View Full Version : S4000HDPVR won't load anything

10-09-2011, 10:52 AM
Like most people I have to learn things so here I am asking for some knowledge from you guys who appear to have been at this a lot longer than I have.

Here is the problem. I have a S4000, 4 months old, and a couple of days ago my satellite guy sent me 3 files. A new bootloader - 1.54 - and a new FAC image file plus a cam file. Loaded the bootloader onto a USB and did the upgrade. Rebooted the box and the loader still said 1.21. Then the screen was shaking and the box just kept freezing. Finally after another reboot and after the bootloader message it came up err:0x01. A bit of research told me this was corruption on the bootloader. I contacted Icecrypt who sent me the correct bootloader, version 1.54, the same as I had, with the instructions to connect the box via a Null modem cable and use Porter Express to do the transfer and all would be hunkey dorey. Did all that but the box just sits there waiting for Porter to connect or Porter is waiting for the box. On one of these occasions the bootloader mesage changed to loader 1.54 but the error err:0x01 still remains and the box is dead. Next tried AAF recovery tools, as suggested by someone who had the same problem, version 4.5. Same problem. The box is simply not detected. Changed to another null modem lead and same result. Nothing is working and the box will not respond to anything. Apart from throwing the box out of the window does anyone have any constructive suggestions on how to resolve this?

The big problem the box is not in the UK and neither am I. I had it shipped abroad so returning it is not is not an easy option for me.


10-09-2011, 11:00 AM
why would you throw it out the window ? that wont solve anything

nowhere in your post have you mentioned the os of the pc or laptop being used , or how the serial connector on the null modem cable has been attached to this pc or laptop

so the bare bones of the matter are always this :-

use a desktop pc , tower pc or laptop pc running xp

ALSO make sure this pc has a proper fifo com port with 9 pin serial socket for the null modem cable to plug into , exactly the same as is on the rear of the icecrypt

plug the null modem cable into both sockets ( ensuring it is definitely a null modem cable being used )

do not use any gender changers or usb adapters , do not use vista or win7 or any other os

set the com port to com1 or com 2 in device manager in xp control panel , and make sure the com port or ports is/are set to 115200 baud speed

do not alter any other parameters

then start the loader with the bootloader file , and switch the box on and follow the download progress etc

full details on using porter express this way are with the file and also instructions have been written on this forum before , and the info given is common practice for all boxes like this over the last 10 years and so the same info has been given hundreds of times for technomates and samsungs and humax boxes , and many others

its normally users not following the basic comms procedures , or using the wrong leads , usb adapters or not using XP that causes problems like this

I used the 1.54 plugin from this site on usb stick and it worked fine using the supplied instructions , and porter with xp and null modem cable should also work fine , possibly the AAF tool too ( not tried that method )

10-09-2011, 11:19 AM
Hi Echelon,

Thanks for taking the time to reply to me. I appreciate it.

I am running Vista, yes I know, and running the program as an administrator. Everything else is as you describe. Nul modem cable female to female connected directly to the box and the PC with no other connection, gender benders, etc. I do have a chap here with a very old laptop running XP but need to determine if it has a serial port. The real old ones should. Com Port open and working AAF detects the port but will simply not connect to the box. It is as if the box is ignoring the request!

10-09-2011, 11:27 AM
maybe the com port is blocked by a comms program or mobile phone software ?

vista isnt ideal for this but if you can use a program like enditall to kill all processes it may help ( do this offline and reboot afterwards )

or maybe try it in safemode offline instead ?

any old xp pc should have 9 pin com ports so should be easy for that machine

I assume you arent using usb adapters then ?

I assume your pc has a proper 9 pin com port ?

usually you only switch a box on after commencing the download , so are you trying it by starting the download and then switching the box on by rear mains switch asap after commencing the download ?

ie:- its not switched on at the back and in booterror fail mode when trying this ?

10-09-2011, 11:42 AM
No USB adaptors. PC nine pin on the MSI motherboard.

I have tried it all ways with the box. Off, then run Porters, then on and in the reverse to see if it did any good. Same on AAF. Every combination but!

