View Full Version : OSCAM or XCAM ?

17-08-2011, 11:19 AM
WHAT is everyone using for their c lines.

Ive tried OSCAM but get the odd frame glitch - i've also tried a JUNE version of XCAM but i sometimes get slowmotion video and juddery aaa---uuu---d---i---o (audio)

Is this common...?

is anyone successfully receiving wihtout problems of any kind?

This is using the latest official F/W

17-08-2011, 02:13 PM
im using latest beta firware from fw.azupd.com in the menu .

you may have to edit using your remote

i then add plugin via remote azworld.com to add openxcas

i then add executable via remote azworld.com again but i choose the newest multicas and config .

i then just edit multicas details with newcamd client details .

17-08-2011, 02:27 PM
cheers mate

also is anyone successfully running REDCAM ?

17-08-2011, 07:58 PM
im going to try redcam tonight

17-08-2011, 10:42 PM
never tried redcam but passate has highlighted some faults with oscam , also confirmed by ian , only in some config setups as far as we understand it .

keep it simple and stable . stability is key .

mgcamd or newcamd seem to deal with ecms better in my experiance , but im willing to learn .

18-08-2011, 01:30 PM
depends what service your using them on. Seeing your request in listings I would recommend MGcamd. Its less glichy than Xcam and Oscam. Redcam is based on Oscam anyway.