View Full Version : Binatone carrera X350

18-09-2011, 07:42 AM

got a binatone carrera X350 which is similar to the navigo range and seems to use the same chips etc too , apparently it uses smart2go navigation software in the internal flash memory , and will probably run turbodog from sdcard

google hits show it can be used like the navigo , in that it will boot a program from sdcard or mmc card that is called mobilenavigator.exe and in a mobilenavigator folder , the same as tomtom does ( or turbodog ) on the navigo

tried destinator , igo8 and igo primo and got all of them working ok using com port 7 and 57200 baud rate , not tried garmin or miomap as yet

google hits suggest that tomtom v7.910 and 830 maps work , I have 870 maps on the sdcard , but if I start tomtom one v3 from the navigo it crashes back to the navigator boot screen. I have patched the maps using BBS TOOLS in the usual manner , and the same files run ok on a navigo and a f&h when patched accordingly ( the patching is done to activate the maps by pairing to the unit , same as on a navigo )

I havent tried altering any menus etc as I dont want to brick it , and am happy to run a single navigation program on the unit from a fat16 sdcard

so I am wondering if anyone has any idea how to run tomtom on a carrera X350 , any instructions , files or anything else that helps to get tomtom actually running ?

thank you

ps:- also looking for an up to date map for the flash ( road angel ? )

united-kingdom_nt_map.cdt for 2011 as the old one is 2007 , and any poi or speedcams etc

pps:- navitotal suggested tomtom navcore 7.450 so going to look for that one and try it , does anyone have a working link ?

18-09-2011, 08:32 AM
I would think that you will need the pda / mobile version of Tomtom as the version for the Tomtom units will only work on the dedicated Tomtom units. If you can get that working on it then you should be able to use the latest v875 maps - without the IQ Routes & ALG etc...

18-09-2011, 08:55 AM
I would think that you will need the pda / mobile version of Tomtom as the version for the Tomtom units will only work on the dedicated Tomtom units. If you can get that working on it then you should be able to use the latest v875 maps - without the IQ Routes & ALG etc...

thank you

just struggling to find the stand alone pda/pna win5 tomtom navcore 7.450 as suggested elsewhere as the 7.910 I have working on the navigo crashes back to boot on this binatone and has been reported on some forums with that error and 7.450 was suggested , but the only ones I can find are cab files and installers

18-09-2011, 02:07 PM
Closest I can find for you is Tomtom 7.450 for PDA

It's @ 19mb & the download link is working, can't help any more with installation etc. sorry