardware only, since I do not have a working LPT computer otherwise I would have used the buffered wiggler interface that I have used before that I made some years ago.

Also if you would like to use LPT (openocd or whatever) under windows use giveio.sys and loaddrv.exe as per the packages on http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/index.php/Upload_YAMON

10-10-2011, 08:52 AM
digihoe, that ?

http://www.google.rs/imgres?imgurl=http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/images/e/e4/Wiggler.png&imgrefurl=http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/index.php/EJTAG&usg=__3gY1r9CGtoDCVFWhdaMEyWz2nMA =&h=600&w=800&sz=28&hl=sr&start=1&zoom=1&tbnid=7TUUUfdhBhMJFM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&ei=d6KSTrKWBY3tsgbhsPEo&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dwiggler%2Binterface% 26hl%3Dsr%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tb m%3Disch&itbs=1

10-10-2011, 10:08 AM
Can you explain this:

"I used ready made USB hardware only"

how did you do it?

10-10-2011, 10:27 AM
digihoe, that ?

http://www.google.rs/imgres?imgurl=http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/images/e/e4/Wiggler.png&imgrefurl=http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/index.php/EJTAG&usg=__3gY1r9CGtoDCVFWhdaMEyWz2nMA =&h=600&w=800&sz=28&hl=sr&start=1&zoom=1&tbnid=7TUUUfdhBhMJFM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&ei=d6KSTrKWBY3tsgbhsPEo&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dwiggler%2Binterface% 26hl%3Dsr%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tb m%3Disch&itbs=1

Yes that is the buffered wiggler, don't forget to change settings for it if you make one.

The JTAG interface I used for flashing was USBJTAG NT as I posted earlier. It's a USB->JTAG interface compatible with eJTAG (such as MIPS CPU's), the interface has a buffered connection and works in fullspeed mode (12MHz) instead of DLC5/wiggler parallellport interface speed (0,5KHz) this means that flashing will be done in ~1min instead of 29hours.

10-10-2011, 11:50 AM
Very cool to see this, thanx!

If you could only put some more details, whatever you can remember or check... For those not as experienced and knowledgeable as you...


10-10-2011, 12:42 PM
Sorry, I made a mistake while copying file.
"zboot (1) failed" this is the correct

10-10-2011, 03:25 PM
JTAG for azbox premium

10-10-2011, 03:56 PM
Very cool to see this, thanx!

If you could only put some more details, whatever you can remember or check... For those not as experienced and knowledgeable as you...

i second that!

@digihoe. i would also be interested to get more info on how you debricked your elite with JTAG. I dont want to purchase another JTAG interface (already tried taio universal adapter) unless i was assured i could get it working. USBJTAG NT is $60 + shipping

10-10-2011, 05:30 PM
I'm also interested by USBJTAG , if we can be sure this procedure has been used with success for an Elite model

10-10-2011, 07:18 PM
Digihoe used the USBJTAG on a premium model ( not Elite )
Without any resistor to weld on master board ( I think all polarizations are done by the USBJTAG circuit !)

But that don't proove it'll work for Elite, till somebody takes the risk and give us feedback (70 $ with shipping )
The question is : Is an Elite value >= 70 US $ ?

10-10-2011, 07:40 PM
I'm sorry but it was a Premium I fixed via JTAG, not an Elite. I have no idea why there are problems with the Elite model and JTAG.
Can you guys check what flashchip it has, for sure? All I see is that you get a good CPU detect and then it all hangs, is this true?

