View Full Version : s**vice+

12-08-2011, 08:47 AM
installed new software f 4.33 no s**vice+ now listed in network menu only ethernet but still able to open channels on thor not tried any othe sats yet

12-08-2011, 08:56 AM
the old n*evo isnt listed either ( almost extinct anyway ) , seems a few name changes have been made in that menu , like s*rver is now client-client setup , and download epg data has been added

12-08-2011, 10:15 AM
its sort of gone back to an earlier type of menue display,also the epg thing,i cant get it to work its no better than it was before


12-08-2011, 10:19 AM
its sort of gone back to an earlier type of menue display,also the epg thing,i cant get it to work its no better than it was before


I tried it with 28 east and got nowhere , so tried 19e spanish channels and that worked

this downloading epg system works well on dreamboxes and vu+ duo , so its a good sign for the future seeing as how its been a bugbear for many people on satellite when you normally get now and next epg only

12-08-2011, 10:41 AM
which epg file you using for the spanish channels echelon


12-08-2011, 10:42 AM
which epg file you using for the spanish channels echelon


the spanish one (spain) :D

12-08-2011, 10:46 AM
lol:Chevy_anim: but when i scroll dowm to spanish one on usb press ok on remote,epg data url pop up box appears with four options to chose from can not see the spanish one?

12-08-2011, 10:49 AM
lol:Chevy_anim: but when i scroll dowm to spanish one on usb press ok on remote,epg data url pop up box appears with four options to chose from can not see the spanish one?

you asked which epg file I used , not which epg url m8 ;)

busy testing 28e now as chalkster said that works and I had no luck with 28e earlier

12-08-2011, 10:54 AM
no problem i think i have sorted it:rofl:


12-08-2011, 10:55 AM
28 works on some channels but not all as far as i can see

Espn HD BBC HD Sly 4 HD to name but a few gives 6 days epg

12-08-2011, 11:06 AM
Great new patch. Well done Darkman and team.
I have downloaded it and up and running, but Mister-T asks a valid question.
"Which URL to use?" Is it OK to use any of them? Do the different ones show EPG in different languages? if so which is the best one for English?

12-08-2011, 11:26 AM
As NuevoXstream has been removed,

you can now add 10 Lines

this should Help those that choose to use Newcamd

12-08-2011, 01:02 PM
I just loaded the norway file for Canal+ (0.8W) Film channels, Works fine only problem is EPG is 2 hrs out. That, I guess, is because Norway is 2 hrs ahead of GMT, but that wasn't a problem with now/next. Would a different URS help? I know I can Change the time in "time setting" but don't want to do that.

Except Canal+hits. Thats OK............

12-08-2011, 01:05 PM
working ok on jsc hotbird

12-08-2011, 05:19 PM
have noticed slight freezing when epg selected changing channels cures it this is on 16e not sure if on all channels and sats the picture is ok only the audio breaks up

12-08-2011, 06:04 PM
dont think i am going to bother with this,if you have to use different files for each provider


12-08-2011, 06:13 PM
Loaded the 28E one and this is 1 hr out for me (BBC news at 6 starts at 7)
Using rytec_uk_xmltv. and URL be-uk.

12-08-2011, 06:21 PM
Loaded the 28E one and this is 1 hr out for me (BBC news at 6 starts at 7)
Using rytec_uk_xmltv. and URL be-uk.

you seem obsessed with the time in your posts on this , would also suggest you check your time settings in the menu too , as it depends on those settings and if you are looking at bbc1HD or bbc1 SD

12-08-2011, 06:41 PM
"Obsessed" is a bit strong. All I am doing is pointing out my findings. Yes, I have checked my time setting. Living in the UK I have GMT switched On which gives me the correct time on the front of box when in standby. I am looking at BBC1SD as there is no extended EPG on BB1HD on the files I have loaded.
All I want to know is anyone else noticed this or is it just "obsessive" me.

