View Full Version : "IMDB download failed" - any ideas?

11-10-2011, 12:17 AM
im running the latest AAF summer v2 fullusb image, and IMDB isnt working, it brings up the list of possible choices, but no matter whatever one i pick, i get IMDB download failed.

eg, if i goto SKY ACTION on 19e.

find UNIVERSAL SOLDIER on at 01.25am Tuesday - if i select that, i get lots of choices....

Universal Solder (1992)
Universal Soldier: The Return (1999)
Univseral Solder: Regeneration (2009)

etc etc...

if i select ANY of them i get :

"IMDB Download failed"

ive been assured that this ISNT an image issue, but i dont see how it cant be.

i thought it might have been crossEPG data causing the problem, so i took that out of the equation, but same issue!

are there common troubleshooting\ resolutional steps for IMDB issues?
