View Full Version : some E2 screen grabs - to show how nice is it right now

12-09-2011, 09:03 PM
heres some screen grabs of a very happy bunny's converted ICECryptS4000.

Midnight R
13-09-2011, 05:58 PM
Looks lovely

13-09-2011, 06:15 PM
HAHA yeah, it is mate

13-09-2011, 06:35 PM
One of these days I will learn how to do all this!

13-09-2011, 07:06 PM
its all here mate

Midnight R
08-01-2012, 11:07 AM
Any screengrabs of the latest E2 image?

08-01-2012, 06:50 PM
it aint much diff mate.
PKT image has a different skin thats all.

27-10-2012, 10:02 PM
is there any programs that can use usb to serials on laptop when i try this it just boots up as normal and the aaf program dont do anything it does recognize the usb com3 but wont load the ice s4000

27-10-2012, 10:43 PM
is there any programs that can use usb to serials on laptop when i try this it just boots up as normal and the aaf program dont do anything it does recognize the usb com3 but wont load the ice s4000

not a good idea m8, use a port replicator or cardbus card to convert to 9 pin serial port

or use a desktop/tower/laptop running xp with built in 9 pin com port

you are probably wasting your time with a usb to serial converter

28-10-2012, 02:02 AM
when i tried a usb - serial connector it didnt work, luckily my old dell c400 had a serial port, and this is what i used to manage my ICE (the bad old days)

28-10-2012, 05:08 PM
not a good idea m8, use a port replicator or cardbus card to convert to 9 pin serial port

or use a desktop/tower/laptop running xp with built in 9 pin com port

you are probably wasting your time with a usb to serial converter

Hi, I got USB to RS232 cable ver. HL-340. I works on windows 7 with no problem. Windows found the driver itself via windowsupdate.

28-10-2012, 05:28 PM
Hi, I got USB to RS232 cable ver. HL-340. I works on windows 7 with no problem. Windows found the driver itself via windowsupdate.

which windows 7 though ? I bet its professional or ultimate as they dont work in home premium, and it may not work in x64 but may work in x86

most people only have win 7 starter, or basic or premium , usually x86

the devil is in the detail

29-10-2012, 12:23 AM
right got e2 image PKT_SF1018_Enigma2_Nibiru_V2_Imag e loaded viA Usb but havent got a clue how to load plug in and make it look like yours above have do you load the sly uk channel list if there is one

29-10-2012, 12:58 AM
right got e2 image PKT_SF1018_Enigma2_Nibiru_V2_Imag e loaded viA Usb but havent got a clue how to load plug in and make it look like yours above have do you load the sly uk channel list if there is one

if its running an E2 image I would have thought you ftp a plugin over and do a manual install like on a dreambox

as for channels lists, the same would apply as for any other E2 image , ftp using dreamboxedit or dreamset a suitable E2 channel list

these are usually found in the dreambox and vu forums here

29-10-2012, 12:34 PM
on e2 whatever image i get blank screen on all hd channels any ideal why please