View Full Version : simple guide to setting up a Spiderbox 7000/9000

09-10-2011, 10:00 AM
new simple guide to setting up a spiderbox 7000 or 9000 HD or or 9900HD or HD combo

forget epg files until you know what you are doing

use winzip , winrar or 7zip to open the files after downloading ( basic pc skills required here )
ALWAYS unpack the files from zip or rar containers into their RAW STATE before copying them to a USB stick

Glossary of terms used :- https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?150966-Glossary-etc

1) first job is check the date in the menu-system-info and if it isnt feb 2011 or oct 2011,
patch it from usb stick to feb 2011 by selecting S/W update ( usually from a 2010 date )

so bring it up to 2011 standards first , ignore the above if its already got 2011 in the menu or at least patch it up to LATE 2011 before bringing it right up to date

then factory reset and update by usb stick to MARCH 2012, use S/W Update , and then factory reset it again

MARCH 2012 is now the latest patch and so is the latest date in menu - system info

so we are updating a previous 2011 date to the latest patch date available , in this case MARCH 2012

Installing the Patch

EXTRACT the file (*.uad) from the rar file and copy it to your USB stick (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/USB-Pen-Drive-2gb.html).
You must extract the file using winzip or winrar or a similar program as the rar file on a USB stick (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/USB-Pen-Drive-2gb.html) will not be of any use to you.

Insert the USB stick (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/USB-Pen-Drive-2gb.html) into one of the USB ports in your spiderbox (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/SpiderBox/).

Go to the Accessory Section of the menu and select USB.

Scroll to the .uad file you have copied there and press OK

In the popup window, select S/W Update

Wait for your box to load the patch.. DO NOT POWER OFF

The box will reboot by itself with the new patch installed

Now go back into the menu and perform another factory reset , just to be sure its done

wait for the reboot , and check the date in menu-system info is still correct

if the ethernet says "connecting" , turn the box off at the mains switch for a minute, then turn back on


Reboot the box... switch off the Ethernet ,exit and go back to Ethernet and switch on should be ok.

2) now it is patched and up to date , do the following

add the channel file from a usb stick that has been formatted to fat32 , or formatted in the spiderbox menu and input your usals coordinates too

now turn on the networking with 1111 by highlighting NETWORK in orange (below UNKNOWN) and using the remote control to key in 1111

this turns on the ethernet "gift" using the remote control which you can check later , KEY EDIT will now appear just above NETWORK

also turn on both ucas options in KEY EDIT above NETWORK , and also reset keydata in there afterwards ,again using the remote control

now load the HDsoftcam from usb stick using the remote control and browsing to it and then select it using OK , say yes to importing it

then check your usals or diseqc settings as required ( especially if you have a vbox ) using the remote control
menu-installation-motor setup-0000-press green button , put coordinates in the 2 boxes and save (for USALS users)

now alter any user settings in the menu for your own preferences as required by you using the remote control (like the RF channel)

then check it picks up free to air satellite channels on all satellites you can receive using the remote control

(now check menu-accessories-network-ethernet and ensure it says Connected , only use register the first time you use it) - THIS NO LONGER WORKS SO IGNORE IT

lastly , test on ethernet and ucas channels , opened by those emus using the remote control (press info twice to check the channel source)

so that is :-

factory reset - then load the latest firmware (mar2012) - then factory reset again , then turn on network using 1111 , turn on both ucas too in keyedit

load in a channel list and put in your usals coordinates in motor setup , then load in softcam last

now check your satellites and channels are ok , starting with a few fta channels on each satellite

pressing the remote control <Pr button brings up the client list , instead of going into the network section


3) if you have altered the mac code in any way the box will have trouble connecting to the router and internet, so dont touch it
if you have altered the 12 character hexadecimal mac code , or its all showing zeros , enter it again using the remote control
it can be found on a white label inside the spiderbox on the actual motherboard , use a torch to see it through the top vents
write it down on a sheet of paper and keep it with your instruction manual - just in case

if and when you are au fait with epg settings , then use whichever epg file you wish from usb stick and do the epg download
you can only use one of the files , even though there are dozens , so choose the one you require , possibly the sly uk 28e one for UK

using dishpointer , or a gps satnav will tell you your usals location ( your coordinates ) , as will many sites like bing maps or google maps

for more detailed info or info not in this simple guide refer back to the detailed posts made earlier in this thread or in other threads in the spiderbox sections



download softcam

unpack to a folder on your hdd

copy that folder to usb stick formatted to fat32

put in spiderbox usb port

press menu and go to usb option and ok it , and navigate to the softcam folder you copied over

highlight the softcam file and press ok

you will be asked if you wish to import that file , say yes and ok it

2 seconds later its done

_________________________________ ____________________--


EXTRA COMBO INFO on accessing terrestrial channels

if you press the sat button and scroll to the end of the list you will see terrestrial
press ok on terrestrial that should take you into the channel list

12-11-2011, 08:22 AM
message to all from boxer26


For those of you with this problem, try the September patch. If it works for you, use it.
Some of you will have to use the mandatory patch from 10th October to keep your ethernet status up to date.

more info from anrakh on this problem and solution

Try this.