I have looked at the usage parameters and nothing is working on the port. No mobile phone connection, USB only, I will get a clearing prgram and run it.

I have rebooted it so many times now the mouse turning the hard drive is getting fed up!

Currently exploring if I can get a copy of XP to load as well as my Vista as I don't think this is going to be the last time I get a problem

Have not tried it in safe mode yet but that is my next step.


10-09-2011, 11:48 AM
are u selecting the CORRECT coms port in either ART or porter express?

10-09-2011, 12:25 PM
The options show COM1 or 2. If I set Com 2 in AAF when you press connect it goes back to COM1 so I am presuming that the port is being detected and being set. I have just rebooted, again, and there is no difference. It seems that the box is asleep and will not wake up.

10-09-2011, 01:05 PM
i think your cable might be wrong

10-09-2011, 01:58 PM
The cables are both null modem and the last time they were used was to upgrade firmware on a Dreambox so I am confident they are OK. Just about to change my system for a Dual boot with XP as the other OS. If this does not work then it is a call to Icecrypt on Monday as all avenues have been taken. Thanks for all your help so far.

10-09-2011, 02:04 PM
if it works ok on dreambox its the right lead

I still think vista may be your trouble here though

11-09-2011, 11:19 AM
Finally got to the route of the problem. I ran the box on a XP machine but could get no connection. Could see the network packets trying to to delivered but really slow. About to give up, day three now, and for some reason I looked at the RS232 connector. No pins visible!! Opened up the box and the pin connector had been pushed through. Relocated the pins in the housing. Connected the null modem lead. Connected to the Vista machine and instant bingo. File transfered in under 10 seconds and the panel flashed complete. Now in the process of reinstalling the box and the other upgrades.

Thanks to everyone who read and responded. I greatly appreciate all your help and guidance and the 'brainstorming', sorry 'thought shower' to be politically correct nowadays!

Lesson learnt here, check the hardware basics first.

11-09-2011, 12:11 PM
nice one mate
well spotted and well resolved.

11-09-2011, 12:51 PM
Finally got to the route of the problem. I ran the box on a XP machine but could get no connection. Could see the network packets trying to to delivered but really slow. About to give up, day three now, and for some reason I looked at the RS232 connector. No pins visible!! Opened up the box and the pin connector had been pushed through. Relocated the pins in the housing. Connected the null modem lead. Connected to the Vista machine and instant bingo. File transfered in under 10 seconds and the panel flashed complete. Now in the process of reinstalling the box and the other upgrades.

Thanks to everyone who read and responded. I greatly appreciate all your help and guidance and the 'brainstorming', sorry 'thought shower' to be politically correct nowadays!

Lesson learnt here, check the hardware basics first.

when I first got mine , the motherboard didnt sit correctly on its lugs causing the hdmi socket to be masked and others to be misaligned , and the power cord retention was causing the lid not to fit properly , it was bought second hand so decided to fix it myself and also add a 500 gig sata hdd too

took it apart and bent and hammered the lugs for the mobo until all the rear slots lined up , and hacksawed and filed the mains connector retention rectangular metal section on top rear until the mains lead sat further down so that the lid was flush when replaced ( basically lowered the socket by filing metal away at the bottom of the retention slot ) , replaced mobo and psu , added the HDD and all ok ever since

bit naughty the 9 pins pushing back through their housing and so no connection , but it explains the no connection ;) LOL

hope you finally get it sorted now

11-09-2011, 03:32 PM
I am fully up and running now thanks to everyone and all the info on here. The bit that really saved my bacon was the Flash cleaner. Whoever wrote that and whoever posted it needs a medal. For that I will be eternally gratefull. I have squirrelled that away in my software for future dates because I think I just might need it again somehow. Echelon, it seems crazy that a machine that cost so much was so badly put together. Oh well. You obviously have the skill set to put it right. To have UK programs here in Turkey is a wonderful thing so I must not complain and SWMBO is very happy now. G & T tonight I think.

Thanks once again chaps.