View Full Version : s 4000 development

30-08-2011, 08:33 AM
It has been a few weeks since any new plugins or f/w for this machine.

I´ve got so used to something new that I´m suffering withdrawl symptoms!!

Any news of future developments or fixes would be most encouraging.

01-09-2011, 03:20 PM
buck, I can assure you that the S4000 is still being developed.
The releases have slowed down lately but that has to be expected as the bug lists get smaller, leaving the more difficult ones to fix.
I know the wish list is getting ever longer but that doesn't count.

01-09-2011, 03:53 PM
whens 4.2.2 coming, to make it the perfect box...


02-09-2011, 11:37 AM
buck, I can assure you that the S4000 is still being developed.
The releases have slowed down lately but that has to be expected as the bug lists get smaller, leaving the more difficult ones to fix.
I know the wish list is getting ever longer but that doesn't count.

Agreed, I think the box has had significant improvements over the last few months, particularly if you look at the work that the Germans are putting in developing and supporting plugins. I think that if icecrypt sat down and got someone to write a decent idiots guide to setting up and managing all aspects of this box including e2 (like that one the guy did for the azbox) they would be on to a big winner. I also think that they ought to put more effort into developing and supporting more plugins that avoid flashing using the serial port. This is problematic/daunting for many and they are becoming less common on home desktops and laptops.

02-09-2011, 12:34 PM
the E2 is simple to setup...


09-09-2011, 03:04 PM

Is it possible to load and use the WebZeal browser on the s4000 as per the s3500.

Will the recordings on an external USB HDD recorded on the s4000 playback on the s3500?

13-09-2011, 04:36 PM
Hi Buck,
The S4000 does not have enough resources for Webzeal.
The recording format of the S3500 is the same as the S4000 so there shouldn't be any issues playing back recording from one to the other.
NTFS is now the standard drive format on both models but both can still deal with older Journaled drives as well.

13-09-2011, 05:12 PM
Is there any chance of a suitable web browser becoming available sometime in the future?

I`m still trying to find a media player that will play films recorded on the s4000 from a USB on a PC.

Any ideas?

14-09-2011, 12:16 PM
they're just TS files mate....
have you thought about a WDTV device? google WDTV