View Full Version : Dale Farm Gypsy Eviction

North Star
19-09-2011, 04:13 PM
Anyone know if there is a live feed for this Dale Farm Gypsy Eviction

19-09-2011, 04:46 PM
mate u must be bored...

19-09-2011, 04:58 PM
Try 2 degrees East, but you will need inclined tracking for that bird

North Star
19-09-2011, 05:03 PM
Not bored just want to see the full story not the edited version...

Thanks Scopus

19-09-2011, 05:06 PM
i doubt there would be commentary...

keith mawer
19-09-2011, 05:08 PM
YES!!!!!!!! ITS ON SLY NEWS... i understand the baliffs have issued the last writes.... and will try to enter the site very soon,,,,
this has cost £18miilion so far.... i guess i may be the only one , but i say let them stay ,, there not hurting anyone.....im sure there are a lot worst things in life ,,,,,!!!!!!!

North Star
19-09-2011, 05:17 PM
Have to agree with you on that one Kieth.

Not bothered about commentary don't usually have it on feeds

19-09-2011, 05:18 PM
you might be the only one maybe?
keith they stole the land,why should they stay.
if they have money for brand new caravans cars and vans then they have money to buy a proper property on a land where they pay there bit,not sponging of others.
it should never have lasted 10 years,local councils need tougher laws to evict them etc.
thats my rant.lol


19-09-2011, 05:41 PM
" i guess i may be the only one , but i say let them stay ,, there not hurting anyone.....im sure there are a lot worst things in life ,,,,,!!!!!!! "

So if someone decided to park his vehicle on the pedestrian footpath outside your house, and he decided to do that every day for 10 years, you or your neighbours would not complain, as he is not hurting anyone, and yes there are worse things in life " Watching Big Brother " for starters.

19-09-2011, 06:05 PM
At least if they stay the police know where a lot of criminals are.
They have well know people on the site that have been involved in many crimes. including a £9m fraud, £7m tax evasion on illegal cigaretts, they have many fuel theft crimes liked to them.
Then there is just building and telling the rest of us who get planning to go to Hell.
Why should they be a special case and build where they want, any normall person will have it knocked down and be given the bill.

Also if they are travellers why have most not moved in over 10 years.

Some have massive homes back in southern ireland, one is a local landlord with over 20 houses
Do they all pay their tax's?

I have a freind who lives too close to the place and he could not sell his house if he wanted to, property is blighted by the camp.

19-09-2011, 06:07 PM
you might be the only one maybe?
keith they stole the land,why should they stay.
if they have money for brand new caravans cars and vans then they have money to buy a proper property on a land where they pay there bit,not sponging of others.
it should never have lasted 10 years,local councils need tougher laws to evict them etc.
thats my rant.lol


afaik think they bought the land was scrapyard they did not have planning permision

North Star
19-09-2011, 06:08 PM
Hi Lads going to close the thread as this don't want it turning out to be a thread that could be started in the general chat forum