View Full Version : Mount your NAS or PC/laptop shared folders to your AZbox HD with E2

24-08-2011, 03:19 PM
Since Sattommy said that CIFS mounting is now sorted out... This is taken from AZboxHD.es;

First, one must prepare to stream from PC/laptop to AZbox HD by making various folders visible to AZbox HD. I.e. one has to make those folders into "shared folders" and a few more things... Only then can we go to sorting it out in AZbox HD!

Streaming from NAS/NFS shared folders

I will try to retrace my steps in my Linux based NAS on some other occasion and have it ready for my E2 Guide, which is coming...

Streaming from PC/Laptop with Windows7/CIFS to AZbox HD

I first went to Windows7 components and activated everything network related there:

Start => Control Panel => Programs and Features => Turn Windows Features On or Off => tick the Media Features, Network stuff, Telnet Client, TFTP => OK.

Next, go to Start => Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network and Sharing Centre => click on Choose homegroup and sharing options => Choose the folders to share. Tick the option to "Stream your pictures, music and videos on my home network".

Click on Change Advanced Sharing Options. You are in Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Centre\Advanced sharing settings:

turn on network discovery

turn on file and printer sharing

stop the "Public Folder Sharing".

Go to Media Streaming Options, which is in Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Centre\Media streaming options => and there...

Name your media library [your nick, for instance]

Show devices in the local network => Allow all

Media programs etc. etc. => Allowed.

Go back :

leave the 128b encryption to on

turn off password protected sharing

allow Windows to manage homegroup connections.

Then, start your Windows Explorer and

find all the folders you want to share;

right click on each folder and go to Properties;

click on Share tab => click on the little arrow downwards to get the drop down menu and choose Everyone, then click on Add.

Give "Everyone" the permission to READ ONLY and click on Share.

You have more controls/options under Advanced Sharing button in the little window, too. Go to it and check the permissions etc. When you're done, in the main Properties little window, finish by clicking on Apply and Close.

Reboot your PC and after sorting out your AZbox HD with Enigma 2, try finding your PC and the folders to stream (see below). Sometimes, one needn't reboot, mind!

Mounting shared folders in AZbox HD with E2, using Mount Manager plugin

Press the MENU button on AZbox HD Remote Control Unit (RCU) to get to the

Main Menu => Setup => System => Network => here one has a couple of options,

given that one's Home Network is sorted out correctly:

Network Browser or

Mount Manager plugin. I shall describe the latter.

Before I begin, I must point out that in RTi E2 one deletes the signs backwards, using the rewind |<< button (at the bottom of RCU, at least on my Elite).

MountManager => Add new network mount point to add shared folders, using either CIFS (Windows) or NFS (Linux) protocols.

Mounts editor is where one gets. Here we have several options to edit:

Active => enable

Local share name => give it a name that will describe which machine it is and which shared folder it is (for instance, NASvid, NASmus, NASphoto or PCvid, PCmus or PCphoto)

Mount type => NFS if your machine is Linux based (like my Synology NAS 210j) or CIFS share if your PC/laptop/NAS has Windows as its operatoing system

Server IP => 192.168.x.x (local network IP address of your NAS or PC)

Server share => it has two slots, divided by the forward slash ( / ) sign (my NAS/NFS shares require both slots but my CIFS/laptop shares require only one slot = the name of the folder itself)

NFS/NAS example: /volume1/video

CIFS/PC example: /VIDEO

Use as HDD replacement => yes

Mount options => leave it as it is (rw,nolock,tcp)

Press OK on RCU to save the "mount".

Note: username and password in USERMANAGER are not needed!

You must repeat, as I said, this procedure for each shared folder on any machine you might have shared folders you want to stream from.

Where to find those folders in E2?

Well, if all goes to plan, all of those "Mount Points" can then be seen in 2 places:

1) Media centre => choose My Videos (or Music or Pictures) => here, one is given various options, depending on what one has attached to AZbox HD:

-Internal Flash,
-HDD or
-USB stick and then follow
-all of those shared folders mounted by Mount Manager plugin, from either your NAS or PC/laptop,

but also

2) under: Internal Flash => media => net => ...they are all there as well...

Doing the same thing editing the fstab file

One more thing: I learnt, thanx to Manolito's help, how to mount NFS shares from my NAS by editing the fstab file in /etc folder of E2 for AZbox HD. That is quite an elegant procedure.

Have a look on Manolito's profile page, under "Topics":


For my NAS/NFS shared folders it looks like this:

192.168.x.x:/volume1/video /media/net/filmovi nfs nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,in tr
192.168.x.x:/volume1/music /media/net/muzika nfs nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,in tr
192.168.x.x:/volume1/photo /media/net/fotke nfs nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,in tr

-192.168.x.x = NAS IP address
-volume1/video = the path to the shared folder with movies I stored on my NAS
-[B]media/net/filmovi - folder to mount it to in your AZbox HD with E2
-nfs = type of protocol used by my Linux based NAS
-the rest is standard, re. the data transfer limit.
Moreover, it reduces the need for plugins and thereby simplifies E2, making it lighter, faster and more stable. I shall try to add this to my upcoming E2 guide, too.


14-11-2011, 10:10 PM
Can you please explain in details how to edit the fstab file (cifs) because after every reboot they get lost from media centre.
Let's say that the IP of the PC is and the shared media folders are: videos & movies (2 folders).
Thanks in advance.

15-11-2011, 10:45 AM
Try this, thanx to Sergiri:

Edit the fstab file is in /etc and put this line at the end:

\\\\\\pelis-azbox /media/pelis-azbox cifs username=,password= rw 0 0 0 0

I think that:

\\\\ = the Home Network IP address of your laptop/PC/NAS (with Windows OS), whose shared folders you want mounted in E2 of AZbox HD

\\pelis-azbox = actually should be the shared folder on your lap/PC/NAS, that you want to mount in AZbox HD's E2 (videos in one line, movies in another)

/media/pelis-azbox = the AZbox HD E2's folder into which to mount the shared folders from lap/PC/NAS (you must make those in E2, say filmsA and filmsB)

cifs = Windows protocol (as opposed to Linux NFS)

username and password = the ones you use to log into your lap/PC/NAS

...the rest do not touch...

And do tell if you succeed, please...

Make sure you allow those folders to be seen/make them shared/give permissions...

So, for instance:

\\\\\\movies /media/filmsA cifs username=britzo,password=las rw 0 0 0 0
\\\\\\videos /media/filmsB cifs username=britzo,password=las rw 0 0 0 0

...edit your username and pass, of course...