View Full Version : F&H Running TT7 and 835 Maps - Updqate Maps & speedcams?

12-09-2011, 09:38 PM
I have the above running successfully but wondered if I can load new maps and cam files. I've spent ages on here but getting confused now as to whether I can or not.
thanks in advance.

12-09-2011, 10:50 PM
You should be able to use the latest v875.3675 map with tt v7.***

13-09-2011, 05:54 AM
870_3417 definitely works ok on mine as does the speedcams


13-09-2011, 01:18 PM
thanks you 2 but that was the thread I was talking about - it's sort of all over the place! I'll get the details from there once I fully understand the steps involved.
You wouldn't just do me a simple list of steps here would you? Not details as I will go off and get that but I'm unsure about words like "without IG Routes or ALG" and "BBS tools that Russell1 posted" and the last 20 posts on that thread!

I obviously got the thing working 2 years ago but I'm struggling now - might have a aged a bit!
Thanks for sticking with me on it.

13-09-2011, 01:59 PM
the basics are load in a tom tom from the mobile navigator and press the satellites on the bottom right of the screen and check the version number of tom tom and the id code

mine says tt version 7.910 , press that and you get the version of tom tom , the maps version , and the unique 10 character code

add the maps folder to the sd card ( making use its the one WITHOUT alg or iqroutes , either the one I said version 870_3417 uk + ireland

or try the one russell mentioned which is newer than mine

then patch the file using bbs tools in the usual manner , reboot and test

if ok add the speedcams , voices etc

13-09-2011, 10:38 PM
So sorry to be thick on this but where is Rusells 875, the BBS tools and the speedcams?
I think I'm missing a thread or 2 somewhere!

13-09-2011, 11:29 PM
All in the Tomtom section - here's the map

14-09-2011, 05:50 AM
So sorry to be thick on this but where is Rusells 875, the BBS tools and the speedcams?
I think I'm missing a thread or 2 somewhere!

as russell correctly says , the tom tom stuff is in the tom tom section ;)

19-11-2011, 06:20 PM
All in the Tomtom section - here's the map

Sorry been away and just back and starting on this "project" again. You know how it is.
I am really sorry but someone is going to have to really spell this one out. Thanks for your patience so far but I've got the maps file to put on the working SD card that works in my F&H 3.5 device wich is running TT 7.9
I can't fathom what to do next? keygen? BBS? and which version is best. I follow a thread and it gets contradicted later.
Thanks for any (basic) step by steps anyone can offer.

19-11-2011, 10:23 PM
Sorry been away and just back and starting on this "project" again. You know how it is.
I am really sorry but someone is going to have to really spell this one out. Thanks for your patience so far but I've got the maps file to put on the working SD card that works in my F&H 3.5 device wich is running TT 7.9
I can't fathom what to do next? keygen? BBS? and which version is best. I follow a thread and it gets contradicted later.
Thanks for any (basic) step by steps anyone can offer.

well , its definitely in the threads as I always use bbs tools and have definitely said so , and posted files too

I mentioned it here in fact https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?150091-navigo-updates/page2

as for tom tom and map numbers , you havent been totally frank either

so checking my working f+h 3.5 inch the tom tom on it its actually v7.910 , as can be obtained fom pressing near the clock on the right , and if you then press on that version number it also tells you the tom tom version in its entirity , and the maps too

so mine says tomtom app version 7.910 (9185 )

and the maps says uk_rep of ireland 870_3417

and below that you get you ID code which consists of 2 lots of 5 characters

so I would put that version on your sdcard ( if its not that one or later )

then put the maps on ( not iq-routes+lanes , just the standard one )

then patch it with bbs which will use the m*ta data and also your 10 character ID

once its patched the maps , test it

then do speed cams and voices etc

I realise my maps are not the latest , but if its later than yours you know mine is working and you can try all the steps and get yours working

once that is done , you can try later maps if you wish to and report back with any successes

bear in mind some of those guides are from the old pc tailor site and are quite old , hence them talking about keygens etc
but I have found bbs tools easy , simple and quick to get the job done of patching the maps , and I have always said so too

20-11-2011, 12:29 AM
thanks for continuing to help, must be so frustrating for you when you know what things mean and people keep asking.
I think it's the "then patch it" statement that is losing me - I've read the thread on the bbs sticky software and it's massive instructions. I'm sure I didn't do all this first time round to get TT working on it. Is there anything less "techy" than that.

