View Full Version : Alternative Icecrypt S3000HDCCI firmware.

03-10-2011, 11:24 AM
This is an alternative firmware for the Icecrypt S3000HDCCI receiver.

To install it you will need to downgrade the Icecrypt S3000 using the basic firmware included in the download. On re-powering the basic firmware will ask you for a PIN enter "75 75 75" This will allow you to bypass the loader protection and then you can upgrade to the new alternative firmware(or the official version if you want to return to it).

Ignore any upgrade warnings that the "file size does not match and that wrong firmware will damage your receiver" blah blah. It doesn't and you can always restore it via serial transfer if you do mistakenly brick it. The bootloader on this model is hardware protected so serial recovery should always be available.

The alternative firmware has a different GUI which I find a pleasant improvement over the standard gray version.
The CCCam is very stable and I found it an improvement over the standard one for the services I tested it on.

Please note that the use of this firmware is entirely at your own risk.