However the whole procedure of flashing was quite simple
1. Short JTAG enable pins on the board
2. Plugin the USBJTAG NT hardware (usb and box, you need to presolder pins to the board or use springpins, the USBJTAG NT might use more than TDI, TMS, TDO, TCK and GND, I'm not sure since it is fully eJTAG compatible)
3. Power on the box
4. Box will stop in "BOOTING" (even if bootloader is OK, since JTAG enable is on)
5. Start USBJTAG NT with TAzboxPremium.xml
6. Press detect in USBJTAG NT (you should see something like CPUID 08630001 and AMD flash, AMD is the protocol the NOR uses so it's OK)
7. Type the command PROGRAM followed by enter/return key
8. Now you can use the USBJTAG NT to read and program the flash in fast mode
9. After you finnish, power off the box, remove USBJTAG NT and remove the short on JTAG enable.
10. Restart the box, it should now be working as before

10-10-2011, 07:54 PM
Digihoe used the USBJTAG on a premium model ( not Elite )
Without any resistor to weld on master board ( I think all polarizations are done by the USBJTAG circuit !)

But that don't proove it'll work for Elite, till somebody takes the risk and give us feedback (70 $ with shipping )
The question is : Is an Elite value >= 70 US $ ?

if we fix it then it will be worth $ 70:respect-039:

10-10-2011, 08:08 PM
I've lost my nerves because azbox.
I will call tomorrow to send me dm800se hd clone and forget the misery.

10-10-2011, 08:23 PM
You can try this USB to UART-TTL.

http://www.****.de/itm/370532286388?ssPageName=STRK:MEWN X:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
Is very cheap. Only US$ 3,39 included shipping. But from china, so you must wait about 30 day.
**** is "e b a y"

10-10-2011, 08:55 PM
@Zeini :
I already have that : But when flash does'nt have anymore the Yamon interface, this has no interest : It's not a Jtag ! That only allows to connect a serial port to connect on Yamon (if still alive !)

11-10-2011, 10:31 AM
I'm sorry but it was a Premium I fixed via JTAG, not an Elite. I have no idea why there are problems with the Elite model and JTAG.
Can you guys check what flashchip it has, for sure? All I see is that you get a good CPU detect and then it all hangs, is this true?

However the whole procedure of flashing was quite simple
1. Short JTAG enable pins on the board
2. Plugin the USBJTAG NT hardware (usb and box, you need to presolder pins to the board or use springpins, the USBJTAG NT might use more than TDI, TMS, TDO, TCK and GND, I'm not sure since it is fully eJTAG compatible)
3. Power on the box
4. Box will stop in "BOOTING" (even if bootloader is OK, since JTAG enable is on)
5. Start USBJTAG NT with TAzboxPremium.xml
6. Press detect in USBJTAG NT (you should see something like CPUID 08630001 and AMD flash, AMD is the protocol the NOR uses so it's OK)
7. Type the command PROGRAM followed by enter/return key
8. Now you can use the USBJTAG NT to read and program the flash in fast mode
9. After you finnish, power off the box, remove USBJTAG NT and remove the short on JTAG enable.
10. Restart the box, it should now be working as before

can you attach this file? TAzboxPremium.xml

11-10-2011, 10:38 AM
Is the memory map the same for Elite and Premium (someone could check with YAMON)? What flash-chip does the Elite have?

I can't really see why JTAG should not work for Elite, unless there are some hardware traces cut I can't see what the problem is.
Has anyone actually maped the JTAG pins from the CPU to the connector (like here: http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/index.php/EJTAG_on_SMP)? What length are the cables from LPT<->JTAG and what type of cable do you use (is the core of the cable single solid copper or multiple copper/aluminium wires)?
Are all pins 3.3V on JTAG<->LPT?
Does anyone use a buffered interface?

As requested TAzboxPremium.xml



It's the init codes that are important, they are the same as in azbox.cfg maybe the memory map is different for Elite?

11-10-2011, 10:47 AM
it would not be worth the risk for one azbox alone., in my opinion. When the new models come out, there should be an influx on ******* of the old ones so prices should drop quite quickly. If your likely to have other boxes that might need jtag in the future, then it could be worth the risk. Maybe, if digihoe was willing, and depending where he is located, one of us with a faulty elite could send it to him( paying postage both ways) to see if USBJTAG NT can fix it. Maybe there is an alternative , cheaper, USB JTAG solution to try as well.

