View Full Version : Router, performance and upgrade

07-08-2011, 08:09 PM
Read up in a couple of PC magazines about various forms of interference affecting wireless networking performance.
I moved my router which was tucked into the opposite corner of my room to sit on the TV stand directly next to my Spiderbox.
The original location posed a couple of problems, firstly close proximity to a cordless phone (interference) and secondly obstructed by a tall wall unit. I have noticed improvements whilst watching programs less drop outs and freezing.
Hope this helps others with their set-ups.

Would I see any further improvement if I invested in a new router currently I use a Netgear DG834 provided by my ISP


07-08-2011, 08:40 PM
i always do a wireless survey scan to determine what channel people are using around me .

i have a few routers setup as a wds and each router has an interferance scale .

if you have a router near your spiderbox , why not hard wire it ?