View Full Version : DM800 SE clone

03-09-2011, 03:21 PM
Thinking of getting one of these, I know for some of us on here it goes against the grain but I do already have a DM800 genuine since 2008 but just can't justify the cost for the spare room.
My question is if I get one what is the best image to put on it?
Also will i get all HD and 3D as I do with my original dream box 800?
Last question I know it's my money but honestly am I doing the right thing spend £166 on a clone DM800 HD SE?



03-09-2011, 03:30 PM
Don't support the Local maphia
If your problem is money, then buy a Vu+, at least you can have a original Box !
My 2 cents

03-09-2011, 04:12 PM
must admit i was against them,but thought sod it and bought one and got to say what a great little box it is,for 200 quid i can't argue,the thing is some can be bad and some can be great,depends on which factory they are made.The one i have is spot on and well made.
It's running nabilo blackhole image and hd picture quality is awesome.also never known a box run so cool.
The one i have is also on bootloader 82 and sim 2.10,there are different sim types just make sure you put the right image on for your sim.

08-09-2011, 11:16 AM
I have a box with frerari sim, works great with nemesis image svn91.

Dig Deep
09-09-2011, 06:36 AM
It is very strange this clone business. The same people that gladly steals the codes and get free crypted tellie tells us not to buy a clone ?
Of course they work fine as long as You stay away from ****ed programs. I have one to play with and, perhaps, they are not the same in quality but
still works fine.

18-09-2011, 01:31 PM
I had an 800 'pro' and moved over the the SE version a month ago.
Can honestly say it's the dogs danglies mate, fast channels changing, top tuner inside, no glitching on HD channels, silent fan inside has the box running cool, bigger and a good solid build.
Setup was a piece of ****, Hard Disk worked straight off the bat.
Full HDMI connection, even the missus noticed the quality of the picture against the 800 'pro'.
Paid $245 for mine mate, and worth it me thinks.

18-09-2011, 02:26 PM
but by buyuing a clone you support the mafia that brings the boxes into the country.
who will develope the SW if no one buy original boxes then, with the Copy cats from china give us the SW, the copy everything for god sake.
those that brings us stolen codes, perhaps have invested in some realy heavy readers to get out the code, perhaps they have worked many hours to steal this code from the card in first place ?
what did the Chinise steal for DM, did they try to extract some code from the Providers Original boxes ??

Common guys why is it so easy for us to turn on the directions that fist our bill. why not give the support where is need it.
DMM diserves this, as they are way to expencive, but they must get credits for the work they have donne and do for the hoby.

18-09-2011, 02:32 PM
Just sold my 8000 and got a clone 8000 works great,not built as good as the real one but carnt really complain when its £500 cheaper