20-11-2011, 12:33 AM
thanks for continuing to help, must be so frustrating for you when you know what things mean and people keep asking.
I think it's the "then patch it" statement that is losing me - I've read the thread on the bbs sticky software and it's massive instructions. I'm sure I didn't do all this first time round to get TT working on it. Is there anything less "techy" than that.

well I used to struggle with the old keygen idea on pctailor , and I found the bbs tools option a lot simpler , hence me using it

there is what there is , you pick what you wish and make the most of it , in my case I use bbs tools as I said , so how would I know what else there is ?

it seems most others use bbs tools , or they use that other tool with somebodys name in the title , best bet is find one you like and stick with it , but you probably used the keygen back then when you patched yours

ps:- until you "patch" the maps you cannot use them , no matter what satnav you use , check the tomtom forum for proof

and bear in mind also that this is a "techy" subject , with "techy" tools and "techy" ideas , so if you cant stand the heat !!! ....... derrrr

26-11-2011, 11:17 AM
I got 870 maps working on top of my 835 using download here and bbs tools etc but didn't do anything with me ta data or file. But got greedy and put 880 onto a clean card but not sure what to do with me ta file. BBS says "check that you have an upodated ****.txt file" when I keygen patch it, I've updated me ta.txt from web ok using bbs.
Can anyone help? What is the long file name next to the download on the 880 maps sticky for? Where does it go?

27-11-2011, 07:11 AM
It's not a file name, it's the me ta info, but there is also a me ta file included in the download. If you have got the latest me ta file from BBStools then it will probably have the me ta info for this map on it by now. If not - then you can edit the file using notepad or use the me ta file included with the download.

27-11-2011, 12:16 PM
ok Russel, thanks for that. I've done exactly the same as I did to go from 835 to 875 on my F&H. Do you think 880 is a "map too far" or am I missing something.
thanks for thehelp.

27-11-2011, 01:38 PM
ok Russel, thanks for that. I've done exactly the same as I did to go from 835 to 875 on my F&H. Do you think 880 is a "map too far" or am I missing something.
thanks for thehelp.

russell uses tomtoms , not f+h m8

but I would say that if your old map 835 worked , and assuming you tried 870 like me and that worked , and now you are on 875 which is newer than mine and that works , I would think you know how to do the task properly , providing you get the maps without ALC and Iroutes or whatever they are called. ie:- the more basic maps

so yes it may work , or not , just backup your map folder that does work before trying it , or if there is room on your sdcard , make a storage folder and move the 875 maps into it before trying the latest maps , that way if it fails you only have to delete the new map folder and move the old one from storage back to the root of the sdcard

assuming it does work ( or doesnt work ) it would be helpful to all if you posted your findings in this thread for everyones benefit

27-11-2011, 04:47 PM
There's no reason why the v880.3868 shouldn't work if slightly earlier maps have work ok, I'd guess the problem is with the me ta file info. I have not got BBSTools installed on my new pc, so cant really help much with this tool, but if you still have problems try using Albert's activation tool which is posted in the guide as I know you can browse the the me ta file I've included in the map folder with this tool.

When adding any new map folders - delete old map folder first & then add new map - never try to overwrite the files in an existing map folder.

30-11-2011, 12:18 PM
Result! Thanks for your patience and assistance - must be frustrating for you everytime someone gets stuck.
Lessons learnt.
Don't add to a working folder - make a complete new one.
Also - first time you pop the SD into the device and fire up TT - it says "loading" for ages. Don't panic - go and make a brew and it'll be fine.