11-10-2011, 10:56 AM
The most important thing will be to know the flash mapping on an Elite
Because to write something into flash, you've to know the start address
And it's different between Premium & Elite, for sure : Using tjtag utility, you must choose /fc104 or /fc87 or something like that

The good solution would be to connect the USB Jtag on a working Elite, and note the flash mapping.
That could help to flash a bricked one....

On my side, I have 2 Elite : One alive, and another dead

11-10-2011, 12:43 PM
The most important thing will be to know the flash mapping on an Elite
Because to write something into flash, you've to know the start address
And it's different between Premium & Elite, for sure : Using tjtag utility, you must choose /fc104 or /fc87 or something like that

The good solution would be to connect the USB Jtag on a working Elite, and note the flash mapping.
That could help to flash a bricked one....

On my side, I have 2 Elite : One alive, and another dead

Whilst all you said is true, most attempts upto now have not got as far as trying to do the flash because the openocd commands failed to HALT/Reset the processor. So you cannot even probe the flash

11-10-2011, 01:14 PM
For ... /fc:XX = Optional (Manual) Flash Chip Selection

see type of flash in help doc:

/fc:XX = Optional (Manual) Flash Chip Selection
/fc:01 ............. MX29LV800BTC 512kx16 TopB (1MB)
/fc:02 ............. MX29LV800BTC 512kx16 BotB (1MB)
/fc:03 ............. AMD 29lv160DB 1Mx16 BotB (2MB)
/fc:04 ............. AMD 29lv160DT 1Mx16 TopB (2MB)
/fc:05 ............. EON EN29LV160A 1Mx16 BotB (2MB)
/fc:06 ............. EON EN29LV160A 1Mx16 TopB (2MB)
/fc:07 ............. MBM29LV160B 1Mx16 BotB (2MB)
/fc:08 ............. MBM29LV160T 1Mx16 TopB (2MB)
/fc:09 ............. MX29LV160CB 1Mx16 BotB (2MB)
/fc:10 ............. MX29LV160CT 1Mx16 TopB (2MB)
/fc:11 ............. K8D1716UTC 1Mx16 TopB (2MB)
/fc:12 ............. K8D1716UBC 1Mx16 BotB (2MB)
/fc:13 ............. ST M29W160EB 1Mx16 BotB (2MB)
/fc:14 ............. ST M29W160ET 1Mx16 TopB (2MB)
/fc:15 ............. Macronix MX25L160A (2MB) Serial
/fc:16 ............. Atmel AT45DB161B (2MB) Serial
/fc:17 ............. Atmel AT45DB161B (2MB) Serial
/fc:18 ............. K8D3216UTC 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:19 ............. K8D3216UBC 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:20 ............. Macronix MX25L1605D (2MB) Serial
/fc:21 ............. Macronix MX25L3205D (4MB) Serial
/fc:22 ............. Macronix MX25L6405D (8MB) Serial
/fc:23 ............. STMicro M25P16 (2MB) Serial
/fc:24 ............. STMicro M25P32 (4MB) Serial
/fc:25 ............. STMicro M25P64 (8MB) Serial
/fc:26 ............. STMicro M25P128 (16MB) Serial
/fc:27 ............. AMD 29lv320MB 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:28 ............. AMD 29lv320MT 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:29 ............. AMD 29lv320MT 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:30 ............. TC58FVB321 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:31 ............. TC58FVT321 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:32 ............. AT49BV/LV16X 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:33 ............. AT49BV/LV16XT 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:34 ............. MBM29DL323BE 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:35 ............. MBM29DL323TE 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:36 ............. AMD 29lv320DB 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:37 ............. AMD 29lv320DT 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:38 ............. MBM29LV320BE 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:39 ............. MBM29LV320TE 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:40 ............. MX29LV320B 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:41 ............. MX29LV320B 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:42 ............. MX29LV320T 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:43 ............. MX29LV320T 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:44 ............. ST 29w320DB 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:45 ............. ST 29w320DT 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:46 ............. MX29LV640B 4Mx16 TopB (16MB)
/fc:47 ............. MX29LV640B 4Mx16 BotB (16MB)
/fc:48 ............. W19B(L)320ST 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:49 ............. W19B(L)320SB 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:50 ............. W19B(L)320SB 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:51 ............. M29DW324DT 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:52 ............. M29DW324DB 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:53 ............. TC58FVM6T2A 4Mx16 TopB (8MB)
/fc:54 ............. TC58FVM6B2A 4Mx16 BopB (8MB)
/fc:55 ............. K8D6316UTM 4Mx16 TopB (8MB)
/fc:56 ............. K8D6316UBM 4Mx16 BotB (8MB)
/fc:57 ............. Intel 28F160B3 1Mx16 BotB (2MB)
/fc:58 ............. Intel 28F160B3 1Mx16 TopB (2MB)
/fc:59 ............. Intel 28F160C3 1Mx16 BotB (2MB)
/fc:60 ............. Intel 28F160C3 1Mx16 TopB (2MB)
/fc:61 ............. Intel 28F320B3 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:62 ............. Intel 28F320B3 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:63 ............. Intel 28F320C3 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:64 ............. Intel 28F320C3 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:65 ............. Sharp 28F320BJE 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:66 ............. Intel 28F640B3 4Mx16 BotB (8MB)
/fc:67 ............. Intel 28F640B3 4Mx16 TopB (8MB)
/fc:68 ............. Intel 28F640C3 4Mx16 BotB (8MB)
/fc:69 ............. Intel 28F640C3 4Mx16 TopB (8MB)
/fc:70 ............. Intel 28F160S3/5 1Mx16 (2MB)
/fc:71 ............. Intel 28F320J3 2Mx16 (4MB)
/fc:72 ............. Intel 28F320J5 2Mx16 (4MB)
/fc:73 ............. Intel 28F320S3/5 2Mx16 (4MB)
/fc:74 ............. Intel 28F640J3 4Mx16 (8MB)
/fc:75 ............. Intel 28F640J5 4Mx16 (8MB)
/fc:76 ............. Intel 28F128J3 8Mx16 (16MB)
/fc:77 ............. SST39VF1601 1Mx16 BotB (2MB)
/fc:78 ............. SST39VF1602 1Mx16 TopB (2MB)
/fc:79 ............. SST39VF3201 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:80 ............. SST39VF3202 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:81 ............. SST39VF6401 4Mx16 BotB (8MB)
/fc:82 ............. SST39VF6402 4Mx16 TopB (8MB)
/fc:83 ............. SST39VF6401B 4Mx16 BotB (8MB)
/fc:84 ............. SST39VF6402B 4Mx16 TopB (8MB)
/fc:85 ............. Spansion S29GL032M BotB (4MB)
/fc:86 ............. Spansion S29GL032M TopB (4MB)
/fc:87 ............. Spansion S29GL064M BotB (8MB)
/fc:88 ............. Spansion S29GL064M TopB (8MB)
/fc:89 ............. Spansion S29GL128P U (16MB)
/fc:90 ............. Spansion S29GL128M U (16MB)
/fc:91 ............. Spansion S29GL256P U (32MB)
/fc:92 ............. Spansion S29GL512P U (64MB)
/fc:93 ............. Spansion S29GL01GP U (128MB)
/fc:94 ............. Spansion S25FL016A (2MB) Serial
/fc:95 ............. Spansion S25FL032A (4MB) Serial
/fc:96 ............. Spansion S25FL064A (8MB) Serial
/fc:97 ............. Winbond W19B320AB BotB (4MB)
/fc:98 ............. Winbond W19B320AT TopB (4MB)
/fc:99 ............. Winbond W25X32 (4MB) Serial
/fc:100 ............. Winbond W25X64 (8MB) Serial
/fc:101 ............. EON EN29LV320 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:102 ............. EON EN29LV320 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)
/fc:103 ............. EON EN29LV640 4Mx16 TopB (8MB)
/fc:104 ............. EON EN29LV640 4Mx16 BotB (8MB)
/fc:105 ............. AT49BV322A 2Mx16 BotB (4MB)
/fc:106 ............. AT49BV322A(T) 2Mx16 TopB (4MB)

