View Full Version : 2 more questions when using a dreambox 80se and nemesis image

06-10-2011, 12:26 PM
hi, thanks for the help here Ive had, 2 more questions if i may.............

How do i uninstall a skin when using nemesis image?, I cant seem to find anything in the menus at all to do with uninstalling skins, however i did see how to remove cams in the remove addons section in the blue panel.

Also when i reboot my dreambox, the dreambox sees the connected USB harddrive no problem in menu, but it wont allow me to record, if i try to record i see an error message telling me......
hdd not found or not initialize!

Unless i initialize the hard drive, (which then wipes the thing) i cant record, is this a bug in the image, i never noticed a problem when i used CVS image.


06-10-2011, 09:35 PM
1/ i dont think you can uninstall a skin to the best of my knoledge

2/ the best thing to do is to initailize the th hdd on the icvs image then its done... then it will work on the nemisis image no problem.. thats what i did..!! :respect-055:

06-10-2011, 10:08 PM
1/ i dont think you can uninstall a skin to the best of my knoledge

2/ the best thing to do is to initailize the th hdd on the icvs image then its done... then it will work on the nemisis image no problem.. thats what i did..!! :respect-055:

hi sadly i did that, i already had initialized the hard drive using icvs image,and as soon as i switched back to nemesis i had to wipe it to let me record on it again.

I rebooted the dreambox again a little while ago, same again, now its initialized it working fine, until the box gets rebooted.

07-10-2011, 05:23 PM
This must be a glitsch with the 800se surely or is it just being usb?I just formatted my internal HDD on the 8000 when I started and it has worked faultlessly with all images - flash or usb. Hope you get it sorted soon though. Is it possible to put a HDD internally - I am sure you would not have this problem then. Not knowing the box I dont know if this is possible. Brain

07-10-2011, 05:45 PM
I don't think So, i have recordings dating from june, and after 70 flashing's i still see them !
Problem is elsewhere, i guess !

07-10-2011, 06:01 PM
@passete - i am with you here but i go back to a suggestion I made a few weeks ago - we need a list of a. HDD's that work well with DB's and also methods of formatting - normally box does it but if the HDD is a problem might the fault like there?Like you HDD,DVD writer/player - all worked from word go - is it internal/external difference? Brain

07-10-2011, 07:08 PM

I did about 8 recording last night each one was fine, without any problem, then this morning i decided i would reboot the dreambox, and as i thought i wasnt able to record on the hard drive once it rebooted, the dreambox saw the hard drive in the menus, but when i press record, it said no hdd or it wasn't initialized.

I then wiped the hard drive and i have done about 7 records since,all without issue.

It seems im not the only one having problems with usb harddrives, I have found something on the internet of interest. i might try it, but its for the 800 and i have the 800se, so I am in two minds as to try it.

Ive re flashed my box so many times of late, i might just be tempted to leave it for now, as i don't really have anything on the hard drive i want to keep.

P/S am i allowed to post a link to another forum on here, if i am, i can share the info ive found to get comments on the info i found.

07-10-2011, 07:12 PM
i know there is a file ye need to go into sometimes if drive isnt found and remove the hash(stop sign) ftp worked on mine a while ago,cant remember how but it is on a forum

07-10-2011, 07:14 PM
yes this is like what ive found on the net however there is no hash, you need to write something in the config.

not sure if i dare try it, as its meant to be for the 800 and im not sure if it will give me problems if i try it on a 800se

07-10-2011, 07:24 PM
it is a hash i removed on 800 here

07-10-2011, 07:27 PM
ok thanks, if u could find the info please let us know.

this is what ive found on the net..............

posted by someone called kdol on another forum

I have a USB HDD formatted fat32 and rebooting the 800 always resulted in needing to re-initialise the hdd and hence losing any recordings (made me very popular in my house!!).

For the 800 use the /etc/init.d/rcS file and add mount /dev/sda1 /media/hdd at the very bottom of the above file.

I have rebooted the 800 a few times now and the recordings remain ... what a relief!!

if anyone wants to comment please feel free.

07-10-2011, 07:30 PM
removing a skin should be in software management/remove software...its is on the DM500s anyway..lol

07-10-2011, 07:37 PM
removing a skin should be in software management/remove software...its is on the DM500s anyway..lol

i dont see it in the 800se software, i do see software management but no remove software

07-10-2011, 09:13 PM
i also have reflashed my box a million times since i initialized my hdd and never lost a recording..!! :hat:

07-10-2011, 09:19 PM
i also have reflashed my box a million times since i initialized my hdd and never lost a recording..!! :hat:

do you own a 800se, what image are you using, and lastly do you use a usb harddrive?


07-10-2011, 09:35 PM
pm sent m8

07-10-2011, 09:46 PM
i also have reflashed my box a million times since i initialized my hdd and never lost a recording..!! :hat:
You must be the Lucky One, did you tried lotery ?

:D :D :D

07-10-2011, 11:10 PM
do you own a 800se, what image are you using, and lastly do you use a usb harddrive?


yes i have an 800se... the image is nemisis... and its an internal hdd .. western digital..!

07-10-2011, 11:32 PM
This obviously does answer part of the problem as I said in my earlier reply.See below. If the 800 can have an internal one then do that. I have and it all works well with no probs - Nem/PP2.3/Oozoon.- Flash or usb. Cheers - Brain

This must be a glitsch with the 800se surely or is it just being usb?I just formatted my internal HDD on the 8000 when I started and it has worked faultlessly with all images - flash or usb. Hope you get it sorted soon though. Is it possible to put a HDD internally - I am sure you would not have this problem then. Not knowing the box I dont know if this is possible. Brain

08-10-2011, 08:53 AM
hi, i decided to add the following info as i found on the internet, it didn't make an difference.
here is what i tried

I would definitely add the following 2 lines to the bottom of the rcS file in etc/init.d
mount /dev/sda1 /media/hdd
mkdir /media/hdd/movie

08-10-2011, 09:04 AM
I know it means a little more expense, but lets ask another question. Are you also running images from usb? If so could there be a conflict here? Having read all the above suggest the internal HDD may be the answer unless Passete can confirm his is a usb one? As I said and as has been shown here an internal one so far has no problems at all. Worth a try? Cheers - Brain. PS - can you go via software management/advanced options/packet managment to then choose and remove a package for the skin problem on the 800? Just a thought.

08-10-2011, 04:38 PM
I know it means a little more expense, but lets ask another question. Are you also running images from usb? If so could there be a conflict here? Having read all the above suggest the internal HDD may be the answer unless Passete can confirm his is a usb one? As I said and as has been shown here an internal one so far has no problems at all. Worth a try? Cheers - Brain. PS - can you go via software management/advanced options/packet managment to then choose and remove a package for the skin problem on the 800? Just a thought.

hi was that question aimed at me?

if it was.........

no im not running any image from a usb device at all, ive got the image installed only on my dreambox

08-10-2011, 05:38 PM
hi, ive decided to go back to icvs image, problem has gone, so to me this must be a bug in the nemesis image, which affects my type of hard drive

Rebooted 4 or 5 times, still have my recordings in icvs image