View Full Version : Addon_Fashion-TV_ICECRYPT S3500, S3550, S3600 & STC6000

01-09-2011, 02:56 PM
Installing an addon onto the Icecrypt S3500, S3550, S3600 or STC6000

Place the "XXXXXX.addon" and the png file "XXXXXX.png" together on a EMPTY USB stick.
"XXXXXX" being the name of the addon you wish to load i.e stvplay, metacafe etc.
No other directories or files should be present on the USB Memory stick.

Loading procedure as follows
Enter the Main Menu:
Others - start> FreeTV +
Insert the USB memory stick into the Icecrypt
Pop up will appear "Addon XXXXXX?" (YES) / (NO)
Confirm with YES
Wait until FreeTV+ has ended and then the menu appears, remove the drive, select FreeTV +

Use the (GREEN) Service button to select different Addon's SUCH AS Earth Touch, YouTube

SVT Play. Earth Touch, You****, Fashion TV And Metacafe (depending what has been installed).