Elite should mount --->: /fc:87 ............. Spansion S29GL064M BotB (8MB)

PremiumHD mounts (tested on my board) --->: /fc:104 ............. EON EN29LV640 4Mx16 BotB (8MB)

P.S. as I said to Doume in other board ...
Disassembling the main board and check ... if really the point jumper (J2) enables the JTAG CPU ... or had been cut under the main-board !

In absence of the complete pinout datasheet of the SMP8634LF, compares with photos available on t-hack webpage EJTAG_on_SMP ...

Ciao ...

11-10-2011, 04:12 PM
Can this scheme be used for JTAG connection PC (DB25) and azbox elite? I have all the parts I need to do?


One more thing, if I correct resistors (to 3.3v) then I do not have jtag connection.

11-10-2011, 04:13 PM
Whilst all you said is true, most attempts upto now have not got as far as trying to do the flash because the openocd commands failed to HALT/Reset the processor. So you cannot even probe the flash

As written in my post, I have one alive (and another dead)

11-10-2011, 04:20 PM
P.S. as I said to Doume in other board ...
Disassembling the main board and check ... if really the point jumper (J2) enables the JTAG CPU ... or had been cut under the main-board !

I'll dismount the MB to check that, thanks

11-10-2011, 06:23 PM
Can this scheme be used for JTAG connection PC (DB25) and azbox elite? I have all the parts I need to do?


One more thing, if I correct resistors (to 3.3v) then I do not have jtag connection.


You can try this JTAG Wiggler Clone buffered interface, but then you have to configure OpenOCD and start tjtag with correct command options for use the Wiggler type interface ... (TDI-TMS-TD0-TCK) are mapped differently from the simple DLC5 JTAG interface, on the LPT Data pin !
In this case the pull-up resistors are used to keep high the line DATA LPT to the input buffers chip!

But ... If you will found a way to run the JTAG on 'Elite (halt CPU), it's better spend a little more and buy the USBJTAG interface and reprogram the nor-flash in few minutes ... instead to wait more than 24 hours, with hoping that a power failure does not occur during the writing process with the possibility that the nor-flash go to in protection or not ready R/W state!

Ciao ...

12-10-2011, 07:56 AM
Everything is clear.
But what if I buy usbjtag and nothing I do with my azbox.
Except, digihoe to send his usbjtag to one of us who has a problem with the elite model.

12-10-2011, 09:10 AM
@terzic et. al

What we first need to do is to make sure the JTAG lines are connected to the CPU and that the enable JTAG pins are the correct ones (Doume
are checking this according to his last post). After that we should ensure that the Elite actually uses the same memory map, and maybe also dump the flashchip from a working Elite.

from azbox.cfg with explainations

proc x300t_init { } {
# Setup SDRAM config and flash mapping
# initialize ram
mww 0x00000000 0x00020000
mww 0x00040000 0x00080000
mww 0x00020000 0x00040000
mww 0x00080000 0x00700000
mww 0x00700000 0x00800000

# remap boot vector in CPU local RAM
mww 0xa006f000 0x60000

# map flash to CPU address space REG_BASE_cpu_block+CPU_remap4
mww 0x0006f010 0x48000000

# map flash addr to REG_BASE_cpu_block + LR_XENV_LOCATION (normally done by XOS)
mww 0x00061ff0 0x8c000000

SDRAM config can be found using YAMON (mtd), how to find "boot vector", "REG_BASE_cpu_block+CPU_remap4
" and "REG_BASE_cpu_block + LR_XENV_LOCATION" I do not know, maybe the original author of azbox.cfg can help with that, I seem to remember that someone had contact with him?