When doing the upgrade, have UCAS and ethernet turned off.
Don't turn them back on until the full process, including both factory resets, is complete.

It seems to have cured this problem that I had with one of my boxes. my problem seems to be gone too. I have to thank Boxer26 for the suggestion.

Just to be sure, I reloaded the Sept patch and then followed the process for Patching to the latest one with UCAS and Ethernet turned off.

Looks like it worked.



06-07-2012, 12:10 PM
for an incoming line no changes need to be made to any router, or its nat firewall , or anything else like ports

the only proviso with NETGEAR ROUTERS (and I use them too) is to preferably have the spiderbox on a fixed ip, and I am sure the tutorials explain this as its a commonly known fact but I will explain it once more in this sticky thread

so if your netgear router ip addy is say , then set the spiderbox to say so its well away from , or 3 etc

so a common system on a spiderbox from a netgear would be like this in IP SETUP

Mac Address will be greyed out

and APPLY and save it

or another may be

1st DNS
2nd DNS

reboot the spiderbox and ensure its logged into the router by checking the admin panel in the router in attached devices
I also add it to the allowed LAN IP SETUP settings in the admin panel so each piece of equipment has its own IP setting apart from laptops which I allow to login automatically between say 2 and 10 on the IP range of 2 to 254

the router ip address can be different, like say or or etc,
mine is (

the Subnet netmask is always the same at

the 1st dns and 2nd dns are google`s public dns servers,

you may have the 1st dns set to which is your router, but I use the google public servers, there are alternative DNS`s if you so wish to search for them and use them instead

I would choose an ip address of 10 or above for a spiderbox, so anything between say and say for instance

other equipment like tv, sly box , blade , dreambox ,vu, icecrypt, eagle, xbox , ps3 , laptop , pc desktop or tower, kindle etc may all have a different ip address

generally speaking a spiderbox will connect with any C or N line providing all the details are correct, no typos, lower case , correct port etc

you can easily test an ethernet cable , or homeplugs , by plugging a laptop into the cable instead of the actual spiderbox (or satellite box) and turn off the wifi on the laptop, making it rely on the 100 mbps LAN connection, and ensure you can google or try the bbc website etc. it should instantly connect by 100 mbps lan and allow you to search the internet from this laptop using the wired connection

you can also try a vonets wifi in the same way, just turn off the internal 54mpbs wifi G or N wireless first ( or the older B type 12 mbps on an old laptop)

You can not put a USB broadband dongle directly into a Spiderbox.
Use a PC or a router and connect that with a dongle if you must use one

Edimax sell suitable usb routers to take a wifi broadband type of dongle
the dongle plugs into the router usb port, and the spiderbox plugs in as normal using an ethernet port


if you wish to use a sly card in the spiderbox , it will work by inserting it with the chip on the underside, and you can view c5HD , sony-tv and sony-tv +1 from a freesat card

it will also work if you subscribe to the family pack too

BUT , if you have sports and/or movies on the card you will have to enter the boxkey as well


obtain the boxkey, press ok where it says NDS and enter the 8 character hexadecimal boxkey using the red button and save it , you should now be able to view sports and movies (if you subscribe to them)

the spiderbox will auto update the card too, just like being in its original sly box

pressing info button twice will tell you SMARTCARD as the source for this, meaning its using your card to decode the scrambled channel

some info in this thread too https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?147900-White-card-update-in-Spiderbox-Urban-myth-or-not




1. Press MENU on remote & browse to MOTOR SETUP press ok
2. scroll down to COMMAND
2. scroll using right arrow button until you see GO TO CENTRE press ok
3. you will see a message displayed COMMAND EXECUTED
4. then press EXIT

you also have the option to Recalculate Position in Command options

I Used to use a TM motor & found motor drift whilst using USALS, switching to Diseqc solved this.

But i moved on to Supreme Intelligent Dark Motor which works with USALS & Diseqc

details here too


28-08-2013, 04:42 PM
use an 8 way DiSEqC switch to work between a motorised dish and 7 LNBs on 3 other dishes.

Credit to William-1 for a detailed guide.........