12-08-2011, 06:47 PM
"Obsessed" is a bit strong. All I am doing is pointing out my findings. Yes, I have checked my time setting. Living in the UK I have GMT switched On which gives me the correct time on the front of box when in standby. I am looking at BBC1SD as there is no extended EPG on BB1HD on the files I have loaded.
All I want to know is anyone else noticed this or is it just "obsessive" me.

there does seem to be a discrepancy on time if you check bbc1HD and also bbc1SD , and altering the box time setting will put one or the other right , but not both , whereas on a "foreign" channel its only to be expected that the time difference will be different if you watch a scandinavian channel with your box time set to the uk time

ps:- nearly every post you made in this thread is centred on this time issue , so it does seem obsessive to me

I can only assume that as the sources for the epg are not uk , now and next is correct and the others are 1 hour out due to the country of epg origin

or boxer has to do some more work ;)

12-08-2011, 07:03 PM
The reason I am being "obsessive" about the time time issue is because thats what EPG is all about. If the times are wrong, what's the point.
I am not getting at the Spider team as I know the files are independent of them.

12-08-2011, 07:12 PM
The reason I am being "obsessive" about the time time issue is because thats what EPG is all about. If the times are wrong, what's the point.
I am not getting at the Spider team as I know the files are independent of them.

think you are missing the point here m8

this has been around a long time on the dreambox and other boxes

you are downloading the epg from sites in say nl or be ( netherlands or belgium ) and due to the time differences between them and us you have the box time set for the uk but its obvious that the time for the same program in THEIR country would be a different time ( like when you watch footy on holiday and a 2 pm kickoff may be 3pm or 4pm or 5pm in the country you are in , so the epg is correct for the country it is compiled for

the problem here is that you are setting the box to uk time ( hence now and next is correct ) but are complaining that the downloaded epg is incorrect , but it hasnt been compiled from a uk site as a uk file

change your box time to a setting that offsets the time differential and the epg will be correct ( but the box time on standby will then be incorrect )

the conclusion from this would be that if we could download an epg from a uk source it would be correctly shown if the box time is set to uk time

which kind of proves my assumption that you want everything based on uk time and are becoming obsessed with it due to it being a new toy for you

12-08-2011, 07:31 PM
you want everything based on uk time and are becoming obsessed with it due to it being a new toy for you


12-08-2011, 07:35 PM

well in that case you will have to wait for a uk version epg con file download , or a method of correcting the "foreign" downloads to suit your uk needs :D

keith mawer
12-08-2011, 09:06 PM
echelon i guess sat cat has a point m8 ie if he was using a HDD to record something and was wrong time.
sometimes i may go to the epg button on the remoate. as a example to 28.2 channel and click on a record time.

12-08-2011, 09:38 PM
echelon i guess sat cat has a point m8 ie if he was using a HDD to record something and was wrong time.
sometimes i may go to the epg button on the remoate. as a example to 28.2 channel and click on a record time.

I understand where he is coming from , but he isnt using a uk epg so he cannot expect uk times , surely you can understand the simple maths that states if say cyprus is 2 hours in front of the uk then the kickoff is reported 2 hours later in their epg ? its simple maths if you ask me and you of all people would know that if you are abroad and set a recorder to record said match you set it to the correct time to record locally that reflects uk kickoff times (5pm for a 3pm kickoff) , its been the basis of world time (universal time) for centuries since they created GMT

on the other hand , the other point you missed is that if he sets the spiderbox time to the time difference , the downloaded epg actually shows correctly and he can do the simple task you are talking about in seconds


keith mawer
13-08-2011, 12:52 AM
thanks echelon....

well i did 1 epg earlier for netherlands and was impressed...
Anyway just my opinion,, i think the new sw down load is really good..
A better up to date menu lay out .. more sealions.. a nice EPG for selected channels
to give more than the same day/next day,,

christmas came early!!!! jingle bells .. jingle bells.. jingle all the way!!

13-08-2011, 08:27 AM
well i put my original patch back in,as for the clock time can always cover the the clock display with something:respect-055:
i cant remember the last time my spiderbox clock was correct not really a problem to me


24-08-2011, 04:11 PM
i would like to try this out but as i turn my receiver off each night i could'nt be bothered loading it back each time. Hopefully the patch in future will do all the main satellites/packages that clear and does not disappear when the receiver is turned off or standby.