12-10-2011, 06:16 PM
I have jtag conection

<script src='http://imageshack.us/shareable/?i=screenshot4wp.png&s=171' type='text/**********'></script><noscript>http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/8789/screenshot4wp.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/171/screenshot4wp.png/)</noscript>

my azbox.cfg

proc x300t_init { } {
# Setup SDRAM config and flash mapping
# initialize ram
# mww 0xa003fffc 3
# mww 0xa003fffc 2
# mww 0xa0030000 0xE34111BA
# mww 0xa003fffc 0xa4444
# mww 0xa003fffc 0
mww 0x00000000 0x00020000
mww 0x00040000 0x00080000
mww 0x00020000 0x00040000
mww 0x00080000 0x00700000
mww 0x00700000 0x00800000

# remap boot vector in CPU local RAM
mww 0xa006f000 0x60000

# map flash to CPU address space REG_BASE_cpu_block+CPU_remap4
mww 0x0006f010 0x48000000

# map flash addr to REG_BASE_cpu_block + LR_XENV_LOCATION (normally done by XOS)
#mww 0x00061ff0 0x48000000
mww 0x00061ff0 0x8c000000
##mww 0xade00000 0x9140000

12-10-2011, 06:49 PM
@Terzic :
That don't proove the Jtag is working
As soon you submit the 'halt' command, it fails, like for me....
And the azbox.cfg cannot be confirmed, because nobody seems to have success on Elite, in the 'tjtag' phase (which should use this .cfg file)

@Digihoe & Arcibald :
I've checked : One pin of J2 is 3,3 V : It's OK

I've just dismounted the mother board, but it's hard for now to check the continuity to SMP chipset ( artificial lights, and my age.... )
I'll try to check deeply tomorrow, using natural light, but for now, I don't see any cut on motherboard.

To be continued

12-10-2011, 06:57 PM
, you test your jump (J2) to work properly on the elite?

I tested the jump and when disconnect I have no JTAG connection. yes, one pin (left) is 3.3V.

12-10-2011, 09:20 PM
Elite model

<script src='http://img84.imageshack.us/shareable/?i=elitetu.jpg&p=tl' type='text/**********'></script><noscript>http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/4295/elitetu.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/84/elitetu.jpg/)</noscript>

12-10-2011, 09:21 PM
@Doume, terzic

Have you tried this tool with your DLC5 JTAG cables?
http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/index.php/Debrick_SMP863x_Device ( http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/images/1/10/Wrt54g2.zip )
Use giveio.sys and loaddrv.exe from http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/index.php/Dump_X300T_Bootloader ( http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/images/a/a4/X300tdump.zip )
And see if that works, maybe you are lucky...

12-10-2011, 10:00 PM
@Doume, terzic

Have you tried this tool with your DLC5 JTAG cables?
http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/index.php/Debrick_SMP863x_Device ( http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/images/1/10/Wrt54g2.zip )
Use giveio.sys and loaddrv.exe from http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/index.php/Dump_X300T_Bootloader ( http://www.t-hack.com/wiki/images/a/a4/X300tdump.zip )
And see i that works, maybe you are lucky...

after 15 days of different combinations, I do not know what my name:ack2:

13-10-2011, 08:59 AM
OK, I've checked the J2 jumper, and all is OK : 3.3 V on a pin, and entry of SMP chipset on the 2nd pin

About WRT54G tools proposed by Digihoe, I have lot of doubts : Addresses of flash are different, flash type is different, and so on....