I now have my F&H device still running 7.910 but with 880 maps and latest cams.

Thanks a million you guys that put the time into this.

08-02-2012, 12:58 PM
just tried the link and it appears the site has been seized by the FBI....sounds painful!

08-02-2012, 01:07 PM
just tried the link and it appears the site has been seized by the FBI....sounds painful!

a lot of download sites like fileserve , filesonic and various other ones were recently shut down and some employees/owners arrestec , its been all over the news , but its a pc or internet subject and not relevant to these satnavs in particular

14-02-2012, 12:18 PM
thanks for your help, much appreciated



11-03-2012, 07:30 PM
thanks for your help, much appreciated



Yes, this is a great forum and thanks for all the help.

I too can confirm v880.3868 maps load correctly on a navigo,,

The only thing I have now forgot is what baud rate and comm settings I use on the tomtom settings? is it 4800 and comm 5? I can't seem to get a connection.

Also, is there any way yet to get the device to always remeber the time/date? As at the moment it always goes to default 12:00.

11-03-2012, 07:37 PM
Yes, this is a great forum and thanks for all the help.

I too can confirm v880.3868 maps load correctly on a navigo,,

The only thing I have now forgot is what baud rate and comm settings I use on the tomtom settings? is it 4800 and comm 5? I can't seem to get a connection.

Also, is there any way yet to get the device to always remeber the time/date? As at the moment it always goes to default 12:00.

navigo uses other nmea receiver , 57600 baud rate on com 7

time and date is set by gps when it gets a signal

11-03-2012, 09:30 PM
Many thanks,

Is it likely the next time I do a map update, say in a few months. I will also need to update BBtools or is that application always able to patch maps regardless of version?

11-03-2012, 09:39 PM
Many thanks,

Is it likely the next time I do a map update, say in a few months. I will also need to update BBtools or is that application always able to patch maps regardless of version?

no idea

12-03-2012, 09:07 AM
Many thanks,

Is it likely the next time I do a map update, say in a few months. I will also need to update BBtools or is that application always able to patch maps regardless of version?

The me ta file info will need updating.

12-03-2012, 09:51 AM
But the me ta file is normally included in with the map download?

12-03-2012, 09:54 AM
But the me ta file is normally included in with the map download?

it always has been for me , but these are tom tom issues not f&h issues

I havent had to update bbs tools , I have always had me ta files with the maps that people like russell provide, you just have to ensure its the basic maps and not the iroutes one, and never reuse the old folder but start with a new folder

12-03-2012, 10:00 AM
Ahh I see thanks, so that included me ta is very important and unique to F+h and navigo units, i.e without that it will not work?
So in future, if Russell or any other of the contributers did not compile that me ta file - we could not update?

12-03-2012, 10:20 AM
Ahh I see thanks, so that included me ta is very important and unique to F+h and navigo units, i.e without that it will not work?
So in future, if Russell or any other of the contributers did not compile that me ta file - we could not update?

I dont think its unique to just navigo units , that is an assumption on your part

it is my belief that the me ta file is important on various units, and can sometimes be obtained using the inbuilt me ta updater on the bbs tools OR by a google search

but I have always found it is included by the author of the maps, or the uploader, so it has never been an issue for me

12-03-2012, 08:14 PM
The me ta info file is not always included with map downloads - all depends on the person who uploads the map & also if the info was available when the map was uploaded, some upload the map as soon as they get it & then wait to post the me ta.
No copied maps can be activated on any type of device using tomtom without the correct me ta info.

12-03-2012, 09:54 PM
The me ta info file is not always included with map downloads - all depends on the person who uploads the map & also if the info was available when the map was uploaded, some upload the map as soon as they get it & then wait to post the me ta.
No copied maps can be activated on any type of device using tomtom without the correct me ta info.

Thanks for reply, so is that me ta file some kind of authentication needed to allow maps to be read by tomtom? A bit like a 'crack' or 'serial' for a game?

12-03-2012, 10:20 PM
It's a code that is required for the activation tool.