View Full Version : HELP!!! Stuck on BOOTING

07-08-2011, 01:51 PM
I am having an Azbox Premium with v1.1. This morning after a reboot (the receiver usually doesn't wake up after a standby), the only thing I've got was "=s" of the VFD. I tried to reinstall the image, but something went wrong and now I'm getting only the "BOOTING" message on the VFD. Pushing the VOL+ button doesn't bring the box into the Rescue Mode.

What can be done? I am desperate!!!

08-08-2011, 10:20 AM
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?150610-Two-types-of-problems-with-installation-and-how-to-solve-them... - if only you looked a bit... you know, read the forum you're posting on...

Or kill AZ HD at the back, then start it - but immediately press the > arrow for LONGER than just a bit, at the front of the receiver - hold, 'till you get your IP address, i.e. it's in Rescue Mode. If not, put a patch.bin file (say, RC4 image) on a USB stick and try again to put it in Rescue Mode that way...

From then on, if you are successful, I recommend the SPAZE Fix image - NOT RTi 1.1... SPAZE 1.1 should be better than RTi 1.1, of course - but we'll wait for it a bit longer...

Do you have a dual boot OFW on a USB stick installed? You might get access to the box that way, if you sorted it out beforehand.

If not, try this:

This is a Dual Boot 5300 backup, I think, for 2GB USB memory stick, by GONCI!!! He programmed his 2GB USB stick with OFW Dual Boot, backed it up and then gave it to us!!!

You have the tool to upload it, as well. You can use a bigger USB stick, too - but not smaller, I don't think.

Kill AZ HD at the back, put the USB stick in and switch it on.

Wait for "Sleep 15s" on VFD. If you get it it will go into OFW Dual Boot OS!

From then on, you can re-flash your box, I think...

Do not get discouraged if it doesn't work the first time!!!

Stay with it, it saved me!!! ;)

09-08-2011, 06:06 AM
Well, I tried to rescue the box last night using the method Blagi described above. I guess I wasn't that lucky. I wrote the dual-boot image on two different USB sticks - one of 2 GB and the other of 4 GB, inserted them in the rear of the box, switched the box off and on and nothing! I also tried with a patch.bin file on the stick but the receiver doesn't recognize it, so the same bloody message keeps appearing on the display: BOOTING.

It seems that there is nothing else to do but buy a Yamon or JTAG cable and bring it back to life, if I can. :-(

09-08-2011, 10:28 AM
Good luck either way!

But remember: USB sticks are notoriously "off"... It took all my 5 USB sticks, testing 'till I got the right ones... I'd try more of them, really... before JTAG etc. That's the last resort...

Hope you are lucky...

12-08-2011, 10:53 AM
download link is dead

12-08-2011, 04:09 PM
This one:


Megaupload is working, Rapid isn't...

Plus, I have uploaded it here:

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?150610-Two-types-of-problems-with-installation-and-how-to-solve-them... - post no. 10