13-10-2011, 09:28 AM
OK, I've checked the J2 jumper, and all is OK : 3.3 V on a pin, and entry of SMP chipset on the 2nd pin

About WRT54G tools proposed by Digihoe, I have lot of doubts : Addresses of flash are different, flash type is different, and so on....

You should use custom flash settings (wrt54g_o.exe -backup:custom /noreset /nobreak /start:8c000000 /length:20000) I think you should do a backup of your working Elite first before you try to flash, just to see if it works. Also with your box that is working try to short the JTAG enable pin (power it off and short the pins, then restart it on the power button on the back) and see if it stops in "BOOTING", this is just another way to check that it really is the enable JTAG pins (my premium stops in "BOOTING" if I have the JTAG enable pins shortened).

13-10-2011, 10:23 AM
What if we make ​​at the end of azbox pepertomobil ? :respect-059::respect-058::cup-006:

good luck

13-10-2011, 10:37 AM
What if we make ​​at the end of azbox pepertomobil ?

good luck

Sorry, Terzic, but I don't understand your suggestion/joke ( pepertomobil ? )

13-10-2011, 05:41 PM
My friend,do you have any progress with azbox ?

13-10-2011, 06:46 PM
If I have any new situation, I'll post on forums
But I risk to be far from this kind of problems in a short delay, because I have some health problems, and my priority will be somewhere else...

13-10-2011, 08:03 PM
Health is most important, I wish you all the best.

17-10-2011, 08:00 PM
if anyone found a solution to the recovery elite model?

20-10-2011, 03:27 PM
i'm saving up for a usbjtagnt, i will try it out then. be a few weeks before i get the money together.

28-10-2011, 03:41 PM
For ... /fc:XX = Optional (Manual) Flash Chip Selection

Elite should mount --->: /fc:87 ............. Spansion S29GL064M BotB (8MB)

PremiumHD mounts (tested on my board) --->: /fc:104 ............. EON EN29LV640 4Mx16 BotB (8MB)

Ciao ...

My Elite has an EN29LV640, just the same as my premium. Maybe earlier versions of Elite has the Spansion flash?

I have taken the risk and ordered a USBJTAGNT today. see what happens in a few weeks time.

Dig Deep
28-10-2011, 04:56 PM
Well, I did change my mind. Contacted Opensat and asked them to fix it. Think it will be an easy way to get out of this problem.

28-10-2011, 05:16 PM
Well, I did change my mind. Contacted Opensat and asked them to fix it. Think it will be an easy way to get out of this problem.

Good luck to have an answer ! You'll be disapointed, I think !

28-10-2011, 05:17 PM
My Elite has an EN29LV640, just the same as my premium. Maybe earlier versions of Elite has the Spansion flash?

I have taken the risk and ordered a USBJTAGNT today. see what happens in a few weeks time.

Good new, mate.
Let us know your results...

13-11-2011, 10:18 PM
happyhammer ,

anything new ?

14-11-2011, 08:02 PM
bad news so far. The USBJTAGNT does not work with the elite. At this stage it would appear there is somethng wrong with the JTAG interface on the elite. I dont have the expertise or equipment to debug it. I guess we could really do with some "inside" information from opensat or someone close to opensat( rti team perhaps). If i get any further, i will advise.

21-11-2011, 10:39 AM
I have "talked" to members of RTI team and they said there was some solution on this forum and pristavka forum?
I have not found !?!

21-11-2011, 12:29 PM
Some members of that team always pretend there is no problem with anything...:dupe:

Suddenly, there are solutions to problems that never existed... Blimey!:reddevil:

Btw, they also pretend that they know it all... Everything!:biggrinjester:

Such a pity they can't actually state the "solution"...:respect-050:


21-11-2011, 04:44 PM
bad news so far. The USBJTAGNT does not work with the elite. At this stage it would appear there is somethng wrong with the JTAG interface on the elite. I dont have the expertise or equipment to debug it. I guess we could really do with some "inside" information from opensat or someone close to opensat( rti team perhaps). If i get any further, i will advise.

