View Full Version : Recommendations for a good low noise 0.1 LNB

24-09-2011, 12:21 PM
Seem like my LNB needs replacing I currently use a Technomate Gold 0.1 LNB which gives me a watchable signal for MBC channels on BADR 26E even in cloudy weather (60% signal quality)
Can anyone recommend a decent LNB as good as or better than my current one.


26-09-2011, 09:18 PM
Inverto Black Ultra (not Premium) is the best of many I have used even though the spec sheet shows it to be 0.2 db.

29-09-2011, 12:14 AM
the ultra rocks, this is the one i use

Quad HGLN 40mm LNB IDLB-QUDL40-ULTRA-OPP but not sure if you can get it as a single.

29-09-2011, 01:00 AM
Inverto Black Ultra Single LNB with 70db max gain it is the best LNB by a mile that i have tested and beats any and every 0.1db LNB that ive tried and tested .
as you can see by below screenshot my Signal levels on MBC And other 26e channels remain steady flawless signal 24/7 regardless of what the weather is doing outside :king-042:


29-09-2011, 01:27 PM
Could you tell me the product number thanks.

29-09-2011, 04:07 PM
@ Barney, Good to see you back on the forum after your accident. Hope alls going well.
On your recommendation I've just ordered one of those LNBs.

simon 2003
29-09-2011, 05:25 PM
ive got a black ultra on my fibo and even though its been converted ,very good LNB best about at the moment in my opinion

01-10-2011, 08:51 PM
Quick update ordered the Inverto Black Ultra I will let you know how it performs

04-10-2011, 06:06 AM
Just wondering, are these 0.1 LNBs real?
Or Just a sticker that shows the wrong value to justify the higer price?

15-10-2011, 03:57 PM
I've just fitted my new Inverto Black Ultra Single LNB. I tested my old one first and then tested the Inverto.
These are the results.

.........................TM Ultra high gain 0.1db.....Inverto Black Ultra Single 0.2db
45E 11685V.................. S72 Q58.....................S74 Q70
26E 11919H.................. S70 Q48.....................S74 Q60
21.6E 11561H............... S60 Q32.....................S61 Q40
4W 10889V................... S72 Q44.....................S75 Q58
11W 11548H................. S60 Q48.....................S62 Q54

16-10-2011, 07:46 AM
Thanks Satcat,
So the Inverto Black Ultra Single 0.2db is giving a better performance than the TM Ultra high gain 0.1db!
Just shows that the sticker on the LNB is not always a proof of better quality.

16-10-2011, 07:20 PM
Backing up Satcats findings with the Inverto Black Ultra

Triax TD88 County Durham Spiderbox 9000 Readings

Smart Titanium 0.1 DB Inverto Black Ultra Twin 0.2db
26E 11919H.................. S75 Q62.....................S86 Q70

16-10-2011, 08:57 PM
Don't want to jump on the Inverto band wagon but I have been around a long time and fitted many many different LNB's on many different dishes and I have never come across any LNB has good as the Inverto Black Ultra. I got my first one about six months ago to fit on my 80cm dish for 16.0e because my ALPS would breakup with rain and the Inverto gave me an extra 7% and no more breakups in rain, since then I have now fitted two more on my Triax 88cm dish one for 0.8w and one for 4.8e. BTW my three Inverto's are quad.

16-10-2011, 10:08 PM
How much performance difference is there between the Black Ultra & Black Premium? I have a twin premium on my 1m dish for Badr 26 east & receive 100% signal & 100% strength so there's no point changing that but I am thinking of getting a new lnb for my 1.3m dish on 28.2 which does break up in bad weather.

17-10-2011, 06:06 AM
To avoid break up in bad weather, I would use any product that gives me a signal improvement.
Since you already have 1.3m dish a better quality LNB is alogical choice.

18-10-2011, 03:52 PM

I was one of the first people on here to say how pleased I was with my black Ultra. Subsequently many others have also been pleased with the Ultra. Although you get good results with the Premium I don't recall having seen any recommendations for that LNB. Although the black Ultra is more expensive than the Premium it has certainly produced excellent results for many people.

simon 2003
18-10-2011, 07:15 PM
How much performance difference is there between the Black Ultra & Black Premium? I have a twin premium on my 1m dish for Badr 26 east & receive 100% signal & 100% strength so there's no point changing that but I am thinking of getting a new lnb for my 1.3m dish on 28.2 which does break up in bad weather.

try it you wont be disapointed ,i had a black premium,C120 (i know there a bit different) on my fibo gregor dish and struggled with stuff on 16e,and got nothing on 7w,i had a ultra converted from 40mm collar to a fibo horn and the results were amazing,got 2 or 3 of the strong TP'S on 7w and solved my 16 e issues

14-11-2011, 05:58 PM
My LNB failed a couple of days ago due to the front face breaking up,possibly due to weather or birds. Took the advice here and got the Black Ultra twin. The results are impressive. Thanks for the advice.

15-11-2011, 06:17 PM
I've just fitted my new Inverto Black Ultra Single LNB. I tested my old one first and then tested the Inverto.
These are the results.

.........................TM Ultra high gain 0.1db.....Inverto Black Ultra Single 0.2db
45E 11685V.................. S72 Q58.....................S74 Q70
26E 11919H.................. S70 Q48.....................S74 Q60
21.6E 11561H............... S60 Q32.....................S61 Q40
4W 10889V................... S72 Q44.....................S75 Q58
11W 11548H................. S60 Q48.....................S62 Q54

I don't pay much attention to S & Q in fairness, has anybody measured the difference in dBuv & dB's?

You've all pretty much convinced me already I'm just curious now

15-11-2011, 06:42 PM
Another black ultra fan here i'm afraid, works great on my 1.2m channel master :D

17-11-2011, 10:36 PM
just get the black ultra, it rocks

22-11-2011, 09:27 PM
Inverto Black Ultra as well.

Got 2 Of them.
A Quad and a Single!

22-11-2011, 09:39 PM
Titanium [ QUAD ] Works fine for me [0.1 db]

22-11-2011, 11:01 PM
inverto black ultra twin is going on my dish soon too

16-12-2011, 02:26 AM
fitted a inverto black ultra and it def is the best lnb i have ever used. was using a dark gold 0.1db lnb.

here the comparisson

amos 4w
10723 v 30000 dvb-s2 2/3
dark gold 0.1db ********S50********>Q30 - NO LOCK

inverto black ultra 0.2 ********S72********>50 - LOCK

12-01-2012, 08:21 PM
fitted a inverto black ultra and it def is the best lnb i have ever used. was using a dark gold 0.1db lnb.

here the comparisson

amos 4w
10723 v 30000 dvb-s2 2/3
dark gold 0.1db ********S50********>Q30 - NO LOCK

inverto black ultra 0.2 ********S72********>50 - LOCK

Looks like i could be moving to an inverto soon then from the dark lnb.

Nice results.


23-01-2012, 07:46 PM
fitted a inverto black ultra and it def is the best lnb i have ever used. was using a dark gold 0.1db lnb.

here the comparisson

amos 4w
10723 v 30000 dvb-s2 2/3
dark gold 0.1db ********S50********>Q30 - NO LOCK

inverto black ultra 0.2 ********S72********>50 - LOCK
100% agreed. Put one on my dish today signal went up by 5-10%

28-01-2012, 04:13 PM
Put a quad Lnb on another dish and the black ultra was just ok no real improvement in signal strength, I think the single is the best

07-02-2013, 12:02 AM
Invacom as option No 1
Inverto Ultra as No 2

20-08-2013, 07:02 AM
How you give Invacom on priority ? For picking weakest Signals or stable signals ?