View Full Version : no signal after updating

18-09-2011, 10:31 PM
i couldnt get jsc sports on so put new update inbut by mistake i pressed s/w all update now i cant get a signel so did a factory reset but still says no signel

18-09-2011, 10:36 PM
use the repair tools and reflash it

18-09-2011, 10:36 PM
i couldnt get jsc sports on so put new update inbut by mistake i pressed s/w all update now i cant get a signel so did a factory reset but still says no signel

If your motor setup was Usals you will have lost your longitude & latitude coordinates & this will explain a loss of signal

18-09-2011, 10:38 PM
sounds complicated

18-09-2011, 10:43 PM
can anyone tell me what to do or do i need to buy another box

18-09-2011, 10:50 PM
no your receiver is fine you just need to locate your satellites again,

hopefully your satellite installer entered your usual coordinates in relationship to your postcode

you can find your Latitude & Longitude positions from here -http://www.dishpointer.com/

theres a guide here on how to setup your spiderbox which includes Usuals setup

forgot the link to the guide

here it is https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?130612-Setting-up-your-SpiderBox-Setup-amp-Installation-Guide&p=812351#post812351

19-09-2011, 07:19 AM
hi was trying to put a update in yesterday because my service + wouldnt connect but when i put new update in i pressed s/w update by mistake so a think ive lost all the settings now i get no freeview on box everything just comming up no signal ive put 1111 in to get ethernet on but wont connect and ive never done owt like this before as it was all set up for me when i bought it hope someone can help as wife is going barmy lol

19-09-2011, 07:29 AM
s/w update is correct when updating a box

its s/w + all data that you do not use when doing this

suggest you check the date in system utility , system information which should say sep 5 2011

then if you havent got any channels , download and install my channel list then set it up for usals for your area

then test for bbc1 on 28e and vh1 classic on thor

make sure networking is turned on using 1111 and check the mac address code shows ok in IP SETUP
also check you have a valid ip from your router in IP SETUP


NOTE : do not start more than one thread on the same subject in future
I have merged your 2 threads into one as its better to help you that way

there is no freeview on a spiderbox 9000 , freeview is obtained from your house aerial on a freeview box

19-09-2011, 07:34 AM
sorry i meant i pressed s/w + all data

19-09-2011, 07:44 AM
sorry i meant i pressed s/w + all data

in that case do the rest of what I said in my reply before your last answer and report back

here is todays channel list from me if you want it , setup your usals after loading it


19-09-2011, 08:10 AM
thanks for the channel list so i dont have to mess with ips or anything and how do i know what my usals should be set at

19-09-2011, 08:13 AM
thanks for the channel list so i dont have to mess with ips or anything and how do i know what my usals should be set at

I dont know what you have to mess with as you dont answer questions , you dont volunteer any information and its like trying to get blood from a stone when dealing with you , you still havent answered the questions I asked of you in post 8

one line answers wont help much in dealing with this

you can get your usals settings from the info that compass posted yesterday , which is now higher up this thread in post 6 because I merged the 2 threads into one for clarity

if you arent going to read and follow what has already been given to you then I can assure you that you wont fix your box

if you dont want to use the link by compass to get your coordinates , use a gps satnav as that will tell you the same details

19-09-2011, 08:18 AM
like i said ive never done it before so you might as well be talking spanish to me ive downloaded feb update and sept update hd softcam and your channel list i will try em later

19-09-2011, 08:24 AM
like i said ive never done it before so you might as well be talking spanish to me ive downloaded feb update and sept update hd softcam and your channel list i will try em later

well its time that you did learn , seeing as you effed it up by pressing the wrong selection using the buttons , there is a first time for everybody , which is why the guides have been posted in the guide section , so that even a numpty can follow it , due to the fact that the guides contain step by step details on getting a spiderbox up and running


we were all new once , the difference is that I read and follow what has been asked , and when asked a question I try to answer it by giving the answer asked for , as do most forum members here , I even posted some of those guides for clarity

you ask for technical help on a technical forum to solve a technical problem and then complain when its given to you

you could read every haynes manual on the planet but it does not turn you into a car mechanic , so hands on experience and learning from your mistakes is what makes the human being ( homo sapien ) what he is today , making airbus or boeing dreamliners or a merc into such marvellous transporters

remember , in the eyes of the law , ignorance is no excuse , just a starting point to revelation ;)

19-09-2011, 08:39 AM
Without finding and entering your lon & lat in the USALS settings you're wasting your time loading channel lists and all the other stuff - if your box doesn't know where to point the dish to then you'll get nothing. Do as ^^COMPASS^^ & echelon have told you to do - find the lon & lat for your location and get this entered into your Spider. After that, you can start worrying about everything else.

19-09-2011, 09:16 AM
why is the selection on the update then as you put it it effs the box up

19-09-2011, 09:23 AM
why is the selection on the update then as you put it it effs the box up

its there to restore a full backup of your system , it does not eff the box up at all

choosing s/w update is used for a patch update which is the selection YOU should have used

choosing s/w + all data is used for a full restore of your system using the stb+all uad you previously save onto a usb stick

so you should have backed up your box using the all data uad option to usb stick in the past , or just before updating your box ( which I always do ) , then if there is a problem you restore it using s/w + all data from that UAD file you backed up and you are back to how you were

in your case you did a patch update ( s/w update ) but chose the wrong option in the menu , despite warnings on this forum for over 18 months about it !

if you had read the guides you would have known what you are doing , AND should have done a UAD backup AND channel list backup AND noted down your usals settings before proceeding to try repatching it

dont blame the box for your mistakes , the details are all there for a reason , and prevention is better than cure

and dont start second guessing stuff you know nothing about either

19-09-2011, 09:28 AM
the box int that good anyway channels off and on all time

19-09-2011, 09:32 AM
the box int that good anyway channels off and on all time

in that case sell it to somebody that knows what they are doing and subscribe to vermin or sly where you do pay for channels and expect 24/7/365 service , or stick with freeview

thread closed

update , it now appears that his usals had reset to zero , and now he has entered his coordinates from dishpointer he is getting fta channels again