How to set up 16 Lnb's on a Spiderbox+Fixed & Motorized Dish Instructions

On the "DiSEqC Switch" page there are 4 ports, DisEqC 1 - 4 that can be set to a satellite each, but on the "Satellite Search" page, there are option for "DiSEqC Port" that can be set to between 1 - 4, setting this then gives you an option for "DisEqC Uncommit" that can be set between 1 - 16

How to set up 16 Lnb's on a SpiderBox
This is what opens the DiSEqC menu
1/Satellite Search
2/DiSEqC port 1 to 4
3/DiSEqC Uncommit select 1 to 16
Now you can set up 16 Lnb's from this menu

So to set up 16 Lnb's on a Spiderbox is easy,
1/ select the satellite
2/ select the DiSEqC port 1 to 4
3/select DiSEqC Uncommit 1 to 16
In theory it should be possible to set up 16 to 64 Lnb's in this menu.

Select 2nd satellite ect ...................

In the DiSEqC menu

Select DiSEqC 1 for any one of your sats on the moving dish and DiSEqC for the sat on your fixed dish.

In the Satellite search menu

Set it up so that all the sats on the moving dish are DiSEqC 1 and the fixed dish sat is DiSEqC 2.

The DiSEqC switch you require is just a DiSEqC 2 X 1 satellite switch, the centre connection goes to your spider and I will leave it you you to work out which dish connects to A and B on the switch(If you can'not remember if the fixed dish was A or B.. but it will only take a moment to swap the connections if it does not work )

Use a fixed on 28E and the motor for the rest.

thanks go to william1 and alimac

28-08-2013, 06:52 PM
looking at various posts regarding using vboxes and other satellite boxes, and reading billybits notes, it seems to me you do the following

set the spiderbox to use diseqc v1.2

then set the vbox up to the following example

I would think that if you are starting from scratch then start with say position 01 on 45 east and work your way round until you are on say 45 west so that the vbox steps around in order from left to right , from east to west

on a spiderbox list this translates to something like the following from billybits notes

around 37 in total ; like this

Satellite Positions Used.

1 45.0E , 2 42.0E , 3 40.0E , 4 39.0E , 5 36.0E , 6 33.0E
7 31.0E , 8 28.2E , 9 26.0E , 10 23.5E , 11 21.6E , 12 19.2E
13 16.0E , 14 13.0E , 15 10.0E , 16 9.0E , 17 7.0E , 18 4.8E
19 3.1E , 20 0.8W , 21 1.0W , 22 4.0W , 23 5.0W , 24 7.0W
25 8.0W , 26 11.0W , 27 12.5W , 28 15.0W , 29 18.0W , 30 22.0W
31 24.5W , 32 27.5W , 33 30.0W , 34 34.5W , 35 37.5W , 36 43.0W
37 45.0W

so you send the vbox to 45.0 east and lock it into position 1 , then 42.0 east and lock it to position 2 , keep going until all the positions are as above

then use the spiderbox in diseqc v1.2 mode and store 45.0 east to position 1 , 42 east to position 2 , and keep going until you have done them all up to 45 west on position 37

then when you select say 28.2 east on position 8 in the spiderbox, it tells the vbox to go to position 8 , which is where you stored astra 2

this would be true for almost any box using the vbox as a positioner, as you are translating from diseqc v1.2 commands to the actual vbox positions

so reset the vbox , set the positions from 45 east to 45 west according to the table, then set the spiderbox to the same postions in your diseqc v1.2 menu , when finished you should have about 37 positions stored in the vbox and in the spiderbox


start with 45e and set both to position 1 and make sure they both work

then set position 2 to 42e and make sure that works on both

then set position 3 to 40e and make sure that works on both

keep going until you have reached 45w

if you miss any out or dont use them , still keep to the same numbering scheme in case you need to put them in later

the point about this is the need to have it all organised, which is why I made sure that almost every satellite was mentioned above and given a number and the order goes from low to high as the dish moves around the arc from east to west

so something like this with the blackdevil 6000 channel list and a vbox and positioner

01 - Intelsat 12 (45*Ε)
02 - Turk*sat 1c/2a (42*E)
04 - Hellas Sat (39*E)
08 - Eurobird 1-astra 2a/2b/2d (28,5*E)
09 - Badr 3/4-eurobird 2 (26*Ε)
10 - Astra (23,5*E)
12 - Astra 1kr (19,2*E)
13 - Eutelsat W2 (16*E)
14 - Hotbird (13*E)
15 - Eutelsat W1 (10*E)
16 - Eurobird 9 (9*E)
17 - Eutelsat W3a (7*E)
18 - Sirius 2 (4,8*E)
19 - Eutelsat 3C (3,1*E)
20 - Thor-Intelsat (0,8*w-1*w)
22 - Amos 2 (4*w)
23 - Atlantic Bird 3 (5*w)
24 - Nilesat 101/102 (7*w)
26 - Express AM (11*W)
27 - Atlantic Bird 1 (12,5*w)
28 - Telestar 12 (15*w)
30 - Nss 7 (22*w)
31 - Intel 905 (24,5*W)
33 - Hispasat (30*w)

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?58680-install-FAQ-thread post #6 has the strongest transponders in a list for this task