View Full Version : Can't see Astra 3 (23.5E) with Clarke Tech 2100 Plus

10-09-2011, 07:30 PM

I'm not sure if anyone can help (I really hope so). I have a Clake Tech 2100 Plus which I have been using since 2007 to watch Digi TV (Czech channels) on Thor 1W until it went over to Nagra 3 so I stopped using it since then.

I've just bought a new Skylink card and Irdeto CAM to get the Czech channels on their package which is broadcast on Astra 3A/B 23.5E.

The problem I am having is that I can't seem to find 23.5E on my CT when I go into the menu, it is not one of the pre-set options available. I have tried upgrading to the latest firmware from the CT website but still no Astra on 23.5E on the list. I have tried to find it manually as I have a motorised dish so I set one of the frequencies and moved the dish until I got signal strength, but I ended up getting all the standard UK Sky channels so I think I must have hit the wrong satellite.

I have tried everything I can think of and am now desperate to resolve this. I am sure it is a simple fix but I haven't had to touch it for almost 4 years and I've completely forgotten how I managed to set it all up in the first place!

If somebody could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.

BTW, I am in Herts, UK and have a 1m dish if that helps.

Many thanks,


10-09-2011, 10:23 PM

I'm not sure if anyone can help (I really hope so). I have a Clake Tech 2100 Plus which I have been using since 2007 to watch Digi TV (Czech channels) on Thor 1W until it went over to Nagra 3 so I stopped using it since then.

I've just bought a new Skylink card and Irdeto CAM to get the Czech channels on their package which is broadcast on Astra 3A/B 23.5E.

The problem I am having is that I can't seem to find 23.5E on my CT when I go into the menu, it is not one of the pre-set options available. I have tried upgrading to the latest firmware from the CT website but still no Astra on 23.5E on the list. I have tried to find it manually as I have a motorised dish so I set one of the frequencies and moved the dish until I got signal strength, but I ended up getting all the standard UK Sky channels so I think I must have hit the wrong satellite.

I have tried everything I can think of and am now desperate to resolve this. I am sure it is a simple fix but I haven't had to touch it for almost 4 years and I've completely forgotten how I managed to set it all up in the first place!

If somebody could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.

BTW, I am in Herts, UK and have a 1m dish if that helps.

Many thanks,


Did you try Spec Savers ?

lol .
Sorry am all out of ideas ? But I am absolutely sure some one will point you in the right direction...

Plessy !

11-09-2011, 12:03 AM
Point a fta box at the sat on an scrambled signal on 23e to locate it first, untill you do the basics you are trying to jump too many hoops at once.

Check lyngsat for fta channels and optimise your dish, then sort the scrambled stuff out.

11-09-2011, 03:40 AM
It would appear from the info you have given in your OP that your dish is pointing at Astra 2 @ 28.2 East and not at Astra 3A/3B @ 23.5 East, the following TP info is the strongest TP to use to locate this Sat - 11915 H 27500 - TV Noord-Holland, you can also find further info on which channels are on 23.5 East here:


You may also find some info on adding Sats or editing your channel list here:


The info in this thread may also be of some help to you:


11-09-2011, 01:04 PM
Thanks for your advice, I'll give that a go and hopefully that'll do the trick. I'll let you know how I get on.

11-09-2011, 03:31 PM
Hi again, just a quick update.

After adding the TV Noord as suggested by Aldo I managed to locate 23.5. After that I did a blind scan and managed to pick up most of the other channels on the Skylink Package. I am missing a couple but I am sure that is just down to tweaking things a little.

So massive thanks to Aldo and also TonyO for the help.

11-09-2011, 04:01 PM
I'm pleased that you have got your problem sorted, and maybe you will find other channels on that Sat soon.:respect-050: