View Full Version : spiderbox and 3d

10-10-2011, 10:36 PM
Hi guys
does anybody knows if spiderbox 9000 is compatible with 3d channels. i am thinking of buying 3d tv and i have subscription to few 3d channels at the moment. but at the moment on normal hd tv i dont get any sound or picture on 3d channels.

11-10-2011, 12:32 AM
Hi M8

I have just done a search on the other forum, and it would appear that the Spiderbox is compatible with 3D Channels, here are a few extracts I took from the thread:

Yes you need a Ethernet 1.4 hdmi version to get a 3d picture on your tv!

Not really...I have a samsung 50in 3D tv which work perfect with my spiderbox connected to the tv with the normal HDMI cable provided in the spiderbox when purchased.
All is about the setting on your tv.
When you are on a 3D channel, you will see a split screen. Just use your remote (you will find a 3D botton on it) to do the setting...(TV Remote I assume)

Any high-speed Cat2 HDMI cable capable of full HD1080p is sufficient for sending and receiving 3D video streams

1.4i is a marketing gimmick to get you to pay more..

I can confirm that a normal hdmi cable works..i have a 3d tv and watched some of the 3d demo channels...its brill..just waiting for a 3d channel on service+ and ill be as happy as a pig in sh**

I hope that this info will be of some help to you.

11-10-2011, 05:42 AM
cheers mate.

11-10-2011, 09:38 AM
I always wondered about the 3d gimmick and hdmi. Was wondering if the 3D button on your remote just makes the LED flash. And that all tv's are 3D anyhew. 3D to me has always been a cinematic flop, looks good for cartoons but film seems to fall short with the odd effect to make it worth the £40 to get into an Im*x3D.

11-10-2011, 10:40 AM
Works perfect using spiderbox and hdmi 1.3b.

11-10-2011, 11:34 AM
Am I reading this thread right. I can get a 3D split screen from my spider on my tv(1080i). Are you saying all I need to watch 3D is a pair of 3D glasses?

11-10-2011, 01:03 PM
Am I reading this thread right. I can get a 3D split screen from my spider on my tv(1080i). Are you saying all I need to watch 3D is a pair of 3D glasses?

Providing that you have a 3D TV, it would appear so, and if you had the 3D TV, I would have thought that you would have got the 3D Glasses included with the TV.

11-10-2011, 02:14 PM
I would have thought that you would have got the 3D Glasses included with the TV.
Some don't I'm afraid.
There are at least two Panasonic models on sale at bargain prices at 'never knowingly undersold' retailer that do not include glasses - no doubt to keep the price down to £499 for a full HD 42" plasma Smart-TV
Glasses extra at £107 a pair

11-10-2011, 03:07 PM
Yes you need a Ethernet 1.4 hdmi version to get a 3d picture on your tv!

Not really...
Your quite right Aldo,

It's a shame that these muppets that work in the 'indian food' and 'thing that shoots across the sky now and then' electrical outlets
don't tell the general public this, the robbing, conning b******s
I couldn't believe it when I went out with a m8 a few weeks back to get him a 3d tv that sales-muppets in both stores
told him that the 3d wouldn't work if he didn't buy their special hdmi "lead for life" cable
to top this they said that the cable that sly supply with the HD box would not do the job !
I told the bloke we'd take our chances on our old hdmi lead...
now I can understand that they make very little money on the telly's these days so need to sell the
accessories to increase profit,
but they shouldn't be allowed to blatantly lie like this, should they ?

rant over,
