View Full Version : TM 6900HD Super Softcam

31-08-2011, 10:59 AM
I have 6900hd Super and a Dragon cam. I keep reading about a Softcam in some stbs and because I'm a novice at this I wondered if there is a softcam in my 6900. If there is how do I use it to watch encrypted channels?? I should mention I have a restricted satellite view because of houses and trees etc., so I only have the arc from 28E to about 7w. Any help (but not too technical) would be really appreciated. Thank you.

31-08-2011, 11:35 AM
if you have patched your tm6900 then all you do is download the latest tmsoftcam and upload into your box either by usb or by null modem cable

then use the box without your dragon cam to view the channels it opens in the list provided with the softcam , obviously you may need to turn on ucas as well , same as on most boxes

these forums should contain a tutorial on doing this , or maybe somebody with a tm6900 will explain or link to posts etc that explain it in better detail than I can

as a general rule a lot of members are using in to view bulsat on 39e , which you cannot do , but there are some others in your sat range that can be viewed

if your dragon cam is up to date it probably is doing this job already

31-08-2011, 03:27 PM
Thank you Echelon for the quick reply. I'll try what you said . My dragon cam doesnt seem to open very much at all now. It used to do alot on 1west but not since they went to Nagra 3. Thanks again.

31-08-2011, 03:32 PM
Thank you Echelon for the quick reply. I'll try what you said . My dragon cam doesnt seem to open very much at all now. It used to do alot on 1west but not since they went to Nagra 3. Thanks again.

no it wont , and neither will the softcam , those days are almost over apart from a few biss and dcw channels ( fixed keys )

if you check the softcam list accompanying the file you will see just a few channels are now opened , and even those on 39e have almost all gone now too


but you did ask so I replied as best I can , not having your box , but we use a similar softcam on the dreambox and spiderbox etc

31-08-2011, 04:37 PM
stron, Yes, it's a pity that there isn't much open on the sortcam nowadays but to give you an idea. As mentioned, a few channels remain on 39°, Similarly a few remain on 23.5°E from Kabel Deuchland. On Astra 19°E ORF and Austriasat are open. C+NL on 19° is currently down, but has a habit of popping back again every whit and while (but only on patch 737p), and similarly so does TNTsat. Mezzo on 13° and Global are open.

Hope this helps

31-08-2011, 07:24 PM
Thank you KnockJohn, it appears as though the " good old days" are now over, mores the pity. Hopefully some genius somewhere will do the "business" and we will all jump on board for a very short while. Still it gives me something to do on cold winter evenings!!

02-09-2011, 08:32 AM
... And as if by magic - new keys come out to open C+NL.:champion-018: