View Full Version : wheres the guide for dual boot...?

30-08-2011, 01:50 PM
ive read it somewhere, that you can put the official f/w on a USB stick, and have E2 installed into DOM\Flash.

is there a guide on how to do it?


30-08-2011, 04:18 PM
Install E2 in DOM/flash. Plug USB stick, formatted in EXT3.

Reboot AZ HD at the back, press and hold the > button (front of AZ HD), 'till you have the IP address on VFD.

Start AZUp 2.07 or higher: put the AZ HD IP address, tick USB and EXT3, format extended partition & copy kernel -> press (at the bottom) INSTALL OFFICIAL FW, choose the 2 files for it (say, 5308 OFW) and wait...

Where to get the dual boot OFW? Here:


When it's done and it reboots sometimes it won't work immediately: you need to ignore possible "upgrade" screens and choose "Boot without update"!

What are you looking for? When booting, you need to (eventually) see "sleep=15s".

Then, your OFW will boot and you can update it normally, installing channel list, OpenXCAS, MultiCAS, OSCam, Priority Manager 2.5, GetEPG 2.5, Tech*s*a*t*k*e*ysDownloader and all else, as usual...

Pingflood is developing "Boot OFW" plugin from E2 without rebooting - but in SPAZE Fix it isn't working...

That's gonna be cool. We wait...

30-08-2011, 08:21 PM
thanks mate, ill give it a go.
is there an EASY way to format a stick as EXT3 ?

i dont have ez access to LINUX

30-08-2011, 08:37 PM
Try it with this application for Windows


30-08-2011, 09:47 PM
Try it with this application for Windows

nice one mate, appears to have worked, but havent tried it in azbox yet.

26-11-2011, 10:51 PM
Install E2 in DOM/flash. Plug USB stick, formatted in EXT3.

Reboot AZ HD at the back, press and hold the > button (front of AZ HD), 'till you have the IP address on VFD.

Start AZUp 2.07 or higher: put the AZ HD IP address, tick USB and EXT3, format extended partition & copy kernel -> press (at the bottom) INSTALL OFFICIAL FW, choose the 2 files for it (say, 5308 OFW) and wait...

Where to get the dual boot OFW? Here:


When it's done and it reboots sometimes it won't work immediately: you need to ignore possible "upgrade" screens and choose "Boot without update"!

What are you looking for? When booting, you need to (eventually) see "sleep=15s".

Then, your OFW will boot and you can update it normally, installing channel list, OpenXCAS, MultiCAS, OSCam, Priority Manager 2.5, GetEPG 2.5, Tech*s*a*t*k*e*ysDownloader and all else, as usual...

Pingflood is developing "Boot OFW" plugin from E2 without rebooting - but in SPAZE Fix it isn't working...

That's gonna be cool. We wait...

any news on that plugin mate?

27-11-2011, 03:00 AM

27-11-2011, 12:21 PM
hi mate,

ive got hold of pingfloods plugin, which does inititate the the boot of the USB stick (containing a USB OFW image on it)

but after i get the black screen with AZBOX in white on the TV screen, on the AZBOX it says:
"Err:NO_DISK" then it scrolls to "Connect AS"

how do i get a decent copy of the OFW onto a USB disk, i tried your method above...but options you said didnt exist...


27-11-2011, 04:11 PM
I tried all sorts with it and haven't managed, sadly, so can't advise you...

You tell me if you do manage, please....

Decent copy of OFW does not exist.

The semi-cooked stuff they call OFW is easily installed onto USB, using JAZUp 2.3.

Just untick EXT4 and choose USB, then press Update or whatever is there to programme/flash the FW...

You need these files for it (see attached)... or maybe these for 5309, thanx to Arci:


The YouTube fix is the only changed thing in relation to 5308:

Come si installa:

- Scompattate il file zip in una folder sul PC, il file contiene i due file ... vmlinux & patch.alt ...
- Preparate una Pendrive (min 512 MB) e formattatela in FAT o FAT32;
- Avviato Enigma2 sull'AZbox, inserite la pendrive nella presa USB frontale;
- Ora avviate AZUp 2.1.3, inserite l'IP-Address dell'AZbox e confermate sul tasto GO! (Install Official FW);
- L'AZbox si riavvierà e si predisporrà in Rescue Mode, confermandovi l'IP-Address AZbox;

- Dalla versione Enigma2 RTi_core_v1.0, per predisporre l'AZBox in Rescue Mode è sufficiente premere da telecomando o pannello frontale il tasto VOL+ durante la fase di Booting;

- Su AZUp 2.1.3, avendo controllato che l'IP-Address non sia cambiato (su sistemi DHCP), riconfermiamo sul tasto GO! (Install Official FW);
- Ora vi verrà chiesto di caricare in sequenza (da PC) i due file ... vmlinux & patch.alt ... salvati poco prima;
- Appena confermato, partirà la procedura di installazione del FW Ufficiale su USB;
- Al termine, AZUp 2.1.3 ci avvertirà della conclusione dell'installazione e riavvierà l'AZbox;

Lasciando la Pendrive sulla presa USB (fronte o retro) ... ora si avvierà il firmware ufficiale OpenSat ...

Attenzione, durante la fase di avvio, il VFD vi mostrerà Sleep 15s ... lasciatelo finire, e al termine del loading, vi troverete nel Menu settaggio della distro !

Good luck!

27-11-2011, 08:28 PM
I found the dual boot always caused too many problems when it came to upgrading FW, so don't use it anymore.

If you want to properly boot from a choice of multiple Fimwares buy a real Dreambox. :)

27-11-2011, 09:45 PM

the ofw plugin, is actually included in the latest SPAZE 2.0 image mate....i just need the ofw software image on a stick...

everytime ive tried it, it wipes my E2, GRRR!

27-11-2011, 09:52 PM
It wiped my USB stick for Flash Expander (the OFW, that is), while trying the OFW Launcher...

Mind, before, when I used OFW in the DOM, it used to wipe out/reprogramme (with EXT3 and various partitions) my entire USB HDD 1TB in NTFS...

Go figure... I am angry at OS and their contractors and partners now...

28-11-2011, 10:44 PM
Hello friends

Last saturday i was making an instalation of ofw just for curiosity and i had the same dead words "Err:NO_DISK" then it scrolls to "Connect AS" so after a few reboots it always deleted my sticks usb formated at fat32.

So i remenbered to flash it with a stick formated only in "fat" and i've reached de desired action? it's a litle bit strsnge because all manuals get me to format it always in fat 32 but i had lucky only formated in Fat.

best regards


29-11-2011, 01:14 AM
thanks can u explain how u get the ofw onto the stick...exact steps, thanks!

29-11-2011, 08:39 AM
The same as E2. Except > USB. And 2 files to choose, not 1.

Read above... Use online translator. Easy!

29-11-2011, 11:19 AM
its not easy.

i have E2 installed into DOM, then when i put a USB stick in it, and go into recovery mode - and then choose from AZUP to INSTALL Original FW - it moans about an unknown kernel, and thats it.

no option to choose a file(s)

29-11-2011, 01:53 PM
Heh, serves you right.... Who mentioned AZUp? :D

Seriously, keep trying...

It took me a few times but eventually...

Good luck!

29-11-2011, 01:59 PM

Here's the how to m8 and a site where you can find FW for it


replace xx with tt