View Full Version : ftp problem "550 Failed to change directory"

15-08-2011, 11:23 PM
hi all,

im trying to FTP to my azbox, using root, and azbox.

when it lists the files, and then i try to "view files in explorer" it comes up with the password prompt which is root, and the password is azbox...

but i get "550 failed to change directory"


i have recently gone from SPAZE E2 image back to original f/w

any ideas

15-08-2011, 11:30 PM
What are you trying to do exactly?

If you wanna edit files, then first install Notepad2 and configure FileZilla Client to always open the files with Notepad2.

FileZilla Client -> Edit -> Settings -> File editing -> use custom editor -> browse -> find notepad2.exe or something to that effect and OK.

Then, when you go right click on a file and to view/edit file you'll get what you want...

Make sure that you have activated FTP server in AZbox HD, in Settings -> Network Service. Activate Telenet and SSHD, while you're at it.

16-08-2011, 12:07 AM
yeah just trying to edit a file mate.

cheers m8, ill try it