Oh **** ! Bad new !
I have really doubts about Opensat knowledge : They did'nt know the possibility to connect an USB/TTL on motherboard, to connect to Yamon....
For any receiver having a corrupted kernel, they changed the motherboard systematically.
So, JTAG , it's a more complex problem : You'll never receive any help, for sure

21-11-2011, 06:27 PM
I have "talked" to members of RTI team and they said there was some solution on this forum and pristavka forum?
I have not found !?!

Thats referring to using parallel port/openocd on premium. we know that works. no solution yet for elite.

I connected jtag pins 1,3,5,7,9 and GND of my working premium ( and jtag enable) to USBJTAGNT and it worked perfectly as digihoe reported. my premium has no resistor packs populated next to jtag port.

It would appear the JTAG interface on the elite is somehow disabled, finding out how is the problem.

I removed the elite jtag resistor packs on my bricked elite but made no difference. still trying to find whats wrong but i'm a bit out of my league it seems.

21-11-2011, 11:48 PM
Oh **** ! Bad new !
I have really doubts about Opensat knowledge : They did'nt know the possibility to connect an USB/TTL on motherboard, to connect to Yamon....
For any receiver having a corrupted kernel, they changed the motherboard systematically.
So, JTAG , it's a more complex problem : You'll never receive any help, for sure

Oh, didn't know that's what they did. I guess its celrun data we need then. Or someone good with hardware who understands how a jtag should work.

23-11-2011, 09:35 PM
I got a response from "pristavka forum" :

In Azbox Elite you can not do anything (with jtag), just unsolder flash and flash to the programer.
Or he send me new flash ( $40 ).

24-11-2011, 08:30 PM
Oh, f**k...

25-11-2011, 10:45 PM
I got a response from "pristavka forum" :

In Azbox Elite you can not do anything (with jtag), just unsolder flash and flash to the programer.
Or he send me new flash ( $40 ).
Well if u can solder the flash then maybe u could use a premium as a programmer? O
Keeping soldering to a minimum, maybe, but Less likely, is to make a home made test clip for the flash and maybe just cutting the power to the flash on the premium( temporarily)

26-11-2011, 01:18 AM
@happyhammer, one idea was connecting directly to the SMP8634 CPU, bypassing any hardware changes.

30-11-2011, 10:34 PM
I found a fellow who will do it for 50E?!

30-11-2011, 10:36 PM
What's with the question mark? You did or you didn't?

30-11-2011, 10:55 PM
What does he do? Do you send box to him and he fixes and returns box(unlikely), if he just sends u chip, well they cost only a few Euro and u still have to solder chip off board/on board. If u can solder that and like me u have premium model also, solder a tsop 48 pin socket to premium and then u can plug flash chips into that and program

01-12-2011, 08:35 AM
Elite model only and he (the guy) does the lot, it seems...

01-12-2011, 06:15 PM
I did not, it is an offer from that guy.
I have to wait 7 days, ( he probably must send somewhere box).
He removes a flash and program , and returns to the box.

22-12-2011, 04:45 PM
So is there any news. I am also have Azbox Elite on Booting 4 months. I tried with TTL cable and I have this:

xosPe0 serial#820febe7f9abab9f5e08fd3d33 fd0e73 subid 0x50
xenv cs2 failed
xenv cs3 failedĄřpower supply: ok
dram0 ok (9)
zboot (1) failed

Thank you.

24-12-2011, 09:46 AM
terzic and happyhammer did you tried this on this link (post 15).
I am not so good on this!
Thank you.


26-01-2012, 06:58 PM
I fixed mine Azbox HD Elite. Some guys in Croatia on CATV (Zagreb) put new flash.
It s ok now.
Thank you.

28-01-2012, 09:13 PM
congratulations !
how much it cost ?