View Full Version : Install E2 to Azbox\USB stick in 10 easy steps.

25-08-2011, 09:25 AM
10 easy steps to get E2 to run from USB stick on your Azbox.

Download your E2 image (will be a .E2 file once extracted)

1) format a USB stick as fat32 on your PC

2) download and extract Jazup2.3 (full not lite) to PC

3) extract the file called "patch.bin" from "Official to E2" (cant remember exact name) folder within the Jazup folder AND copy to the USB stick.

exact folder = C:\Jazup_2.3_by_Hectore_and_Pr2\J azup_2.3_by_Hectore_and_Pr2\Offic ial_To_E2 folder

(extract the zip file using winrar)

4) turn off azbox

5) insert USB stick into front of Azbox, and switch on.

6) on the TV screen, choose to run USB upgrade (usb - ripper kernel) once finished switch off Azbox.

7) take out usb stick, and format the same stick again as FAT32 in your pc (im not sure if this is neccessary TBH).

8) insert USB stick into front of Azbox, and switch back on - it will come to rescue mode with an IP ADDRESS scrolling along the lcd display.

9) on your PC run JAZUP2.3.bat - select USB (not HDD or DOM) tick the box for "format extended" (but DO NOT tick box for ext4) - and type in the IP address of your azbox in the top

10) now choose upgrade to E2 - it should then ask you to browse for your E2 file, select it, and choose ok - now, watch and wait.

Notes: if i left format ext4 on, the process crashed mounting MPP (about 50%)
also, if you get a FTP timeout error - just repeat step 10.



27-08-2011, 08:16 PM
im confuz on step 3 can you explayn pls abut patch.bin :(

27-08-2011, 08:26 PM
im sure i was clear as i could have been....


after you have downloaded Jazup - and extracted the files -

you will find in the: C:\Jazup_2.3_by_Hectore_and_Pr2\J azup_2.3_by_Hectore_and_Pr2\Offic ial_To_E2 folder

there is a file called PATCH.BIN, copy that to the formatted (fat32) stick, and then boot up the azbox with the stick in it...

this changes the Kernel on the box, from official to E2.....but you then need to get going with the rest of the instructions.

27-08-2011, 08:43 PM
my friend i have windows 7 when i clikc on JAZUP2.3.bat nothing happen in az display show the ip ?

27-08-2011, 08:56 PM
java problem sorry

27-08-2011, 09:05 PM
i install so usb have to stay in azbox all time bc when i reboot and i remov usb stay ip in azbox display

27-08-2011, 10:20 PM
Try jazup2.jar!

Follow its instructions!

You also have detailed instructions in JAZUp included!!!

27-08-2011, 10:48 PM
u can always repeat the procedure, but install it to DOM, (internal flash memory) - then u dont need the usb stick in the usb port.

24-12-2012, 07:00 AM
I have Powerboard Enigma2 (dec.2011 version) on my Azbox Premium, can I try other images installed to an USB stick?
I don't want to change the internal dome image, before i try and is working fine.
Can I boot from usb and load a new image?

24-12-2012, 08:49 AM
You only can install and load a new image from your USB-stick, if you install a firmware with same kernel as your installed image on DOM.