View Full Version : Rescan best method

23-08-2011, 04:49 PM
Over a period of time my scanned channel lists have become fragmented and in some cases duplicated this is obvioussly wasting memory and channel space, what is the best method for a fresh scan :- tick all on list for each satellite and delete or is there a quicker method, obviously i will save my channel lists what i am wondering is that with fresh scan's i might just get more channels to open which i think i am missing at present like Film 1 on 19e which i see is shown on echelon's latest channel list this channel has not opened for me for sometime.

23-08-2011, 05:33 PM
There is no quick way to remove all Sats and channels especially if you are using Diseqc, you would then have locate all Sats again and scan in all the TP's and Channels, it may be easier if you use USAL's, however I do use USAL's so I can not comment on that, there is also the possiblity for you to remove TP's only, there can be many dead TP's on all Sats, once you have deleted all the dead TP's this will free up some memory space, you could then set about deleting the duplicated channels that you have installed, I have copy/pasted this info by william-1 from the other forum it may be of some help to you:

How to delete a transponder on the Spiderbox 7000HD - 9000HD

1st select the satellite you want to edit by selecting a satellite from the list,
Then follow this simple proceedure,

1/ Menu
2/ Installations
3/ Manual Scan
4/ Frequency
5/ Now move the cursor through the list of Transponders & if the S=Green Signal Bar & Q=Blue Quality bars are showing the transponder is active so move to the next transponder,

So move to the next transponder ****> using the cursor until you come to a transponder that is not active you will know it is not active when only the Red Signal bar lights up & nothing shows on the quality bar,
Give it a few seconds before you delete the transponder by pressing the Yellow buttion =TP delete

The sequence will continue in a natural progression ****> so go to the next transponder in the data base of the satellite & continue editing using the Cursor as before ****>
If both S=Signal & Q= Quality bars are Red then dellete this transponder also via the Yellow button as the wrong data is stored,

If you accidently remove an active transponder that you wanted to save then press Exit & choose your options {Are you sure to save?) if you select "No" then you can start again if you select "Yes" your data base will update removing the transponders that you have deleted,

How to update your transponders,

3/ Satellite Search
4/ Move the Cursor down to Search Options (Here you have several options) by moving the Cursor ****>
One TP
Network Scan (You can use this option on Astra Satellites)
TV Only
Blind Scan

5/Select Blind Scan then move to Start Search
6/Set Frequency Start 10700
7/Set Frequency end 12750
8/Set step Value of 2-4-6-8 or 10 (Use 8 for now)
9/Set Polarization {Use all for now with normal broadcast satellites)
10/Choose search option {All--Free Only --TV Only} choose All for now,

Just as an after thought you would probably be better off installing Echelon's latest channel list and modifying it to suit your needs.
Another option would be to save your channel list to your PC and use the Channel Manager to remove the duplicate channels and dead TP's

23-08-2011, 06:21 PM
i agree with aldo. use and adapt echelons list. i have spent ages trying to sort a decent list, but i always find i have missed something and end up having to scan at the last moment to watch something, which then creates more duplicates.

23-08-2011, 07:24 PM
Depending on the OP's needs, he may need to retain some of his current channels for his family to keep viewing whilst he changes the channel list, in which case he could use the channel manager on his PC to edit out the dead TP's and Duplicated Channels, and when he has completed that he can install the modified list, and hopefully everyone will be happy.

24-08-2011, 04:56 PM
Always learning, somethat surprised. Last night i decided to clean up one of my three satellite channels not much happening on STC anyhow. So i deleted all the channels on Hotbird list as i said earlier in post #1 i had alot of duplications my count of deleted channels was 3,415 i did it the hard way as i found out later when consulting the manual. So after deleting all at 13e i did a blind scan and came up with new list of only 1,076 channels as you would imagine i was well pleased with my 40 minutes work. All i needed to do was put back in my channel list which i had downloaded before i started on my mission. Well what a surprise i had when i checked back on Hotbird list you see i had always assumed that when you down loaded on to your memory stick just your favourites were held. So imagine my surprise the 3,415 bloody channels were back in Hotbird list what a completely waste of time. Today while at work i did some thinking of an easier method of acheiving what i had planned. Can i say thankyou to all for your imput but if what i have in mind works it could be benificial to others as blissfully ignorant as me when it comes to sorting channel lists, i will report back either way of my result.

24-08-2011, 06:50 PM
Hi M8

You deleted the channels off Hotbird on your receiver to get 1076, very good so far, but you then reloaded your old channel list, so in fact you have put back the channels that you had previously deleted, when you had your channel list on your PC you could have used the Channel Manager and deleted all the channels that you do not use and your duplicated channels etc, and then load the edited list back into the receiver.

24-08-2011, 11:48 PM
Aldo this is what i am planning to do, use the channel editor clean out the lists on 13e, 19e and Thor reload into Spiderbox and then do a blind scan on each. Best johnhenry

25-08-2011, 10:29 AM
I use the channel editor on the pc all the time - I find it by far and away the quickest way to manage my channel list. Really quick for sorting out your favourites list too as you can highlight big chunks at a time and drag them over to the relevant FAV section(s).

It's worth having a good play around with it if you get chance - if you balls anything up you can always go back to your last saved version.