View Full Version : NavMan s30 3D help!!!!!

keith lard
10-10-2011, 07:42 PM
My mate gave me his Navman s30 3D sat nav
just suddenly said 'no maps found'

I have the installation cd (when explored maps are on it)

Could anyone tell me how to install the uk maps again???

keeps asking for a serial number, but tried everything on the paperwork and the box

nothing will work.

any ideas?????? how to get around this????


10-10-2011, 08:11 PM
dont know about your satnav but most satnavs have the maps on a card , like sdcard or the miniature ones

so no maps found would indicate to me the card is missing or been formatted

keith lard
10-10-2011, 08:46 PM
Hi Echelon and thanks for your reply!

The sat nav has has no SD card in it, even when it was working.
Just wondering how to istall maps via the CD?

I have formatted the drive in the sat nav unit (about 460Mb)

Just cant get the maps to work or install (keeps asking for a serial) in which all the paper work, simply is none.

also looks like my mate bought it from Argos.

Must be a way around this.


10-10-2011, 09:08 PM
This is from memory,but can't be trusted these days, but may be with a try.
Connect device to PC > Start > My computer.
Right click on Navman under removable drive left click on format. (must be FAT)
When done open Navdesk
Disconnect device let it restart then re connect the device.
When Navdesk synchronised click Tools > reinstall software.
When reinstalled the software and you have had the screen “software successfully installed” click okay
Disconnect device, let it restart then reconnect
Let Navdesk synchronised and more tabs will appear.
Tools > Recover keys with the DVD into the drive
When downloaded disconnect the device let it restart then reconnect.
Now you can install the maps and voices as standard.

keith lard
11-10-2011, 05:30 PM
Bob Thank you so much for that!

Its come back to life!

