View Full Version : External fan for dm 800hd clone

12-08-2011, 02:20 PM
I'm currently using a usb notebook fan underneath my DM800 clone which constantly spins when I have my dreambox on standby which is not necessary. Is there anyway I can eliminate this so when when I switch it in stanby mode the fan turns off.:banghead:

13-08-2011, 08:46 AM
hallo m8 i had same problem threw fan away using without fan for a year now gets a bit warm but other than that no problems

13-08-2011, 08:12 PM
i usually use a laptop cooler under my dm800. recently i didn't and i did a scan of the satellites as it was a new install. few hours later i had no signal. the tuner must of got too hot because as soon as i put the cooler on it , it started working again

i am going to install an internal fan however not sure if that spins all the time either

14-08-2011, 07:39 AM
techmob hallo m8 i brought mine with internal fan included but after 3 weeks got worse and worse also on standby took it out used a laptop cooler a bit better but not a lot so removed that also

14-08-2011, 07:56 AM
Thanks lads, will probably go for the internal fan route. My dm800hd has a 300gb internal harddisk so getting a fan of some sort is essential. Before I had fan and the harddisk installed the tuner used to freeze when I had it on a hd channel due to the build up heat. If anyone has an internal fan fitted can I get one where the fan turns on when it reaches a certain temperature like the the ones in most laptops or a fan which cools constantly except in standby mode.

14-08-2011, 09:44 AM
I have a DB800 clone in my bedroom and have a laptop cooler on top, this way the tuner etc stays nice and cold. Now I understand what you mean about constant noise from fans ( even worse in bedroom ) so what I did was make a switch on the outside so I just flick it and it turns the switch off. Its dead easy all you need is a old usb cable and a micro switch. Inside the db800 clone bottom left there is a usb socket plug your old usb cable in to it and then feed it where your switch is the cut the usb cable on the laptop cooler and feed that to the switch also and hey presto you have a fan that you can turn off when ever you want.
If you want to be really clever I think there is way to wire it to the scart socket so then when you put box in standby it kills your laptop cooler too, I could not get this method to work so use the switch instead.

BTW It is never a good idea to run any euipment without cooling it, db800 is no different then a laptop and you wouldn't run a laptop with no fan. I had a real db800 when they first came out and it burnt the unit in the bedroom it got that hot. I have also lost a clone to overheating too.

14-08-2011, 11:24 AM
for your HD sat box, It will run off your usb socket if you have one, just plug it in on hot days or continual HD viewing.


(take the 4 stars out of the address of the dreaded online seller)

14-08-2011, 11:35 AM
New 800se Original as already an internal fan, the fan is working even in standby mode !
My 8000 as also an internal fan, i let the fan on, also when in standby Mode, i don't see the problem.

On 800 Original, i have installed an 5V internal fan, connected to a 4 pin Fan Connector (beware because this connector is not like the others, also the pins are diferent powered !
My 800 (without internal hdd) run 100% Cool under any circunstance and Runs 24/7.
Here some photos :

14-08-2011, 02:31 PM
i would need something that will fit as well as the internal HDD unless you can use external HDD without any problems?

14-08-2011, 03:07 PM
You can use external hdd with usb, or even beter buy an empty esata case, and fit your hdd inside !
This way, you can turn off and on the hdd, without the need of disconnect the usb !

14-08-2011, 04:18 PM
I suppose it's no big deal having the fan on constantly in standby mode and it's not as if the fan is using a great deal of power. Plus my dm800hd is not in the bedroom in fact it's in the living room.

14-08-2011, 04:27 PM
The 5 volts fan that i've installed on 800, even if it's turning at full speed, i don't ear any noise !
That's why i don't see any problem if it's spining 24/7, and even if the box is standby, the box still working for CS !

14-08-2011, 04:37 PM
Anyway here are 2 pictures of my cooling fan. One shows it under my dm800hd and the other when disconnected.

14-08-2011, 05:07 PM
I'm working on The same Setup, but with possibility to turn off, on Standby mode !
I just need to localise a negative pin, that cut's off on standby mode !

15-08-2011, 07:16 AM
If you do have a solution to this please let me know. The only other way I can think of is if you cut off and strip the end of the usb lead from the cooling fan and insert the wires into the correct pin holes into the scart socket at the back of the DM800hd. This way works but my scart socket is in use at the moment.

15-08-2011, 10:01 AM
Yeah, but i don't want to use the scart pins, there is no 5 Volts !
I will keep my Mod, Box is Runing almost Cold and ultra silent .

23-11-2011, 09:07 PM
i am fortunate enough to have a telly with a usb port, i use a usb extension lead and plug the fan into it, the fan then turns off with the telly leaving just the box on standby.